I appreciate your going to: what is the strategic purpose of the opening ceremony at the Olympics? Yes, this was done deliberately to provoke a reaction that will work against human rights and freedoms. Yes, THIS WAS A TRAP, VERY EASY TO SEE. AND WE ARE WATCHING PEOPLE FALL INTO IT, AS WELL AS BEING PUSHING INTO THE TRAP.
I appreciate your going to: what is the strategic purpose of the opening ceremony at the Olympics? Yes, this was done deliberately to provoke a reaction that will work against human rights and freedoms. Yes, THIS WAS A TRAP, VERY EASY TO SEE. AND WE ARE WATCHING PEOPLE FALL INTO IT, AS WELL AS BEING PUSHING INTO THE TRAP.
The only reaction I have to this nonsense is that it is making the French look stupid.
Are they going to use the Seine for the triathlon or not? The mayor of Paris jumped in and swore it was clean but now I guess they aren't so sure.
Serving up fake meat in the Olympic village is going so poorly that they have run out of eggs.
It may very well be that this is another element in the long list of things that the WEF and the EU are seeking to destroy. But the Olympic "movement" has been destroying itself for a long time. They need to go back to its origins. And quit banning athletes or refusing to attend for political reasons (thanks, Jimmy Carter).
I agree. No need to agree with him. Often I don't. And I agree with you: the opening naturally brings up outrage n many people. It depends on what we do with it. I agree with Ehret that we are meant to feel outrage and to get locked into a response that does not serve us.
It has and will always be about generating emotion of the masses and lose self control.This did is fine work like trump shot, like israel hamas, like the school shooting and the trans woke in librairy. Ho! Dont forget the awefull books! ( this one i admit got me for a while completely berzerk)
I understand that this could have gotten you. It happens that I'm hard to outrage. I judged it as horrible, satanist, etc. Just don't have an emotional response to this kind of show.
Remember: the French just lost Niger Mali and Burkina Faso. But Niger also happens to be the place where that "yellow cake" story tied to "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq happened to be two decades ago. If you watch Doenut's video, you will see: this is pointing to a terrorist attack possibly being planned to blame on Iran...a 911 of the Eiffel Tower...They're going to tie Niger into Iran somehow, bring back the "weapons of mass destruction" angle again, and play this whole Iraq/Afghanistan script again. So, absolutely, this is strategic. Right now, Israel is fighting a war with hezbollah in Lebanon, and Hezbollah is connected with Iran. Last time Israel went really big into Lebanon was in 1982. There it is! There's that 128/182/281 symbolism again. I never knew about this 128/281/182 thing until watching Doenut's video. You got to see this:
I appreciate your going to: what is the strategic purpose of the opening ceremony at the Olympics? Yes, this was done deliberately to provoke a reaction that will work against human rights and freedoms. Yes, THIS WAS A TRAP, VERY EASY TO SEE. AND WE ARE WATCHING PEOPLE FALL INTO IT, AS WELL AS BEING PUSHING INTO THE TRAP.
The only reaction I have to this nonsense is that it is making the French look stupid.
Are they going to use the Seine for the triathlon or not? The mayor of Paris jumped in and swore it was clean but now I guess they aren't so sure.
Serving up fake meat in the Olympic village is going so poorly that they have run out of eggs.
It may very well be that this is another element in the long list of things that the WEF and the EU are seeking to destroy. But the Olympic "movement" has been destroying itself for a long time. They need to go back to its origins. And quit banning athletes or refusing to attend for political reasons (thanks, Jimmy Carter).
I have been seeing lots of outrage. That is the trap - to get caught in the outrage, and not see why the incitement to outrage (not for you, clearly)
I don't even think that outrage is a trap. People do have to ask why these things are happening though.
Without outrage, no one would still be pursuing justice with respect to the Covid shots.
Matt Ehret is a good guy but I don't have to agree with him.
I agree. No need to agree with him. Often I don't. And I agree with you: the opening naturally brings up outrage n many people. It depends on what we do with it. I agree with Ehret that we are meant to feel outrage and to get locked into a response that does not serve us.
I suspect most of the outrage is coming from people who have not awakened to what is actually going on. Perhaps they will learn from this.
I saw a lot of outrage frm awake people. Anyway, we will see.
It has and will always be about generating emotion of the masses and lose self control.This did is fine work like trump shot, like israel hamas, like the school shooting and the trans woke in librairy. Ho! Dont forget the awefull books! ( this one i admit got me for a while completely berzerk)
I understand that this could have gotten you. It happens that I'm hard to outrage. I judged it as horrible, satanist, etc. Just don't have an emotional response to this kind of show.
Thats one of the many reasons i appreciate youтШ║я╕П
I feel like the best reaction we could give them is to roll our eyes and mock it
I guess you publish it: Elsa https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-preface
I'm glad you are doing what you can to take care of your own safety, as well as reach us.
Remember: the French just lost Niger Mali and Burkina Faso. But Niger also happens to be the place where that "yellow cake" story tied to "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq happened to be two decades ago. If you watch Doenut's video, you will see: this is pointing to a terrorist attack possibly being planned to blame on Iran...a 911 of the Eiffel Tower...They're going to tie Niger into Iran somehow, bring back the "weapons of mass destruction" angle again, and play this whole Iraq/Afghanistan script again. So, absolutely, this is strategic. Right now, Israel is fighting a war with hezbollah in Lebanon, and Hezbollah is connected with Iran. Last time Israel went really big into Lebanon was in 1982. There it is! There's that 128/182/281 symbolism again. I never knew about this 128/281/182 thing until watching Doenut's video. You got to see this:
I think what this all really boils down to is pointing to a war with Iran!
I agree T2141: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-preface
It's definitely pointing to not good stuff. I want to know more about the Outraged.