Yes it was a dismissive comment. The focus on numerology, the bastardization of the history of the French Revolution, the alleged Illuminati controllers of the universe for starters mark this as b.s. The LaRouche-ites are obsessed with the British monarchy. They see FDR's New Deal as the zenith of human aspirations. They deny the central…
Yes it was a dismissive comment. The focus on numerology, the bastardization of the history of the French Revolution, the alleged Illuminati controllers of the universe for starters mark this as b.s. The LaRouche-ites are obsessed with the British monarchy. They see FDR's New Deal as the zenith of human aspirations. They deny the central role of class struggle in history, opting instead for this kind of occultism and symbolism. Matthew comes from this milleu and, as far as I can tell, is still in it. I watched this hoping to learn something and instead got a half-baked dose of nonsense. Focus on the material world.
Yes it was a dismissive comment. The focus on numerology, the bastardization of the history of the French Revolution, the alleged Illuminati controllers of the universe for starters mark this as b.s. The LaRouche-ites are obsessed with the British monarchy. They see FDR's New Deal as the zenith of human aspirations. They deny the central role of class struggle in history, opting instead for this kind of occultism and symbolism. Matthew comes from this milleu and, as far as I can tell, is still in it. I watched this hoping to learn something and instead got a half-baked dose of nonsense. Focus on the material world.
You are blinkered