Yes, (sigh)...They're probably going to do a 911, 812, or whatever, on the Eiffel Tower. And blame it on Iran. 19 hijackers with turbans covering their heads are probably going to crawl out of a cave in Niger and singlehandedly take down the Eiffel Tower and Niger so conveniently has "yellow cake" tied to Iran and this is why we need to …
Yes, (sigh)...They're probably going to do a 911, 812, or whatever, on the Eiffel Tower. And blame it on Iran. 19 hijackers with turbans covering their heads are probably going to crawl out of a cave in Niger and singlehandedly take down the Eiffel Tower and Niger so conveniently has "yellow cake" tied to Iran and this is why we need to fight "America's New War" with Iran. It'll be just like News Night With Aaron Brown on September 11 again. They'll be talking about buildings again. It'll be such a great coincidence it couldn't POSSIBLY be Operation Gladio or the CIA or the French Foreign Legion...and it couldn't be France wanting to get back Niger. Oh no! Condit and Chandra Levy, September 10, 2001, biggest story...then BOOM! Foreshadowings, warnings, under the radar. And DOENUT will the the "one who predicted it" just like Alex Jones and Bill Cooper before. I'm laughing because I've seen all this before...seen the handwriting on the wall...Lived through it before. This summer feels SO like the summer of 2001. Black cloud...feeling in the stomach...Impending - Something-.
America's New War. 19 or 182 hijackers from caves in Niger. With box cutters. Or maybe some homemade EMP device, just like they're drumming up in the news with Hezbollah right now. Just like Wesley Clark said: "They pulled me into a room and told me we're going to war with Iran." LOL.
Yes, (sigh)...They're probably going to do a 911, 812, or whatever, on the Eiffel Tower. And blame it on Iran. 19 hijackers with turbans covering their heads are probably going to crawl out of a cave in Niger and singlehandedly take down the Eiffel Tower and Niger so conveniently has "yellow cake" tied to Iran and this is why we need to fight "America's New War" with Iran. It'll be just like News Night With Aaron Brown on September 11 again. They'll be talking about buildings again. It'll be such a great coincidence it couldn't POSSIBLY be Operation Gladio or the CIA or the French Foreign Legion...and it couldn't be France wanting to get back Niger. Oh no! Condit and Chandra Levy, September 10, 2001, biggest story...then BOOM! Foreshadowings, warnings, under the radar. And DOENUT will the the "one who predicted it" just like Alex Jones and Bill Cooper before. I'm laughing because I've seen all this before...seen the handwriting on the wall...Lived through it before. This summer feels SO like the summer of 2001. Black cloud...feeling in the stomach...Impending - Something-.
America's New War. 19 or 182 hijackers from caves in Niger. With box cutters. Or maybe some homemade EMP device, just like they're drumming up in the news with Hezbollah right now. Just like Wesley Clark said: "They pulled me into a room and told me we're going to war with Iran." LOL.