I simply contradicted you. It was up to you to back up your contradiction with facts. My experience has been that an anti-religious stance is very popular. You can come across it in any pub. In fact I'd go so far as to say it's the norm. As for you, you merely come out with an even more scurrilous ad hominem attack. One wonders where you'll go next.
I simply contradicted you. It was up to you to back up your contradiction with facts. My experience has been that an anti-religious stance is very popular. You can come across it in any pub. In fact I'd go so far as to say it's the norm. As for you, you merely come out with an even more scurrilous ad hominem attack. One wonders where you'll go next.
I simply contradicted you. It was up to you to back up your contradiction with facts. My experience has been that an anti-religious stance is very popular. You can come across it in any pub. In fact I'd go so far as to say it's the norm. As for you, you merely come out with an even more scurrilous ad hominem attack. One wonders where you'll go next.
You didn't do anything, you are a troll.
More name-calling! More ad hominem attacks! Ever hear of projection?