I appreciate your going to: what is the strategic purpose of the opening ceremony at the Olympics? Yes, this was done deliberately to provoke a reaction that will work against human rights and freedoms. Yes, THIS WAS A TRAP, VERY EASY TO SEE. AND WE ARE WATCHING PEOPLE FALL INTO IT, AS WELL AS BEING PUSHING INTO THE TRAP.

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The only reaction I have to this nonsense is that it is making the French look stupid.

Are they going to use the Seine for the triathlon or not? The mayor of Paris jumped in and swore it was clean but now I guess they aren't so sure.

Serving up fake meat in the Olympic village is going so poorly that they have run out of eggs.

It may very well be that this is another element in the long list of things that the WEF and the EU are seeking to destroy. But the Olympic "movement" has been destroying itself for a long time. They need to go back to its origins. And quit banning athletes or refusing to attend for political reasons (thanks, Jimmy Carter).

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I have been seeing lots of outrage. That is the trap - to get caught in the outrage, and not see why the incitement to outrage (not for you, clearly)

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I don't even think that outrage is a trap. People do have to ask why these things are happening though.

Without outrage, no one would still be pursuing justice with respect to the Covid shots.

Matt Ehret is a good guy but I don't have to agree with him.

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I agree. No need to agree with him. Often I don't. And I agree with you: the opening naturally brings up outrage n many people. It depends on what we do with it. I agree with Ehret that we are meant to feel outrage and to get locked into a response that does not serve us.

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I suspect most of the outrage is coming from people who have not awakened to what is actually going on. Perhaps they will learn from this.

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I saw a lot of outrage frm awake people. Anyway, we will see.

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It has and will always be about generating emotion of the masses and lose self control.This did is fine work like trump shot, like israel hamas, like the school shooting and the trans woke in librairy. Ho! Dont forget the awefull books! ( this one i admit got me for a while completely berzerk)

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I understand that this could have gotten you. It happens that I'm hard to outrage. I judged it as horrible, satanist, etc. Just don't have an emotional response to this kind of show.

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Thats one of the many reasons i appreciate you☺️

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I feel like the best reaction we could give them is to roll our eyes and mock it

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I'm glad you are doing what you can to take care of your own safety, as well as reach us.

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Remember: the French just lost Niger Mali and Burkina Faso. But Niger also happens to be the place where that "yellow cake" story tied to "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq happened to be two decades ago. If you watch Doenut's video, you will see: this is pointing to a terrorist attack possibly being planned to blame on Iran...a 911 of the Eiffel Tower...They're going to tie Niger into Iran somehow, bring back the "weapons of mass destruction" angle again, and play this whole Iraq/Afghanistan script again. So, absolutely, this is strategic. Right now, Israel is fighting a war with hezbollah in Lebanon, and Hezbollah is connected with Iran. Last time Israel went really big into Lebanon was in 1982. There it is! There's that 128/182/281 symbolism again. I never knew about this 128/281/182 thing until watching Doenut's video. You got to see this:


I think what this all really boils down to is pointing to a war with Iran!

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It's definitely pointing to not good stuff. I want to know more about the Outraged.

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Cynthia Chung.. I like her. This is the most viable explanation I 've read. " Or why you shouldn't lose your head when Satanists are afoot". Yup.

There is something 'Occult' about what they do. I read Cynthia's article. I've never learned so much. Thank you!

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I'm not so sure I see the ceremony as a "trap"--other than we're already trapped in debt-slavery. So what else is new? ...It's like that, you know? That stated, here in the US I do feel the DeepState™ is using the recent DJT assassination attempt to foment civil unrest and to create contexts for martial law and then stage what will appear as a "civil war" (because this is what the media will label it.) There are many forms of entrapment during the massive Global 5th Gen warfare ritual ('Satanic' is apropos, of course). What is of interest from a particular global vantage point has to do with the current rioting reaching some sort of apex. Venezuela, and the Paris riots are just two examples of the people responding to rigged elections. The Parisian response is a sign of the people's genuine disgust for corrupted elections and corrupt politicians. "Viva La France!"...Ditto--Venezuela. The people have spoken. We have no time left to wallow in our daily grievances re the incredible deceits perpetrated by Governments in tandem with the Globalist's NGOs. Reiner certainly spoke out against the Deep doo doo. He is a courageous man. We need to live up to his standard. pax

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Yes, (sigh)...They're probably going to do a 911, 812, or whatever, on the Eiffel Tower. And blame it on Iran. 19 hijackers with turbans covering their heads are probably going to crawl out of a cave in Niger and singlehandedly take down the Eiffel Tower and Niger so conveniently has "yellow cake" tied to Iran and this is why we need to fight "America's New War" with Iran. It'll be just like News Night With Aaron Brown on September 11 again. They'll be talking about buildings again. It'll be such a great coincidence it couldn't POSSIBLY be Operation Gladio or the CIA or the French Foreign Legion...and it couldn't be France wanting to get back Niger. Oh no! Condit and Chandra Levy, September 10, 2001, biggest story...then BOOM! Foreshadowings, warnings, under the radar. And DOENUT will the the "one who predicted it" just like Alex Jones and Bill Cooper before. I'm laughing because I've seen all this before...seen the handwriting on the wall...Lived through it before. This summer feels SO like the summer of 2001. Black cloud...feeling in the stomach...Impending - Something-.

