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You need to understand the mechanics of the fraud first. What's been done. The land of the "dead" is legal fiction. Corporations. This is how they usurped all National governments. They are fronting corporations as National governments and you are presumed to be a "citizen" aka corporate debt slave of their corporation. Every license; registration, etc., is a contract with that corporation posing as your government. It's up to you to correct the Public Record. It's not an easy web to get untangled from. Most are going to need help and guidance both to understand the fraud and how to extricate oneself and declare your proper political status. I can only speak for America. But a similar process will be available in each country because they pulled the same scam world-wide. To my knowledge, only Russia has a true National government that is not incorporated under the Holy See's corporate umbrella. But I can't be 100% sure of that. In America you can go to tasa-americanstatesassembly.com and they can assist you in both understanding the nature of the great fraud, and what to do to get untangled. I'll warn you now it's heady stuff and requires much study and self-determination. I wish I had answers for those in other countries, unfortunately I do not. All I can tell you is they incorporated your government and presume you to be contracted as a citizen/slave of that corporation.

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