As your guest says in the essay, we should take RFK's candidacy seriously. He is in about the same position that Trump was in, 18 months before the 2016 election. By God's grace, we will have another marginally free election and he has a chance as a candidate. With that said . . .

Kennedy is driven by an opposition to the Deep State, both the military/industrial arm (which killed his uncle and then had to kill his father) and the corporate/regulatory arms. He is also driven by a profound sense of justice and defense of the defenseless (in particular, the environment and children).

All of this is expounded upon in this interview, https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/arts-letters/articles/robert-f-kennedy-jr-interview-david-samuels

Those are not Malthusian positions. I think that he aligns with your viewpoints on the ability of human creativity to build new ways to meet the needs of humanity and to do it sustainably.

Kennedy is not kidding when he says (as quoted by your guest in his essay), "I do, however, believe that corporations which deliberately, purposefully, maliciously and systematically sponsor climate lies should be given the death penalty. This can be accomplished through an existing legal proceeding known as 'charter revocation.' State Attorneys General can invoke this remedy whenever corporations put their profit-making before the 'public welfare.' ”

So the question will become: what are those climate lies.

At this point, the science is leaning away from the fossil fuel companies sponsoring climate lies and the companies promoting ESG as sponsoring climate lies.

And it may not be as far of a mental reach for Kennedy to get there. He went from pursuing companies that were knowingly dumping toxins into the environment (Riverkeepers and NRDC) to pursuing companies that were knowingly dumping toxins into their products (pharmaceutical companies and their vaccines).

He went from everyone's hero as an environmentalist to everyone's villain as an anti-vaxxer. And as an anti-vaxxer, he has the same enemies as an anti-ESG person.

Your guest's thousand dollar electric bills are a step in that direction. Rolling blackouts due to renewables are a step in that direction. I trust that he has enough of a love of the truth that, at some point, he will value an intact electric grid over climate change claims that have not proven true.

Kennedy has a pretty decent mind for reasoning and following the evidence. He may be uniquely well positioned to keep the lights on, and dig us out of the ESG morass. Especially with his fondness for, and fearlessness in, going after corporate bad guys. We'll see.

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I haven't heard he believes in the ESG scam. He was for a long time a paid spokesperson for the wind/solar grifters. I think he really believed in that scam, like so many. Problem is most people lack the basic tech knowledge, especially math, to understand Energy, so they are easily led down the garden path by the solar & wind snakeoil salesmen.

Also people with the background & training of RFKjr are easy dupes for the $billion/yr Nuclear Fear Porn industry.

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Without sounding too flip, it's really the make or break issue for him as a candidate and us as a country. If we don't get off the net zero train before a national grid collapse, we are going to be numbered with Mao and Stalin for killing tens of millions of citizens unnecessarily.

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That is true, however, those who are foisting this Net Zero Carbon Trading Scam Worldwide are enemies of RFKjr. If he can break us free from their clutches, it will be the best thing ever to get off the Net Zero bandwagon. At the very least help expose them.

Other than that the President can't do much about the climate change alarmism scam. It's worldwide and they've even infiltrated state & municipal governments. Including Republican states like Florida & Texas. They're everywhere. My conclusion is, in balance, RFKjr will be a big win for the People over the Malthusian Oligarchy.

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Just as it took a strong Republican to open the door to Communist China (Nixon), I think it will take a strong Democrat to break the Net Zero Trading Scam Worldwide.

I agree that these are RFKjr's enemies. I also agree that he will be, in balance, a big win for the People over the Malthusian Oligarchy. We are seeing that in their response (media blackout, refusing to debate).

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It's truly Astonishing how Someone/Anyone/RFK JR Be so wide awake on The Vaccine Tyranny BUT As Dumb as they come to Climate Issues!! ( & let's not confuse Deliberate pollution with the Climate Emergency Fraud )

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Hardly - he was a committed anti-vaxx agitator for years in advance leading the disturbingly named Child Health Defense group. For a long time he supported the bizarre and truly dishonest Andrew Wakefield claims about the MMR vaccine. CHD fully supports Homeopathy and has frequently pointed to wireless communications as unsafe.

He is simply a scientific idiot who got lucky when the first unsafe (or at least untrialled) vaccine came along.

But then if you believe in a Climate Emergency Fraud you are hardly in a position to judge RFK jr.

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But he was dead on regarding the Plandemic and the genetic injections. That's the big one. I don't know about the other stuff except he for a long time was a spokesperson for the Wind & Solar Grifters. Probably lacks the technical skills, especially math, to understand Energy.

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RFK's work is about a clean environment, something the climate change crowd does not address at all. (industrial) pollution? nah.... just stop breathing out and make cows stop farting and we'll be fine. not!!

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Matthew, why don't you interview Vandana Shiva sometime and flesh out with her the relative benefits/drawbacks of Rockefeller funded "green revolution" farming that is dependent on petroleum based fertilizers and pesticides, vs. the regenerative organic farming methods she advocates and are based on millennia of continually increasing knowledge by farmers who actually work the soil, and how that can be brought to scale. Perhaps also look at other options for building food systems that are nourishing, highly productive and are built on democratic principles (i.e. seed saving) and not anti-human big bank, big tech and big ag corporate control. She supports the Dutch farmers movement and seeks ways to take the time to find the best outcomes for them.

