TQ so much for presenting a (much needed) balanced point of view of the brave Canadian protesters. TPTB, particularly the old elites that have been in power since the post-Napoleon Treaty of Vienna, have no idea how to deal with 'actual human beings organizing themselves around such non-mathematical principles as “freedom”, “justice” and “rights” which are inalienable to all citizens'. your pointing this out is very valuable and it just might give us leverage in dealing with them more effectively.


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No doubt you are one of the clearest thinkers and I'm proud that you are a Canadian. Thank you for your courage in these tyrannical times.

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Very, very good!

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LOVE this article! As an American, it warms my heart to see the Canadians standing up for their rights! Penny Kelly stated in her latest look-see (2-15-22) that the trucker convoys will be regarded by history as the first move in a global effort to remove tyrannical governments. She sees a massive civil war by 2025 of the people against their governments which will result in the dissolution of nation states. What a time to be alive!

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The problem isn't nation States. It is Articles of Incorporation. The problem is foreign owned corporations posing as National governments and passing off private law(Statutory law) as Public Law. A crime of inland piracy( when the Sea jurisdiction encroaches on the Land jurisdiction) and also press-ganging, personage, barratry, unLawful conversion of Public to Private, etc. The problem is the inbred bloodlines, the Royals, the Pope, Freemasons and a literal sea of puppets at their disposal...And the lack of awareness, or will, to recognize truth from lies. A Nation State means each State is its own country. Believe it or not, that is a good thing . In America that is how it was always supposed to be. Nor was democracy, aka majority rule, ever the American system of governance. We employed a Republican form of government- self governance. Democracy was Rome and Britain's baby. Democratic system is majority rule. Republican system is self governance. And this has/had nothing to do with political parties. In School we were taught "U.S." history and not American history. Big difference.

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I agree. The REAL problem is that the nation states have been hijacked by the corporatocracy which consists of a group of international crime families. They use governments and their institutions to force the people to buy their goods and services to the exclusion of others - mob tactics taken to the next level. Unfortunately, because the nation state is the enforcer, the people will see the state as their oppressor and rebel against it. Governments that are hopelessly corrupt cannot be fixed. But that is just one level of the picture. The corporatocracy is controlled by a smaller elite that is using them for a darker agenda - the depopulation of the planet. Too much to discuss here, but humanity is in an existential crisis for its very survival.

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Yes. We need to regain popular control of our nation-states, re-establishing national sovereignty and economic self-determination. Unfortunately, vast swaths of the contemporary Left demonizes any form of nationalism as ethnocentric and backward, a manifestation of xenophobia and white-supremacy, This phenomenon is particularly acute in the EU, where the EU technocracy is pushing actively to destroy what remains of national sovereignty as part of their globalist agenda.

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You need to understand the mechanics of the fraud first. What's been done. The land of the "dead" is legal fiction. Corporations. This is how they usurped all National governments. They are fronting corporations as National governments and you are presumed to be a "citizen" aka corporate debt slave of their corporation. Every license; registration, etc., is a contract with that corporation posing as your government. It's up to you to correct the Public Record. It's not an easy web to get untangled from. Most are going to need help and guidance both to understand the fraud and how to extricate oneself and declare your proper political status. I can only speak for America. But a similar process will be available in each country because they pulled the same scam world-wide. To my knowledge, only Russia has a true National government that is not incorporated under the Holy See's corporate umbrella. But I can't be 100% sure of that. In America you can go to tasa-americanstatesassembly.com and they can assist you in both understanding the nature of the great fraud, and what to do to get untangled. I'll warn you now it's heady stuff and requires much study and self-determination. I wish I had answers for those in other countries, unfortunately I do not. All I can tell you is they incorporated your government and presume you to be contracted as a citizen/slave of that corporation.

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"The War Measures Act” last invoked nearly 50 years earlier by Justin’s father Pierre Elliot Trudeau as a “solution” to the RCMP-directed terror cells deployed across Quebec and culminating in the month-long ‘October Crisis’ of 1970."

The link provided appears to be broken Matthew, but as you refer to it as 'RCMP-directed' I'm guessing it was, as I expected when I first heard about 'Quebec separtist' terrorist attacks of the 1970s, yet another government-backed 'Strategy of Tension' murder campaign.

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Go Canada GO!

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PM aspirant Mark Carney, a proponent of WEF Reset, was featured on the BBC's Reith lectures and possibly CBC, if readers want to know more about his ideas.

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I'm watching the situation unfold in Ottawa with baited breath, convinced that the Trudeau regime will be the first of the WEF dominoes to fall. My mother is Canadian, I have family in Canada, have a certain cultural affinity, and I'm both amazed and exceedingly proud that Canadians are presenting the world with such a sterling example of principled resistance to tyranny. May we ALL follow suit.

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Justice comes by beating the psycho's at their own 3 card monte speculation game. Gold is breaking out of a cup & handle pattern that started forming the cup in 2011 and then started forming the handle in 2020. It will result in a strong uptrend that last for years.

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