America's New War. 19 or 182 hijackers from caves in Niger. With box cutters. Or maybe some homemade EMP device, just like they're drumming up in the news with Hezbollah right now. Just like Wesley Clark said: "They pulled me into a room and told me we're going to war with Iran." LOL.

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Hegelian dialectic in full force. Christians need to ignore the goad and concentrate on WWJD.

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It may be about energy harvesting. AI takes a tremendous amount of energy to perform its functions, or so it's said. Like in the "dayz of yore", a sacrificial victim was tortured in order to heighten the chemicals in the blood for harvest, what some call "adrenochrome" to increase the power of the blood. So the same may be being provoked on a mass scale to harvest the energy now available to harvest via the tech introduced to the interiors of many people's bodies with the injections of late.

Tech which by all accounts is harvesting red blood cells for its use.

Old methods of energy harvesting were clunky and time consuming. As was mind control. Now, through improved methods of both, energy, minds, SOULS, can be harvested via technology which provides excellent access to sources of varied energies.

Though not only is a kind of enhancement desirable to maximize the harvest, but as an "outlet", like an electrical outlet, is also needed to plug into. This is where provoking heightened emotionality is used. I imagine the tech also uses heightened emotional states and the releasing chemicals for it's purposes of building itself out inside the living body which is currently underway.

When a person is provoked into outrage or simple rage, it stems from an underlying profound fear or terror. Through centuries of energy harvesting the fear of torture victims, it is known that fear or even better, terror, can be used for occult purposes. That's in large part why it's practiced. While there may be a sadistic pleasure derived as well, that is secondary. A bonus. And while not everyone, actually few, are truly sadistic, virtually all people are desirous of power. Which requires energy to attain.

In the last 24 hours news outlets have been posting a story in regards to a man who was a supposed "mastermind" of 911 being given a plea deal to avoid the death penalty. Photos of the twin towers in blazing glory are being plastered across the internet. This is significant in it's dual impact of provoking rage and terror simultaneously and predictive programming.

The ridiculous shenanigans in Paris are accomplishing their goal. The "designers" should be given bonuses. Probably have. If I were in Paris right now, I'd leave. Something is coming. I may be wrong about the location, but the harvest is coming.

As in any good vampire story there is always the willing victim. The one who invites the vampire to suck their blood. While we tend to focus on the resistant characters the vampire attempts to conquer by force to suck their blood and the ways the vampire is defeated, I think the willing victim deserves more attention because I think that's the goal. To create billions of willing energy sources who willingly give up their energy of their own accord. Of course, fear and terror will always be invoked for special highly charged energy needs. Having to do with the unseen rather than the seen. The occult.

This is why materialism is so highly promoted. The seen obscures the unseen. Evolution, science, technological solutions and the consequent addictions to the technology. To obscure God. Not religion, but God. The true source of true power.

If everyone understood they, we, are eternal beings, that we live forever, the majority of the world's problems would disappear today. Death would lose it's lying grip in the imagination.

As it is, the manipulation and use of fear will continue because the majority believe only in the seen.

The most repeated phrase in the bible is "Do no be afraid." It is repeated 365 times. One for every complete cycle of every day. Though I'm not a bible worshipper.

I follow Jesus because what He said and did makes more sense than anything else that has ever occured in all of history. He told the Truth.

Thanks for your article and your thoughts. Interesting comments as well. God Bless.

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I remember what Tucker Carlson said at I talk I was at recently. Just point and laugh at them and their absurdity. Don’t react how they want you to, just laugh at their ridiculousness and roll your eyes.

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Yes it was a dismissive comment. The focus on numerology, the bastardization of the history of the French Revolution, the alleged Illuminati controllers of the universe for starters mark this as b.s. The LaRouche-ites are obsessed with the British monarchy. They see FDR's New Deal as the zenith of human aspirations. They deny the central role of class struggle in history, opting instead for this kind of occultism and symbolism. Matthew comes from this milleu and, as far as I can tell, is still in it. I watched this hoping to learn something and instead got a half-baked dose of nonsense. Focus on the material world.

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You are blinkered

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Is it time to learn how our internal operating system functions so we guard it from infiltration and master it to our own advantage rather than someone else’s advantage? Become the master of your own mind. https://www.ourgreaterdestiny.ca/p/confiscation-of-liberty-truth-and

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This piece is absurd. Go back to the LaRouche crowd, Matthew. That's where you belong

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Exactly what about Matthew's piece is absurd?

What is it about LaRouche's work and his "crowd" that you find distasteful?

