OK - GREAT Question ~ Has anyone driven across Canada and think there is an overpopulation crisis?

Hahaha, great discussion Matt that question, was my favorited takeaway.

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The scariest quote in that book for me was “ the world is a stage and we are all actors “ after you read Fritz’s book you start to question just how large this group of actors really is. These people “ the they “ have access to unlimited resources, any and every, they can build anything, they can sell anything, they can synthesis anything, they have the brightest minds at their fingertips, and the scariest part about that is that these minds believe they are acting and creating on their own account by their own will. These people control the currency ( not some of it, all of it ), they control the interest rates, the debt. Anything our military’s have, they have, they own the minds that created it. They have the entire world bought and paid for. They have taken all of our languages hostage, they were there adding words to confuse as our languages were being created, that is how old this is. Also they speak an entirely different language within all of our languages. They are not speaking to us, but we are agreeing with them anyway, because we can’t grasp it. There is nothing more evil then what we are facing, it is the very definition of Evil, and it is intelligent beyond our comprehension. The truth is not in him, he was a liar and a murder from the beginning, THE VERY BEGINNING!!!!!!! We want to tell our selfs this is a small group we are dealing with, a handful of old politicians, royals, globalists. I can’t prove it, but I think our minds would be blown at how big the list of actors is, They have been selling us this lie for so long, they are not even afraid of us gathering in our own defence anymore, that’s why Covid happened, what a slap in the face that was, and where are we? The Bible tells us what’s going to happen it hasn’t been wrong yet. Jesus is the way the truth and the light!!!

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I am glad that Jessica is as upset as I am that the symbol of the rainbow has been stolen from us. Back in the late 1960's I bought a political button with a rainbow hand painted on it with the word FREEDOM. I can't wear it anymore without having to do some 'splainin'. I used to be happy and gay, but I can't say I'm gay these days. We have been robbed. In Russia the rainbow still belongs to the righteous.

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Medically assisted dying is not 'MAID' but 'MAD'. Pretty obvious!

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While a discussion of the pathology of oligarchy is an important one in these times, I fear our dear Jessica Rose has been led astray. Matthew Ehret does some fine work but here he's slipped the bounds of known reality when he makes ridiculous claims about Carl Jung being some kind of demonic cultist. Has Ehret actually read any of Jung's works? Does he understand the difference between metaphor and allegory in mythology vs. literalism? It would seem not. Jung helped us understand that the great myths of religious tradition are psychic allegories and have healing potential at that level, not as literal narratives. Has Ehret read Memories, Dreams, Reflections, Jung's autobiography? If he had, he'd realize that Jung's metaphysical encounters weren't particularly demonic and in fact are common experiences for many people who have a psychic connection to their ancestors. Jung has done more to advance our understanding of the collective unconscious than any other single human being, and was a huge advance on Freud's now mostly discredited theories. I have to ask: Who benefits from Ehret's bizarre categorization of Jung? Why the sudden urge to discredit him?

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I hope you are right about Jung and that Ehret is wrong.

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I've been reading Jung all my life. There are entire faculties of study devoted to his work, including Cambridge University, Pacifica Institute, University of Toronto's New College, Wilfred Laurier University, etc., etc. You'd think that if there was anything to Ehret's claims, surely one of the career academics with degrees in this field would have discovered it by now. Ehret makes the common mistake of taking metaphor, allegory and mythology literally, missing the central point of Jung's thought, which sees them as consciousness archetypes that manifest in various guises but consistently true to type in all world cultures.

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I hope Jess and Ehret read what you have written here. I have always regarded Jung as one of the good guys, which may explain why the Satanic globalists are trying to discredit him.

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As I mentioned, anyone who has spent any time at all reading Jung's works is unlikely to come to the silly conclusion that he was promoting occult practices. Ehret is off the rails with this one.

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"surely one of the career academics with degrees in this field would have discovered it by now"

A career academic(s) most probably has, but they write whatever is required by their Academic master and/or funders require. This has been the "norm" long before Plandemics were invented,

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You can read Jung for yourself. Pick up a copy of selected works or his autobiography, Memories, Dreams, Reflections to get a sense of what he was really about. I have no idea where Ehret gets this idea from.

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I may not get to or through the video, but there's something important to remember about oligarchs.

Too much wealth controlled by too few brains will cause trouble.

[This also applies to mergers]

No matter what oligarch's intentions are, they do not and cannot comprehend the scope or scale of their ripples in the economy. They may be able to state grand quantities and effects, but cannot fully comprehend on a GRANULAR scale what can happen to individuals, families and other groups as a result of their actions or inaction. *

This is parallel to another human limitation - the number of human relationships one person can effectively maintain. The usual accepted figure is around 150.

Some of these will be close or intimate, others will vary down to courtesy greetings & small talk with regularly encountered individuals.

We can only spread ourselves so thin. Yet, some oligarchs own multi-hundred foot yachts, to be filled mainly by people they cannot know. Nice waste of space, time, talent, energy, resources!

Our evolution began with perceiving, responding to and when able, controlling our immediate surroundings and circumstances. Our capabilities beyond this came with our development of abstractions such as language and images.

That will always be a work in progress.


* When good or evil is focused at a granular scale, it is usually to either free up a benefit of the recipient's choosing, or to cause a cascade of trouble in their life.

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Matt, here is a real, live proponent of Mithraism, with a video presentation of his thesis. His site contains a lot of reference material. He's an academic. I'm aware from a personal contact that he attempts to recruit members and acolytes, often young women. My contact person was temporarily ensnared in his attention, but escaped. I'm curious if you and your wife, Cynthia, have encountered him in your research, and what you think of his work. Be sure to check out the video of one of his talks.


Thank you for all of your work.

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The Fugitive Wants Your I.D.

...one MOSIP o'you


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