I am looking forward to the series on Tesla. Also, it would be nice to learn about some ugly truth of Matt Ehret. Who are his handlers?

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I handle Matt. What do you want to know?

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Did the Israeli lobby finance this hit piece? The Rothschilds?

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Certainly not. How many people actually read this blog and are influenced by it? A few orders of magnitude less than is necessary for groups like AIPAC or the Rothschilds to bother noticing.

AIPAC is too busy buying out Congress, install Israel first stooges everywhere they can and ruining the American political landscape.

The Rothschilds are selling the family silver and art treasures because they've landed on hard times. Couldn't have happened to a nicer group of people.

This is a hit piece? Hard to see how. This is just Matt Ehret's opinions and research. He's got a lot on the ball but I have an edge on him with my experience in mathematics and physics. Curious what he has to say about Tesla so I'll tune in later. I disagree with his assessment about Isaac Newton but it's hard to understand his work in a historical context. People underestimate how radical calculus really is and that it took hundreds of years to develop properly. Fancy theories like differential geometry are really just calculus on manifolds. These theories are discovered piecemeal over many decades and then we eventually realize a unique mathematical structure that was always there. The mysterious thing is how all the modern theories of physics are already inside the mathematics itself and were just waiting to be discovered. A good example of this is how the theory of relativity was buried inside topological groups and Maxwell's electromagnetic theory discovered decades earlier. I said all this to reveal something of the nature of physical theories and that plagiarizing, like stealing passages from another book, does not apply in the realm of science and mathematics in the same way. In science and math, the song is already written by God. You can't tweak it or change it like a passage in a book. There aren't artistic liberties in math or physics. You're simply uncovering something that existed since the dawn of time and predates life on Earth.

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When Newton was Master of the Mint, which was an important position in the government, he lost a lot of money (millions in today's money) investing in the South Sea Bubble. Why would a single guy without wife, girlfriend or children, who did not travel far or had expensive taste invest in such a scheme? I believe that was part of his job to lead by example other people to invest and lose money, so that the rich can get richer. That is why I think he was an intel agent of his time.

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What type of *ugly truth* are you referring to?

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Talking badly about people whom he has never met and who have not done anything wrong to him or anyone else. Matt is too intelligent to be sensationalist.

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And then do Einstein…. He plagiarized all his work!!!

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Tesla disagreed with Einstein. It seems that Matt's handlers support Einstein. They may have commissioned this work.

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That's a crock of bonky squat. Einstein was a superior talent who pushed physics ahead but everything Einstein did could would have eventually been discovered by someone else. Einstein wasn't a lone wolf of physics either. His work was shaped by Lorenz, Poincaré, Hilbert, Maxwell and many others. Not even Newton was "original". Refining these ideas in physics is a process which takes decades and then someone puts the pieces of the puzzle together. That's all Einstein did. In fact, I wouldn't want to be Einstein because he didn't understand his own theory properly. Stephen Hawking, Dennis Schiami, Roger Penrose, Louis Witten and others put in the final pieces to understanding GR. Einstein didn't plagiarize anything. Learn physics properly before saying something so baseless. Learn linear algebra and multivariable analysis. It might make you a better person.

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I mean…… if you did an ounce of your own research on his plagiarizing his papers and work throughout his lifetime - you’d see he was a J*w fraud backed by j*wish media to prop him up.

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I'm going to stick with crock of bonky squat. I dabbled in physics at Harvard and MIT with people like Sidney Coleman and Alan Guth. Special relativity is essential to working in quantum field theory and particle physics. I spent years studying General relativity as well. All the historical papers are well known to me. Einstein was certainly NOT a fraud. I don't idolize Einstein or put him on a pedestal like too many people today. If you want a fraud in physics, look up Carlo Rubia. Shouldn't you know what you're talking about first before you put your foot in your mouth?

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Have you ever, even a little bit, looked into who backed and sponsored Einstein at the time? I mean, you can continue to tout your schooling and who you rubbed shoulders with - I could care less. Many truths are springing forward of the lies and deceit the many decades of “prominent people”, and those who put them on a pedestal will see their folly.

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Nobody "backs" Einstein. These aren't political theories or philosophical ideas. Relativity has been around for 100+ years because it works. Not because Einstein was Jewish, or the Rothschilds paid him money, or Rabbi Shmulley Boteach or Jeffery Epstein or anything else. The theory is a useful tool. If it weren't useful, people would use something else.