Who is "LaRouche's crowd"? Is it the same as Alex Jones's "crowd"?

Please flesh out your ideas. As it stands, your comment is a dismissive "floater", with no coherent roots, a balloon stuck to the ceiling.

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Well, Jerome's comment saying "they deny the role of class struggle in history" gives it away. Jerome is probably from some branch of Marxist Socialism, because these are the words they use. But so was Lyndon LaRouche; he also got his start as a Socialist labor organizer, and continued to believe in class struggle but went down an alternate path, bringing in energy density and more metaphysical ideas. What you have to understand is that non-LaRouchean Leftists hate LaRoucheans. Think of it like Religion; in Christianity you got Protestantism and Catholicism and in Islam you got Sunni'ism and Shia'ism, and oftentimes they will go to war with each other. They both believe that Jesus is the Son of God or that Muhammad was the ultimate prophet, but they hang on different facets of said religion, and those facets become their focal point for why the other faction is "bad" and why they got to hate that other faction.

LaRoucheanism is a branch of Leftism that oftentimes sounds superficially like Alex Jones (but its ultimate end is completely different). And other Leftists often hate LaRoucheans because of this analysis of symbolism and the occult. As a person sympathetic to the LaRouche side of Leftism myself, I understand the reason for looking at the occult. But it is like a religious war, sibling rivalry. Mainstream Marxists, (or should I say "Orthodox Marxists?") prefer to stick to the strict material, class struggle issue only, whereas LaRoucheans like to go about the class struggle idea in a more roundabout way, bringing in more elements. But I'd say probably that the main focus of LaRoucheans is about energy density and scarcity versus abundance. Which...if you want to have a socialist society upholding the maxim: "From Each According to His Ability to Each According To His Need" you NEED energy abundance to do manufacturing and to maintain an economy. LaRouche figured out that Energy Abundance was key, and once he figured that out he looked for who is the greatest force and power holding back abundance worldwide. And that happened to be the British Empire, and that network of think tanks, corporations, and experts educated in the inner halls of imperial academia such as Rhodes Scholars, Cambridge Apostles, and so on. LaRouche went to war with Bertrand Russell and H.G. Wells. La Rouche was a brilliant man, the Colbert or Leibnitz, or Benjamin Franklin of our day.

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I have found it easy to not look at the sales for particular orientations and to simply watch Simone Biles were her incredible discipline comes across on me feeds.

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Napoleon was the only one who openly turned against the British Empire .

As he said . " Europe has only one enemy . England . "

But hey ! The midget always hates the giant but he still will be a midget .

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I suggest you read Cynthia's essay which I promote in my write-up. You are missing something very big about the occult forces steering both Napoleon and the British Empire

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Couldn't it just be riding a wave of popular sentiment?

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Its not popular, though

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You wanna bet?

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What are you, five years old?

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I've noticed when people are losing an argument they always resort to ad hominem attacks and personal abuse.

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Please elaborate. It appears to me that aldous-huxtable commented upon your lack of explanation to his comment, where you merely post a question in the style often used by minors, who play various teasing games in order to be "hard to get". Can we hear your thoughts?

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What thought? He says that sort of thing is not popular. I say it is. If you want to research the topic please go ahead. Where is the need for name-calling in that?

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You left me with nothing else, “want to bet" is lower than me calling you a pedo-adjacent pervert.

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I simply contradicted you. It was up to you to back up your contradiction with facts. My experience has been that an anti-religious stance is very popular. You can come across it in any pub. In fact I'd go so far as to say it's the norm. As for you, you merely come out with an even more scurrilous ad hominem attack. One wonders where you'll go next.

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You didn't do anything, you are a troll.

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More name-calling! More ad hominem attacks! Ever hear of projection?

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Jul 30
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I disagree. Even with the new era of reactionary onslaughts of Meme based ridicule, much of that is a psychological release since it is often accompanied by, or preceded by, revelation of disclosure via researchers and viral sharing, where the initial outrage was the intention by the Esoteric elite class and social engineers. Why? Because they know that at some level this process of revelation and disclosure will first induce psychic trauma among a broad population. Disclosure without an immediate remedy, nor a reversal of the circumstances that led to whatever was disclosed. Only outrage and other negative states of being are experienced and expressed. Eventually the most extreme, strong arm responses will get the most traction because of the cumulative frustration of that state of no-immediate-remedies or reversal of circumstances by the existing order.

This is exactly what the so called Christian Nationalism movement is leveraging to gain institutional capture in the MAGA movement as we speak. Just the other day one of the Christian Nationalist figurehead pastors mentioned in a podcast "lynch mobs usually got the right guy." Think about why he would even take time, right now in the current culture war, to highlight the positives of frenzied lynch mobs in U.S. history.

It is a potential pathway to avoid, we can easily and passively go down this path out of unintentional habit, ending up more demoralized as energy is sapped from perceiving that provocative, revelatory process.

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