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As always I will do what everyone else is either not doing or telling me not to do. Its worked out swell so far.

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I've written to him a few times about it. I agree that his views belie his intelligence. He's like the Covid mass formation psychosis mob, on climate. I saw through it in 2006 when I studied Prof Plimer's book, Heaven & Earth. Since then I kept up with the real science, but JFK has chosen MSM, which he must know, lies from sunup to sundown

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Have anyone listen to RFK speech in Boston? This man has redpilled. He spoke about his work on the environment that big corporations dumped their chemical into water and the soils. His work about mercury in our water and helping for the fishermen and family who takes their children in the weekend to fish and able to swim in the lake. A group of moms would followed him around on his speech on mercury.. that group of moms would say to him .. if you worried about mercury in our water .. you should know about mercury in childhood vaccines. Then that one mom went to his house and dropped off a stacks of papers and said .. I'll not leave until you read it and so he sat on the steps and read it .. he turned around and help that mom sue Pharma and won $20M in damages to her child and was able to proof childhood vax caused autism. Since then he been going after big Pharma on childhood vaccines suing fda/cdc/nih. His team is helping E. Palestine with the train wreck and chemical in their water and soils. His team is suing 10% Joe, Fauxi and fb on censorship. His team sue CA on mandate c19 and HPV on children and G5. Sued Monsanto on their roundup. On his podcast he has Dane Wigington about climate change. I'd encourage you to listen to him on his podcast, his website Children Health Defense and his endless of interviews on YT and Rumble. And if you don't have Spotify here are the links to Dane Wigington.

Dane Wigington


Chemtrails and weather modification


Climate change is in reality weather warfare by the governments https://stopworldcontrol.com/climate/



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I'm sorry Fox Green has had such enormous energy bills. The closing of Indian Point was an excuse to gouge NY customers, no doubt.

There are many things in this article I disagree with. I wonder who Fox Green is, is he a shill for

the Dem Party that has been taken over by the cabal/deep state?

Years before Riverkeepers, Pete Seeger was "sailing up, sailing down" the Hudson River with a sail boat full of high school and college kids for many summers trying to clean up the River. Centuries of garbage and sewage were being cleaned up one section at a time, and slowly fish and other aquatic-related species began to return.

Petrochemicals are nasty and poisonous whether in or on our food or used for energy, plastic bags, etc. I think we can agree on this.

Vandana Shiva is imo an admirable person who has been on top of the Monsanto disasters in India which caused hundreds of farmers to commit suicide.

Big Pharma, Big Food, Big Agra, are all conspiring to poison us all.

The growth of organic practices and a variety of types of farming which use native organic materials and do the least harm to the soil, watersheds, and crops are the way to go.

It is not RFK Jr's fault that the electric utilities in NY State are gouging their customers, it's the fault of the Governors, Mayors, members of the NYS Assembly, etc. for permitting this to occur.

Indian Point was leaking radioactive material into the Hudson for decades. If you think that's ok then imo there's something wrong here.

Until the elections in the US and around the world are fixed and every voting machine and practice which permits cheating and stealing are destroyed, it doesn't matter who runs for President or any other office.

The very fact that RFK Jr still has to be careful about what he says means the swamp is still very deep and stinky.

I know Climate Change is a scam and Al Gore is a POS. Without carbon we will die.

This is a hit piece on RFK Jr. Maybe he deserves it, but he should at least be able to defend himself.

The name Children's Health Defense org CHD is not disturbing and has nothing to do with pedophiles like the Clinton's group which is similarly named.

Andrew Wakefield put his career on the line to make the link between the useless MMR vaccine and autism. Autism has increased alarmingly since the "covid vaccines" btw.

I agree he was a hypocrite regarding wind turbines near his family's compound on Cape Cod. That really put me off at the time.

Don't forget his wife plays Larry David's wife on Curb Your Enthusiasm and he lives much of the year in LA surrounded by Hollywood POS.

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I'm overall a supporter of RFKjr but he knows zip about energy. Indian point was one of the cleanest sources of energy in New York state. Emissions, including radioisotope emissions INCREASED after it was closed for corrupt political reasons. It was inexcusable idiocy & abject hypocrisy that it was closed. And the radioisotope emissions of wind & solar are far worse when you consider all the mine waste they create.

Be careful, just waving your arms around and declaring you can change are agricultural system with wishes & dreams. They tried that in Sri Lanka and it was a disaster. The Bankster overlords are using Green Fantasy Fools as Useful Idiots to promote their deindustrialization & Malthusian agenda. IMPROVING our agricultural system in an incremental way is the right path forward, using hard science and solid evidence. We don't need Greenie bird-brain arm-wavers destroying our food & energy supply.

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thank you for your reply SmithFS, I appreciate your opinion

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