Also, I never rubbed shoulders with anyone. I did have the privilege of having many quantum field theory discussions at 3 A.M. with one of the brightest people in the world on the topic. It was like having access to Socrates.

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Well… then that all makes sense. You’ve swallowed the Jesuit/freemason/Rockefeller/Rothschild narrative and will defend it to death. In a few years (or maybe months), you’ll remember this thread and realize how false that whole theory has been. And yes, Einstein was “backed” by $$.

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A desirable follow-up after popping myth bubbles, is to highlight Bruce Director’s emphasis of the Gauss epistemological method, where he showed the working assumptions on imaginary numbers were nonsense, by inventing the complex domain.

The key aspect of his method, was where the underlying axioms of any working hypothesis or theory are only allowed where they can be demonstratively constructed and thus be accessible to reason and scrutiny, thus insuring axioms grounded in a demonstrated construct, rather than magical beliefs.

The central question is, what does it really mean to know something? How to discern, and what the real powers of mind are, versus merely wished-for powers like a performance coach would try to sell you.

All occult beliefs revolve around a slight-of-hand involving irrational belief in the power of manipulation of objects or symbols. In other words, corrupted by someone trying to sell you something by attributing power to said objects or symbols, or their manipulation, like alchemy or a used-car salesman with a science background. He spices up the product to make it appealing. It’s not science, it’s trying to dupe you by appeal to the spectacular, etc.

Yet every object is merely a waystation between intangible forms of change. Atoms are oscillators, for example, there is noting there but some form of nested harmonic relations and change.

Another way to put it is, there are no nouns, only verbs. Nouns are all illusory relative to the eternal, timeless, and universal principles of change. Across scale, there is a nested pattern of verb-noun-verb, like a golden ratio spiral. The nouns are manifest only by way of interference patterns between the verbs, or change, between scales.

This remind me of a reference Liebnitz made to Clark in that famous correspondence, that the argument in question had an “Occult Quality”.

He did not mean to emphasize occult as a secret quality, he meant the reductionist argument was attributing power to objects they could not possess, like often done in sorcery or alchemy.

Tesla was doing the same thing in his later years, inventing claims out of whole cloth, without recourse to knowable causation, spinning myths like a New York tabloid.

The issue was he was used to amplify science fiction or pseudoscience “quality of mind and method” over rational science, all sizzle, no steak, as they say. Yeah, Tesla coils are great, but it’s the overemphasis on the “showman” angle that corrupts it through exaggeration and myths displacing knowledge, particularly knowledge of method of inquiry into such subjects. At the end of the day, Tesla was used as a sensationalist science preacher in the western oligarchy’s campaign to sell the sizzle, but never the steak.

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Government never does anything by accident. While planned and often badly by people that think themselves as superior intellectually to everyone, believe that their decisions are always correct and shouldn't be questioned.

I have witnessed within my 80 years that government has but one goal. Control. When evidence becomes a preponderance of data so prolific that it can't be denied or explained away with misdirection. They must switch tactics, delivering a plethora of data that many will seek to prove. Truth that becomes known will satisfy most people into thinking AHA! I knew it and go no further accepting the new "truths" they want us to know.

People like Jason Dahl will continue to gather evidence that is never enough. Dedicated searchers that find satisfaction in the search itself that never is enough. with each discovery brings new questions. Questions that always seem to go beyond what government wants us to know. Having too much information endangers governments' advantage to maintain control.

The unknown provides the leverage of panic needed that gets people to cooperate using the "crisis" mode that starts us with fight-or-flight mode that is built into our survival actions. When given a solution by the government that seems possible, we follow because the government is there to protect us and they are always right. YEA, RIGHT.

We have been conditioned for decades on our dependance of government. Gov. must have victims and dependency. They have become quite skilled at using information and twisting it to their advantage. Again, the advantage I refer to is power and control. It provides them with the slaves created by taxation that is the deep pocket that allows them to continue the cycle.

With their importation of dependency they created, now it threatened to end with the possibility of sending the illegals back. They are preparing ahead of time for the new threat. I speak of the UFO's. an unknown for the general population. Always presented as the story about a sighting or crop circles that are for the present are benign reports about the fabled little green men from Mars. A subject to be laughed at over dinner or that beer enjoyed with friends after work.

