By now we should be experts at recognizing that the peoole who conveniently get placed infront of us for consumption, painted in whatever portrait nevessary to push the agenda of the moment, are nothing more than the curated pieces of the moment. Darwin, Einstein… they were no different. All were obedient little soldiers waiting to play their role for the cabal of New World Order masters. Their supposed life’s work glorified, often stolen from others who could not or would not do as they were told, they themselves falling into disfavor and their life’s work erased. They are then vilified to the people. Why should Nikola Tesla be any different?

Every 100 years they do their magic. Thats about how long it takes for the public to wake up and realize they’ve been lied to about, well, everything. Whatever the public is most upset about gets reshaped and repackaged and a saviour is thrusted forward who says and does what the pitchfork holding public demands; release of hidden technologies, their money returned, a cell for the perpetrators, etc. Little do the public know its just a new box of a different color. It feels knew, smells new…but it’s been used before and it worked then so why shouldn’t it work now? It will take 50 years before those who cannot be hypnotized get heard and 100 years before they manage to wake 85% of the rest. But by then, the plan has long been hatched and the new (old) saviors chosen. Surnames have been changed. And the new old saviors are perfectly pitched in their message. It sounds perfect! Yes, he/she really knows how I feel! He/she is on the side of the people!!

They tell us the evil doers got justice. But did they? Did they really? Did you see them hang? Did you get to run their DNA?

No, you didn’t.

They don’t die. They transform. They reinvent themselves. 🤷‍♀️

Thank you for the piece. I enjoyed reading it.

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Hutchison describes his experiments based on Tesla’s works and provides documentary evidence in a pdf, theHutchisonEffect.com/docs/AffJHutchison4.pdf on the work of Dr. Judy Wood regarding the demolition of the WTC. Link: https://substack.com/redirect/10dda74f-3e1e-4ddb-a7df-69c08cd395bb?j=eyJ1IjoiMnR6YjhwIn0.EqbOvapI_UOhJaSjifvUh3NIi58F5mXPK8GQh57P04I

The similarities between his experiments and what happened to the WTC are obvious.

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It is obvious that there was something very peculiar about Tesla. There are only 2 or 3 photographs of him, he avoided sunshine and going out. He was a sodomite and his "discoveries" did not actually work and the purpose of many of these was destruction. Satanic, is probably the best description.

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>He was a sodomite


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Read Matt Ehret's description of Tesla's relatonships with men.

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How to pronounce X Æ A-Xii ?

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The wizards of science would have us believe that the Big Bang created the Universe, believe in gravity, believe that man evolved from apes, and even that men walked on the moon. There is no proof for any of it, but this is what they teach our kids. It is all a kind of mind-control to dissuade us from a belief in a creator.

We are taught to fear viruses, when none have ever been isolated or proven to exist. But we force children to take vaccines that are known to have numerous harmful side effects, even cancer.

We are taught that nuclear weapons are city destroyers, but even this may be a lie.


We are taught that the Holocaust was an event where Germans gassed Jews to death in industrial scale murder camps. There is no forensic evidence for gas chambers in any German labor camp, but the lie continues to be promoted in books, movies and museums.

I believe that Tesla was the man, and Einstein the imposter. Had Tesla been funded instead of Einstein promoted, we would be far better off than we are today. It would help to know what was in Tesla's papers that were confiscated by Trump's uncle upon his death.

We will never as a society get anywhere if we continue to teach children nonsense promoted by a certain segment of society.


If people are really interested in how the world works, I recommend reading this book written in 1890: https://archive.org/details/greatreddragonor00wool/mode/2up

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Maybe NASA put out the story that we really didn’t go to the moon because they didn’t want anyone to know what they really did there! Supposedly documentation has been destroyed, but some was kept for personal reasons, and redacted photographs have been examined under electron spectroscopy, revealing some strange things such as rocketless propulsion ascending from the moon’s surface. Werner von Braun was a Paper Clip Nazi and the US nabbed him before the Russians could. The Germans were said to be way ahead of the US in space flight.

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Tesla’s papers were not “confiscated by Trump’s uncle”. Trump’s uncle (John Trump) was called upon after the FBI/CIA confiscated (much of that work was also stolen from Tesla before death by his trusted asistant) because the very people doing the confiscating were too stupid to know what Tesla’s experiments meant. John Trump was a brilliant MIT Scientist and tirning to him at the time was common sense as he was well known and well respected in the Sciences. For example, In 1931 he received a master’s degree in physics from Columbia University & in 1933 a doctorate in electrical engineering from MIT, where he worked under physicist Robert J. Van de Graaff (the Van de Graaff generator). It is rumored that John Trump shared some of that information with Donald Trump.

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Trump's uncle was the man who was called upon to evaluate Tesla's documents. He apparently lied claiming to the public that Tesla's documents had no scientific value.

Sharing it with DJT is not the same as sharing it with the public, which is what should be done. I recommend you read The Great Red Dragon, I posted it in my earlier post.

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I wasn’t debating you, just clarifying a point you made, which made it seem as though you were trying to mislead by saying it was John Trump who was behind the confiscation, it wasn’t.

In addition, it was clear that John Trump was asked while working for MIT, which meant the entire “ask” was under some NDA (one would assume). It’s highly probable that he would not have been able to share ANY of the contents with the public or face treason charges or whatever else they would throw at him…. Being a “national security” issue and all (the reason they use to steal patents from the public ). Not everyone is made out to be a whistleblower.

But IF he did share some of that information with Trump, maybe, JUST MAYBE, that is what gave Trump the information he needed to fight the hidden hand? Who knows. I guess soon we’ll know, tight?

ALL of that information IS in the public realm, ALL OF IT. I have letters and manuscripts going back to the late 1700s, warning about what was coming to America, their plans, how they were going to implement it. Exactly as has been unfolding in the last few decades (the Pogroms, the wars, the dilution of the whites race, the organizations created to “help” humanity, women’s “rights”, the medical industry, the universities, the Press, and lets not forget the blackmail and bribery of those men of higher learning with powerful positions -I say “men” because this tactic is as old as civilization itself. But surely includes women today… ALL OF IT). There is nothing new under the sun. Literally nothing. Its like a government legal brief- “just insert name”…

To try and blame John Trump is just dumb. Only the uninformed would bite at that and would be shot down hard upon repeat.

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Reggie Middleton is not a whistleblower, but he is someone with courage and integrity fighting for OUR freedom. TPTB don't want you to know who he is, and that they are trying to steal his patents. Few understand that the power to print money gives absolute dictatorial power to the money printers. If Reggie loses his fight, we all lose.


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No, not everyone is cut out to be a whistleblower. That requires integrity and courage. Something lacking in most people, those who fear the consequences of taking right actions.

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For some, it requires that you accept that ‘they’ will most likely kill your family members. For some, they do not have the right to put others in that kind of peril. I know I would never put my children in harm’s way unless I absolutely knew they would be safe. Knowing what these parasites are capable of, i would not become a whistleblower unless I had no other choice, such as if they came after me head on. And then I would have no issue dying while taking some down with me. 😬

I have immense respect for those that do come forward. But I don’t agree that MOST people lack courage and integrity. Its not so black and white all the time (as I stated above). Choosing not to speak out because you want to protect your family doesn’t mean you lack courage or integrity. Many uninvolved people have been needlessly killed for someone else’s personal choices.

Thanks for sharing about Reggie. I didn’t know anything about him until now.

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Reggie is a peach of a human being. I have been following him for years. As a black man living in the US, he has been through a lot of trials and tribulations. He was even shot by a policeman. He deserves immense respect.

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