doing the lord’s work matt

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America loves to hate but when a money pot shows up at the end of the rainbow we ignore the hate. That was and is the case with China.

Russia failed building a system that was a utopia on this planet and we had a perfect opportunity to build a lasting peace. What did we do instead. We encouraged Ukraine to join the NATO to piss the Russians off.

Nothing new considering America’s past history.

We are a democracy, we love humanity, we love peace, the environment and we welcome people from all over the world.

If you see that being written or spoken by goons like Biden, close your eyes and ignore it.

There is no other government in the world that is as manipulative as our’s. Americans do not represent on the average the views of people we elect. How did we voted them in these positions. We have been brainwashed for years to accept brand names. Democrats are not what they preach but they acquired a brand name that is hard to beat.

Brand names is what America lives by.

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I know!! I know!! I know!!

"I have seen the enemy, and it is us. "


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How can a "thing" be an enemy? It's never a "thing" that you demonize in order to hate, it's always the dualisitc concept of "The Other". The ignorance which splits all of creation into parts, to measure, which is "maya" , illusion.


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Seems to be our own government and department of defense (& billy goat gates ) big enemies

Looking forward to tonight!

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A man who claims he has asthma and therefore cannot serve his country is fooling his country that he can be a commender and chief.

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Gonna be a good one! Part 2 is even more insightful—and funnier—than part 1! Can't wait to show it off

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