The Jewish Century is over. America is a husk of its former self. Jews arrived in America 500 years ago. They rose gradually to power and influence until in 1913 Jewish bankers in Europe conspired with Jewish bankers in the U.S. to establish the Federal Reserve.

Jews in the late 17th Century after the Glorious Revolution had changed England forever. Said revolution, fomented by Jews — thus disturbing England’s tranquility, were handed the keys to England. Once the Jews has finagled the right and power to create the currency and encourage the Crown to borrow money — the future was cast.

Of course it was Jewish bankers and their hold over the Crown Colonies in America which caused the Americans to fight their First Civil War; called by historians a Revolution. It was a war between two views of how a society ought to run.

The Americans wanted representation in Parliament. It was rejected. The Jewish bankers wanted to provide the money supply in the Colonies. The physical fighting concluded in 1814. But the Jews never stopped striving to bring America back into their money provisioning system. This is history — and easily verifiable — however reaching the conclusion that Jewish bankers fomented all the friction between 1775 and 1913 is unpopular for obvious reasons. America is a satrap of Jewish international banking power. Jews use American military power to reinforce Jewish banking power throughout the world. Dare any leader step out of line and reject American hegemony or dare any people in the world’s less powerful satrapies rebel, then the CIA is quickly sent there to undermine those who foment independence. Leaders are bribed or if they are not bribable they are killed — even in the U.S.

American power can still squeeze money enough to fight to extend the power of the U.S. Dollar. But the squeeze is costing America so much money the currency is finished. It is no longer a stable currency.

The value of a U.S. dollar is falling like a stone.

Indeed it looks intentional!

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"America is a satrap of Jewish international banking power." - perfect!! keepin' that, thanks!

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You’re welcome. Pass the comment on.


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the cause of the American War of Independence was not a few pennies in a tea tax - the War got going after King George proclaimed that only pound sterling was legal currency in the 13 colonies which were functioning on 'script' issued by the colonial governments - which were barred from raising money for government expenditure - colonel script was accepted by all thirteen colonies - the King's decree instantly bankrupt all farmers commercial enterprises and individuals...

... as well - your suggestion of Jewish bankers wanting to print the money in America is answered by - they printed the pound sterling which the the colonies were forced to borrow from the Bank of England

The Civil war left America in debt to European bankers which is the reason that Lincoln created the green backs - and most likely led to Lincoln's murder

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evil entities hate good ,hate evil, hate each, other hate themselves ,hate love, hate kindness, they hate every race, hate anybody, every politic,hate ,hate Good God ,hate LIFE it self , they preach hate ,preach egotism, preach superiotity, preach anything that will make people hate each other ... good God please enlighten our darkness and reveal to us how to deal with evil according to your gracious wisdom

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He is dealing with it, exactly as He prophesied He would.

This is God's doing, ALL of it, a point scripture is adamant about,which everyone here would already know, including the mystified and clueless author, if only you all were not Biblically illiterate.

I don't understand how people BS themselves so endlessly.

Its Israel, not Fakestine, and the Fakestinians are the only illegal occupiers, aa it is not their land and it never was.

There really is no excuse for such unbridled ignorance as presented in this essay and comment page, it is pure absurdity, start to finish and you should all be deeply ashamed.

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Sorry, dude, but I don't do toxic guilt, OR toxic shame....that's all Abrahamic nonsense....

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Manipulators extraordinaire; twisters of words, thoughts, emotions and deeds. Gotta hand it to you, you know your game.

Ashamed, nah. Amused by your comment, yes.

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if scripture was all true then no problem ... if scripture was a good truthfull means of relating truth , then Jesus Christ could / would have written the real truth in scripture,,, why Jesus didnt is moot and maybe proves that scripture is not infalable and is free of vested interest... good God enlighten our darkness

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Northern Israel has been under attack by Hezbollah for a long time...the people who live there are frightened every single day...I one hundred percent believe Israel has a right to defend itself and Hezbollah and Hamas are terrorist organizations and I hope Israel takes every last one of them out, because no one else seems willing to do it. They have terrorized people in Tunisia and other countries in the region and they totally support what Israel is doing.

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Helene- I encourage you to watch the two videos linked in the above post. You are missing a big part of the story at this moment

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yes I will watch them but I felt compelled to comment first...