Suddenly, is published under information provided by the government. We all know that the government doesn't lie. So we read or listen to the News with curious caution, not knowing what to think. As what government does best, it delivers a preponderance of data that is ment to confuse, so that once again we must depend upon government for the truth.

Back to where our problems begin! With Truth controlled by government, by Regulating what may be published and not in the order of importance delivers the data they want us to have. They know that most people stop their searches with one or two pieces of data that are similar in content. Government relies upon human nature and the tendency to be lazy and satisfied with what they believe to be true and verified at the beginning of a search.

With so much information available, it takes valuable time to read and compare the data.

Time that can be used for more enjoyable things. Again the created dependency is present that government wants us to become dependent on. It isn't always presented within the government websites.

Rest assured that even well-known and respected institutions have strings that are attached upon government funding that when needed can influence the presentation of data. The possibility of data that is written with possibilities that it can be interpreted in many ways.

Because I cant prove what I say and is but speculation I dont depend upon my convincing anyone on just my word alone. My goal is to plant doubt within your mind that pushes you beyond the first two sections of data that lets you look at the number of data hits that often are displayed in the many thousands or even millions. if you then look at the last one I have succeeded in pushing yet another into the pursuit of seeking truth from sources uncontrolled by gov. strings. I regret I found this so late in life. Now with more miles traveled behind me than lay ahead, all I can do is to let others know the satisfaction one gets from seeking and finding truths ugly or not.

I think it has become the one thing that contributes into living another day just to see and confirm what I found out to be true or not. If I have pushed only one to this path then I have been a success. The next steps are now up to you, the citizens. We still have a choice.

Do we want freedom for our kids and grandkids or the oligarchy that will evolve into the tyrannical government that is always the result of a government that protects with ruling force rather than serves? I do hope I live long enough to see a free nation for the grandkids. Time to act, don't procrastinate. He who hesitates is lost.---------- I, Grampa

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With all the writing and interviews and spending time with Cynthia, I can't fathom how you manage to do it all. The Tesla series will be fascinating, I'm sure.

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Tesla father was literally a Vatican priest who had access to its vast library, his dad helped him with the science, moreover, the AC current which he invented is poison creating EMF radiation while DC current is healing, and evolutionary, that is why all electronics need DC current to become alive. AC current made humanity slave

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His father was definetly orthodox. I've seen the claim floating around that he was brought to the Vatican library at an early age but I think it's just a gossipy story. Doesn't seem to have any evidence backing it up?

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RE: "the AC current which he invented is poison creating EMF radiation while DC current is healing, and evolutionary,"

What a bunch of ignorant B.S. Lear some Physics before opening your mouth.

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you don't know shit about physics , latch into your satanic tesla no body gives a f**ck who knows the truth about him

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Said the imbecile, writing while having lighting and computer powered by Tesla's "evil" alternating current. Fuck off loser!

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ever heard of HVDC transmission, DC transmission is the most economical solution compared to high-voltage AC. HVDC transmission losses are quoted as less than 3% per 1,000 km, which are 30 to 40% less than with AC lines, at the same voltage levels. no suck on it, your laptop runs on DC current not AC lol and there was never a need for AC, DC could be transmitted long distance with less loss of power.

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Re: "your laptop runs on DC current not AC".

No shit einstein! Stating the obvious. That's not what my statement was about. And when your laptop toy runs out of battery (the battery technology still sucks nowadays), where do you PLUG your laptop? Don't tell me that you bring a bigger battery, or charge it via solar.

And I have mentioned the more general term - computer, not laptop. I have also mentioned lighting.

Studends in indian or pakistani schools seem to have short-attention span nowadays.

Now, getting to your highly-praised HVDC.

How do achieve ultra high DC voltage? Using some form of frequency-based technology - step-up TRANSFORMERS or power switching technology. Both are frequency-based in nature, and a TRANSFORMER (step-up or step-down) works only on AC. That's where AC shines - it is convenient, and easy to transform from a voltage value to another. Also features very reasonable distribution efficiency at long-distances (6.7% power loss per 1000 Km).

Have you also heard about synchronized phases, and 3-phase synchronous or asynchronous motors? The synchronous ones are easy to keep in sync with the phases produced at the power generation point.

