Sep 16Liked by Matthew Ehret

I greatly enjoy your illuminating comments 👍. Smaller video bites are much appreciated 👏

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Matthew Ehret

An interesting reminder about several characters mentioned in Matt's video clips.

"Thank You For Smoking" (2005)

- A PayPal Mafia production. David Sacks, Producer. Executive Producers: Elon Musk, Peter Thiel and Max Levchin (Ukrainian intelligence operative, on record as pro-censorship, anti-First Amendment for over a decade). Musk referred to the movie in a 2020 appearance on Joe Rogan's podcast, plandemic insanity still at full throttle.

The movie is about lobbying for unpopular, demonized industries in Washington, DC, "Merchants of Death." Dark humor. Much truth. Even understated. Put forward in a comedic over-the-top way, but many subtleties and "drops" to catch in the fast-moving movie that you pick up on new ones each time you watch. Revelation of Method? Psychological Priming? A few:

- A scene where the tobacco lobbyist is being interviewed by the reporter about why he represents a death industry. After pausing the tape recorder he looks at her and says, "population control." Dark humor or truth telling? Up to you to decide.

- The school his son goes to is named "St Euthanasius School."

- In the closing scene the lobbyist teaches tech executives how to divert attention away from safety concerns about cell phones causing cancer with the camera-ready response, "Although we are constantly exploring the subject, currently there's no direct evidence that links cell phones to brain cancer."

Free version of Thank You for Smoking you can watch on your computer, running time is one and a half hours:








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Sep 17Liked by Matthew Ehret

Short clips, good idea.

McGilchrist has some insights that helps me think about this unthinkable geopolitics. Your history context helps too.

And your material on




Gu Hongming,




Thank you.

More please.

[ :-)


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Sep 16Liked by Matthew Ehret

AFAIK Compartmentalization is Kant's Categorical Imperative .

Heinrich Heine was correct about Kant - the omnipulverizer.

Religion and philosophy in Germany : a fragment : Heine, Heinrich, 1797-1856 :


"What a strange contrast did this man's outward life

present to his destructive, world-annihilating thoughts !

In sooth, had the citizens of Königsberg had the least

presentiment of the full significance of his ideas, they

would have felt a far more awful dread at the presence of

this man than at the sight of an executioner, who can but

kill the body. But the worthy folk saw in him nothing

more than a Professor of Philosophy, and as he passed

at his customary hour, they greeted him in a friendly

manner and set their watches by him.

But though Immanuel Kant, the arch-destroyer in the

realm of thought, far surpassed in terrorism Maximilian

Robespierre, he had many similarities with the latter,

which induce a comparison between the two men. "

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Thank you for sharing this Heine essay. I'll be using that quote quite a bit going forward. Better than gold

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Ironically, breaking the video into segments, "categories" , does work!

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18

Immanuel Kant founded the Romantic Movement, relativism.

Sorbonne, Thursday, April 6th, 1922, under the auspices of the French Philosophical Society, Conference a reporter badgered Einstein as being a Kantian - Einstein's response, strong German accent, :

Chacun a son quant-a-soi !

A relativist's truthful answer to relativism!

Einstein had just shown at the conference that all the categories - mass, energy, space, time, particle, wave ... were not categories anymore, oh - the horror.

Ref: TCS 2011 Summer.

original : https://fr.m.wikisource.org/wiki/Einstein_expose_et_discute_sa_th%C3%A9orie

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Checking the original, he said :

Chacun a son Kant propre.

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Sep 16Liked by Matthew Ehret

I too also enjoyed your breaking the long discussion into smaller videos...

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Bravo! So much to process these days.

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I do believe you have a winner. It’s brief, also convenient. plenty of material to get you thinking and leaving you wanting more information.

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