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Helen . What would you say if the British would give half of your property and house to Mr. Y ? Than he start raping you every day . But when you punch back it is declared terrorism so he can rape you more as self-defense .

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Bingo! +100 likes.

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War today is conducted with different methods and means than used in WW II. The U.S. cannot invade countries which are comprised of vast continental land masses with huge hinterlands.

Russia is using the same tactics she always did. Draw the aggressors deep into their hinterlands; save their matériel while the enemy requires increasingly extended supply lines impossible to sustain; maintain the production of tanks, guns, and munitions; push back only when the enemy is exhausted; harry the aggressors in their retreat. Sooner or later the enemy dissolves into the steppes.

Threatening nuclear war is in no one’s interests. Mother Russia maintains a formidable submarine force concealed under the Atlantic Ocean along the eastern seaboard of the United States. And the clowns in Washington are well aware of the proximity. Mother Russia’s little helpers are not detectable!

Pushing NATO into the Russian orbit tends to deplete U.S. resources while having little effect on Russia’s economy. The U.S. is in a war of attrition being waged on far too many fronts to reasonably maintain.

The strategy being used by the Arabs, the Persians, the Russians, the Chinese is patience.

Why rise to U.S. provocation? It appears to me that the U.S. is flailing about like a wounded bear — still extremely dangerous. Better to let it die!

In many case the U.S. depends on its enemies for the means of making war; oil, rare earths, computer chips, consumer goods all at affordable prices. This last has pacified the masses for more than half a Century. The masses came to think it was the role of their elites to manufacture the good life. The masses had no idea they were slaves in a Jewish hegemony! The moral majority has been undermined intentionally by a cynical world view where self indulgence is paramount.

The U.S. is a Jewish country run by Jews. Jews appear to be both strategically short sighted and tactically stupid. Neither strategy nor tactics — no matter hold bold — are the least bit useful without the capability to competently execute both strategy and tactics. Jews systematically gutted the country upon which they now depend, for the future success of their aggression. The Goyim are increasingly becoming aware that their interests are not being served by the people they are bribed to elect.

Jews are in a double bind. Having one’s cake and eating it too is a mindless expectation. The expression is a caution. Expecting to conquer the world while destroying the means to do it is more than a little short sighted.

“As it is a rule of humanity that the upright and well-intentioned are comparatively passive, while the designing, dishonest and selfish are the most untiring in their efforts, the danger of public opinion’s getting a false direction is four-fold, since few men think for themselves.”
James Fenimore Cooper, in the American Democrat, 1838

The economy, in what Jews call Israel — is collapsing. Jews’ have no friends anywhere. Their perfidy has been revealed once and for all. Their word-smithing and mealy mouth double dealing is painfully obvious. Fewer people are reading their newspapers, watching their broadcast TV stations, or listening to their radio stations — all of them reporting the same distortions. Their media properties are hollow shells compared to what they were in the 1980s.

With a simple simple app anybody can read 2128 newspapers in 242 countries or regions around the world: http://www.inkdrop.net provides people hungering for countervailing points of view, which is to say, i.e. views countervailing the brainwashing mumbo jumbo of the Jew here in the U.S.

Jews everywhere are being heard to say, “…why doesn’t anyone like us?”

It should be obvious shouldn’t it? Jews are constitutionally unable to just get along with others. Jews’ emigrating to Palestine from Europe, instead of integrating peacefully with the resident population there at the time including the Jews’ already living there, immediately began harassing the Arabs, including confiscating their homes, their lands, and expelling and murdering them — and no less — terrorizing them without surcease for these past one hundred years.

Today Jews have the temerity to explain that their vindictive and unconscionable behaviour towards the Arabs is just! Why should the Arabs acquiesce to the Jewish Zionist demands that Arabs leave. The Balfour Declaration had a mere 15 lines, among them was a cautionary qualifier, “…it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.”

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I prefer the word ‘Zionist’ vs Jew. Many great Jewish people. The good ones seem to abhor the malicious behavior of the Zionist regime. But your points are well taken.

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The Anti-Humanist, World Genocide Agenda, as an Occult Ritual.

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Well... Let's call a spade a spade. None of these conflicts would be possible without plenty of contributions and blessings of civilian populations. Where do "leaders" come from? Do they fall out of the sky? Are they not created in civilian bedrooms? Are they not fed in civilian homes, educated in civilian schools, followed as if they're gods by civilian agency?

