UAP phenomena have been observed all over the World, for a hundred years or more, and likely to the beginning of recorded history. So coming up with some giant conspiracy theory over such an arcane subject, relevant only to current geopolitical events is just plain silly.

Even if some fruitcakes in our shadow gov't came up with that plan it would be about as relevant as a flea on a dog's back. I mean get real, I haven't even heard about UAPs on the MSM for about a year now, up until the brief coverage of the latest house investigation. Some psyop that is. That would rank at about rock bottom for psyops. And would have ZERO significance regarding the science of UAPs.

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They play on both sides of the field. From ridiculing the phenomenon to controlled "disclosure" which is happening right now. Though you are right, the entire scope of the phenomenon cannot be confined purely to the realm of conspiracy as it is something that long predates and transcends intelligence agencies and cover-ups.

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On a long flight home from Asia last week, I watched the 2024 Hollywood movie, "Fly Me To the Moon", a hilarious example of reverse predictive programming. It overtly suggests that there was a top secret NASA project to create the visuals of the 1969 moon landing on a sound stage, just in case there ended up being a problem with the "real one". Of course with the implicit understanding that such a notion is ridiculous in reality. But Woody Harrelson's character drops a gem of truth when he says, this is not about whether we actually land on the moon, it's about showing the public that we are beating Russia......

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Does Huxley/s X Club have any connection to Musk's choice of a new name for Twitter????

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Hey Matt. I listened to your UKC lecture and drew this conclusion from your explanation of how our "modern" worldview has been inculcated: "That during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, certain members of the Royal Society of Scientists and Philosophers conspired to impress upon us plebes the adoption of gradualistic, evolutionary, and theoretical (mathematical) interpretations of what happens in the real natural world." Does that summary cover the waterfront?

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When The Herd Turns | The Days of Our Lives ;-)


~ Beware The Alien Schmaltz ~ Mask Up!

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Ah Ok this is interesting... so suspect Malone is calling for UAP and JFK disclosure. I can also recall seeing some rumored quote being shared around a few years about how, supposedly, the first thing Bill Clinton wanted to know after being sworn into office was:

1) who killed JFK? and

2) what's going on with UFOs? (as they were called at the time I believe)

So are we being primed for the JFK assassination disclosure to be some story about JFK and aliens so as to justify (however insufficiently) the apparent coverup and outrageous secrecy with which that extremely important episode of American history was handled and to direct attention away from the true culprits and their reasons for targeting and "removing" JFK? The real details, forensic evidence, etc. perhaps would have been smuggled out of whatever highly protected archive of state secrets supposedly contained the reports and evidence while the fabricated details and evidence was smuggled in? Could this be what's going on in anticipation of the demand for disclosure to be acted on by Trump or some other president in the not too distant future?

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