The Time Has Come to Deal with the Myth of Nikola Tesla... Introducing a New Series in 12 Acts.
Recently, I had a chat with my friend and film-making colleague Jason Dahl about an upcoming movie which may or may not be included in the current ‘Hidden Hand Behind UFOs’ series.
During that chat, I revealed some very disturbing discoveries I made regarding a fellow you might have heard of named Nikola Tesla. However, it is only a four minute video, which means I didn’t prove anything, and as such I understandably received some angry words from Tesla fans about my harsh critique of the great wizard.
In the coming days, the new 12 part series ‘The Occult Tesla’ will begin to be released on this Substack which will provide a clear, concise exposition featuring a vast array of historical discoveries supporting the position I outlined in the above video. So keep your eyes and minds peeled.
I am looking forward to the series on Tesla. Also, it would be nice to learn about some ugly truth of Matt Ehret. Who are his handlers?
And then do Einstein…. He plagiarized all his work!!!