Lonnnnngggg history of these satanists “getting their way” by any means possible! God Bless!!!

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The practice of sacrificing a first-born son remains in modern day satanism.

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Kali does NOT demand a sacrifice of children's blood.

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1933 - July 3, 1933. Over 100,000 Jews gather at Soldier Field in Chicago to celebrate 3,000 years of Jewish history and nationhood by worshipping a fire-breathing statue of Moloch and feeding it children which we can only hope were not real. The event was called “The Romance of a People.” It was organized by the Zionist Organization of America, sponsored by the Jewish Agency for Palestine, and produced by Meyer Weisgal, with help from Rabbi Solomon Goldman as well as Maurice Samuel, the author of “You Gentiles.” One of the big speakers at the event was none other than Chaim Weismann, first president of Israel and the guy who alongside Lionel Walter Rothschild authored the Balfour Declaration, which was the agreement that dragged the US into WW1 in exchange for the British stealing Palestine from Ottoman Turkey and allowing Jews to settle there. 

Full article here: https://floridanationalists.com/2022/09/16/video-150k-jews-gather-in-chicago-for-child-sacrifice-ritual-first-president-of-israel-in-attendance/


Another source here: https://interactive.wttw.com/a/chicago-stories-jewish-chicago-1833-1933


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I have read accounts of the Zionist day at the 1933 Worlds Fair which professed to feature a dramatic enactment of 5000 years of history from a Jewish vantage point and can't find a full recording featuring the before or after that Moloch scene. While I would say the entire affair was nasty zionist propaganda to promote a zionist state, I don't believe that it was praising Moloch as so many white nationalist websites have promoted it all over the internet. Moloch child sacrifice is prominently featured in many books of the Jewish bible and it is always portrayed as an evil that the Jewish prophets fought against. I would bet that if we find a full recording of the event (if it exists) it would not promote a pro-Moloch child sacrifice message.

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Hi Matt, perhaps the absence of a complete record of the event already speaks a story? 
The elaboration of co-producer Maurice Samuel seems rather bad to me:


As a layman, the figure of Moloch seems very confusing to me, which is also reflected in the Wikipedia article

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