Also, the heavy plants and heavy machinery use high-powered motors, and the 3-phase motors produce better torque than mono-phase motors.

Yes, HVDC has its own advantages, like a slightly lower power loss per 1000 Km (3.5% instead of 6.7%). And having to use only 2 conductors instead of 4 used in AC (the 3 phases plus the ground/neutral wire), for long-distance power distribution, yes, it is an advantage that I like.

More generally, DC has its own dedicated applications, true. It can offer, for example, better control with small motors, and may be more energy-efficient (I was having the Grundfos Alpha water pump, and was impressed with the results). But this is not to say that it is not possible to implement an A/C based motor or power system in general that aims for being efficient. It's just that the electric companies in the whole North-America are LAZY and complacent, and not wanting to invest in better-designed systems. Take for example, the "scorched air furnaces" in North-America, improperly called "heating system". I hate them with a passion. Just the Air blower alone - implemented with an el-cheapo 3-phase AC motor, draws about 1 KWh of energy.

And getting back to HVDC, it also has its own disadvantages: CONVERSION, switching, control, availability, and MAINTENANCE.

HVDC is less reliable than AC. Also, the required conversion stations are super-expensive and cannot withstand overload / capacity situations. Also, HVDC, paradoxically, does NOT pay off for short-distance power transport - simply because the losses in the converter stations will start to prevail for short distances. Also HVDC power distribution systems are finicky, require more maintenance, are less standardized, and require tons of spare parts.

Multi-terminal DC systems are also complex to implement (especially with line commutated converters). Power flow control in such systems requires good communication between all terminals, and requires active regulation. So HVDC are better-suited (for now, at least) for point-to-point power distribution.

Also, HVDC converter stations have to ... use AC-based technology. Because of that, HVDC converter stations not only produce acoustic noise, but they can generate serious levels of radio-frequency interference (here's the counter-argument to your point about "DC is the greatest invention and beneficial contributor to humanity since the sliced bread).

The HVDC converter station also require more space on the ground than a "conventional" AC transformer.

Implementing circuit breaker in HVDC are also highly problematic, due to the arc-ing effect (which as oppose to in AC, it is not capable of extinguishing itself).

AC is ubiquitous, it WORKS WELL, and it stood the test of time.

Are we still in the currents war / pissing context? The poor Edison should have admitted defeat, did he not? Or should we begin shown public, fear-based demonstrations with electrocuted dogs and stuff? :)

An electron is ... an electron. It can be put up to good uses, in many ways, shapes, and forms. As long as it's made to MOVE.

P.S.: In a DC generator (dynamo), the generated current inherently flows in both directions (due to the wingdings of the rotor rotating in an otherwise constant-direction magnetic field in the stator), so we could argue that the native form of current is still AC. And to get it to DC from the dynamo, either mechanical or electronic commutators are needed to rectify the current to go only in one direction.

P.P.S.: Have you ever visited a power plant, for example a hydroelectric one? I did. And I have learned something interest, which was never taught in school. In order to produce electricity, a power plant / generator ALSO needs some electricity (which could be seen as a form of "bootstrapping" but it's actually needed all the time, not only once): The alternator's magnetic field is not economically viable to be produced through ... permanent (rare earth) magnets. They produce it with electric current i.e. getting an electro-magnet. The current to energize that comes from another electrical circuit - either completely external to the power plant, or from the same site, but with electricity produced from a smaller generator, with water from a smaller lake. The also use auxiliary lakes has some form of natural / implicit form of "battery storage" - a way to store energy for longer periods of time, as backup.

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I worked in a nuclear power plant with a Russian company Atomstroyexport which builds nuclear power plants all over the world, so I guess I know few things which is not about AC VS DC. you are missing the point entirely.

The transmission lines in and around your home create EMF smog which is extremely dangerous for your health, I wonder if Tesla being a genius never knew about its harmful effect.

AC currents easily flow through cells and tissues which removes structurally-important calcium ions from cell membranes, which then makes them leak and affect calcium-sensitive enzyme systems. Inward calcium leakage in the neurons of the brain stimulates hyperactivity and makes it less able to concentrate on tasks, resulting in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The barrier in our respiratory epithelia by electromagnetic fields has been shown to increase the risk of asthma in children and 100 other problems

Cell membranes also act as electrical insulators for the natural DC electric currents that they use to transmit power.

