Very interesting, thank you. A shame about the tank man, although I definitely have to give the propagandists some credit for that one, since what an image of defiance they managed to make—it sure fooled me—alas, it seems, only an image of it after all!

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Yeah, I was fooled back then too. It seems so obvious now in hindsight. He was brazen, provocative, and aggressive, yet they tolerated him and even seemed to try and carefully work their way around him. Most likely young guys in the tank just trying to get out of there. We got sold quite a story.

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The difference between now and then is there was no public internet in 1989. China didn't have mobile phone service until 1988, so I doubt many cell phones were around either, and certainly none capable of taking still or motion pictures. All the footage we have of those events came from the mainstream media that were present and from some personal video recorders which were also rare at the time. I have not to this day seen any raw footage of those events, Like the tank man episode, it's all been edited to present a certain image, for or against. Neither side is giving a true account in my opinion. They all have a dog in the fight.

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Yes, it certainly was a hoax and I'm glad people can finally see that. Julian Assange had cables in which the incident was discussed by insiders and revealed to be a fraud. I'll add that anyone sufficiently attentive would have been very skeptical about the massacre right from the start. It was rather obvious and not just in hindsight. Everyone involved should have known better. The Uyghur massacre is another hoax. Anyone caring to look further into that will be led to that conclusion.

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If you want to see what a parallel universe looks like, check this out:


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Another item to throw into the "everything we've been told is a lie" box. Thanks Matt!

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The first Color Revolution was the Red one in St Petersburg in 1917. Tien Anmen Square was a recent iteration of the regime change/revolution formula of the global pedophile cult.

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great info as always Thanks

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this was news to me, but I will not be surprised at verity of you article

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Love your knowledge and your show with Ghost on Badlands. Purchased your wife’s book. Looking forward to reading The Empire…

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Thank you.

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Thank you.

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Very interesting.

And given that I think that when the west tries a colour revolution, it means that the government they are trying to destroy is good, and is not part of the cabal agenda.

So for me this is another proof that China has a good government 😊

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It's interesting to find out that a bunch of the Wikileaks advisory board were involved in Tiananmen Square:


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Thankyou Matt Ehret. I was indoctrinated by the Wests Tiananmen Square hoax and I suggest many were.

We have been misled that the Western world philosophy is all good, whereas more and more Marxist atrocities have made the Wests option of an apparent "democracy" appear to be a better option than communism.

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Thank you for clearing the air on this persistent hoax! My local newspaper published an AP story about the anniversary of the "Tiananmen crackdown", repeatedly calling it a crackdown and avoiding the "m" word. But also stating "...the death toll remains unknown to this day. Hundreds, if not thousands are believed to have been killed..." Totally re-inforcing the false impression of a massacre by police even if choosing words carefully for plausible deniability. Perception management masquerading as journalism.

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The first Color Revolution was the Red one in St Petersburg in 1917. Tien Anmen Square was a recent iteration of the regime change/revolution formula of the global pedophile cult.

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