There are families who lives near transmission lines and developed brain cancer but never got any compensation as they never knew what caused it..

The voltage gated Ion Channels in our own body uses DC like current to give power to our cells, it literally is like a potassium, sodium, calcium battery with Anion and cations, DC is a natural power output from nature. All the advantage you speak off is what we know already about AC not the hidden dangers of AC current not to mention the SMART METERS which would destroy human health even more.

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Tesla's father was a priest in the Eastern Orthodox Church, which is not part of the Catholic Church. DC current cannot be transported long distance.

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Even though he was an Eastern Orthodox Church priest, he travelled to Vatican often as a young boy, Nikola Tesla accompanied his father on trips to Rome, where he was able to study the lesser-known works stored in the Vatican’s vast scientific repository. google for more info. Also, DC transmission is the most economical solution compared to high-voltage AC. HVDC transmission losses are quoted as less than 3% per 1,000 km, which are 30 to 40% less than with AC lines, at the same voltage levels.

the world's longest transmission lines use DC electricity. For example, the US has an 846 mile high-voltage DC transmission line connecting the Washington/Oregon border to Southern California. With DC we would have more electricity and saving, its tesla AC which is creating all the problem for humanity.

Also, DC power creates a static EMF, which means the electric and magnetic fields are constant over time, which is less harmful. DC power is vastly better for humanity than AC

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I googled it and indeed, I found information about Tesla's travels to Vatican. I find it preposterous. An Orthodox priest would not be welcome in the Vatican, as Orthodox and Catholic Churches consider each other heretical. I also doubt that a child from a poor mountainous village would be able to read foreign languages.

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So, if we get your story right, the boy of an Eastern Orthodox priest gets the "chance" to visit Vatican very often and "able to study the lesser-known works stored in the Vatican’s vast scientific repository". You gotta be kidding! WHAT level of authority would his father have had, to get lots of "barriers of entry" lifted up in Vatican, so that him and his dear boy would get access to "lesser-known" works?

Re: "Its tesla AC which is creating all the problem for humanity."

Please stop peddling generalities, and subjective opinions.

What problem for humanity are you talking about here?

Wasn't Tesla supposed to be an altruist and his master plan was to offer free electricity for everybody, and by tapping into our planet's (hopefully you are not a flat-earther!) dynamic flux of moving electrons and varying magnetism?

Didn't he provide us with the marvelous invention of radio broadcast? Where would the HUMANITY be right now, WITHOUT Tesla?

I tell you where we would be without him: In the stone age, and with yellowish dimmed lights in the house (almost close to a candle or oil lamp).

An electron is an electron. It has to MOVE in order to do useful work (or sit closely inside an atom).

Please build a better system and impress all of us with your technical ingenuity. So far, you only seem to criticize.

I personally consider it very unfortunate that the mainstream "science" has decided to marginalize Tesla, and we did not get to study Tesla more in the school. Probably because he did not pay enough "respects" to the masons, the satanist globalist occult, or to the "juice" (also known as the "swisse" - lower than the rock).

At least they assigned his name to on SI unit of measure (for the magnetic B-field strength).

Where is RAJESH SI, or mentioned in the Annals of Physics and electronics? :)

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LOL., at first you never believed any connection between Vatican and tesla, now that its an open secret, suddenly you are trying your best to twist the whole narrative that anyone could visit Vatican vast library that too an orthodox priest with a 10 year kid like its visiting a zoo. you are indeed honest and genuine researcher.

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What fairy tales in God's name, are you talking about? What "open secrets"? Also, in regards to "at first you never believed any connection between Vatican and tesla" - are you confusing me with the other poster, I think.

Googling for keywords like "nikola tesla vatican", "tesla's father used to visit Vatican", or Milutin+Tesla+Vatican => yields no useful, or relevant results.

Please enlighten me with your "sources", and I shall study them. I'd like to get to your point, if you really have something useful and very informative to share with us all (and documented, instead of just conjecture).


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holy crap, its been a while i looked into this and the information linking Vatican with Tesla is being purged it seems, all information has been removed with few here and there, i did research using Italian as well and that website is gone but you could find few snippets here. I know how this will sound, even wikipedia mentioned it once with reference but its gone now.



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