It doesn't matter what occult party, ethnic group, or political organization gains our focus. We create the bastards out of our love for hatred...

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You are exceedingly naïve! Leaders are merely agents i.e., middle management types — their task is to implement orders to which you and I are not asked to contribute. Candidates are pre-selected including presidents and prime ministers. Your *belief's* stand in the way of the possibility of you understanding the terror of our situation!

The majority accord with your beliefs — unfortunately. Millions have been bought off! Those millions vote their self interests — as they see them — but fail to understand the nature of the behemoth and its minions. Tragically most of the minions vote against their own and their children's self interests. We do not creat the behemoth. The behemoth creates us.

The behemoth spouts an insidious ideology. The behemoth promises it will look after you. Hah! Nothing could be further than the truth. We are a collective — beholden to a technological imperative enforced by its inherent dictates. But do not imagine or think it is possible to contradict or countervail the powers whom wield these constructs in which we are imbedded. There is an imbedded assumption inherent in all social structures. Defenestrating those assumptions is not seen as beneficial despite the tyranny of the construct.

One instance is the modern process into which we consign our young. These supersized schools do not teach the ideals of liberty or free speech or indeed the capability of discerning the facade. Our children are immersed in buildings where their teachers are merely proponents of the programming they received when they attended the same process of impress. But do not pretend that these graduates accord consciously with their beliefs. Beliefs are manifestations of their programming. Programming intentionally recognized as control.

Of course our presumed leaders emerge from the same conditions as their followers. Upward mobility is the inherent promise. But there is no upward mobility for those who do not accord automatically with the premise and promise of upward mobility.

Eventually the entire ball of wax is impenetrable. Eventually enforcing its precepts requires more and more force. The process is devolutionary and indeed it is inherently static. The near destination is Totalitarianism. Those not in accord with the premises extant in complete compliance with the dictates of the state or those who sooner or later discover the states inherent inability to bribe most peoples acquiescence to the dictates of the state inevitably introduce an element of chaos. The attempt at equilibrium is seen to fail.

None of this occurs with anyone’s blessings. It occurs because the state is inherently totalitarian. Compliance is rewarded. Those rewards though, signal to the unrewarded that the state is inherently unfair. Why? Because in order to reward the compliant it is inherent in such a system that it becomes necessary to confiscate from the noncompliant and transfer their wealth to the compliant. It becomes necessary for the behemoth, i.e. the powerful international bankers to manipulate interests rates which are inherently confiscatory and for the state to raise the taxes of the non-compliant. The compliant get their money by serving the interests of the state and/or the behemoth.

It is one thing to eschew the states rewards and leave the non-compliant unrewarded — it is another thing when propping up the state turns on confiscating from the non-compliant.

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Hello werpor. 'Naivety' is hardly the case. I've watched over 55 years worth of civilian contributions to the "behemoth" of the company store. Their blind and idiotic contributions to 401k accounts, their compliance to brokered and Bonded "Trust" and their abject belief in mafia controlled financial systems, which they of course, deny.

I am quite familiar with Zionist/Jesuit infiltration of the former Roman Catholic church, the seizure and monopoly of National and State assets, the erection and support of European Black Nobility, and Zionist controlled censorship of all who publicly protest these actions.

You are preaching to the choir. >>> My take on it goes like this:

An Innocent Question

Oh, where are the creatures of war yet spawned

If not in the harbor of mother’s sweet bed

As if our Stalin’s spring forth from the aethers

To roam our back streets of hatred and dread

2/28/2003 PV

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What you write cannot be contested. Poetry rather than prose may aid in defenestrating Behemoth. Although events in Gaza transcend prose and poetry. No words can reflect the evil in evidence there.

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Those triangle eye masons. They're pretty crafty... and bloody murderous.

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I'd like to add that quoting from a long-dead rabbi to defend your thesis is a problem for me...there are thousands of rabbis past and present who do not agree with this supposed Armageddon philosophy, and most Jews like myself don't either...

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This is not any typical dead rabbi, but one who's ideas have exerted an inordinate amount of power in shaping our current world at the expense of the lives of the vast majority of Jews who have just as much of an understanding how they have been played as do the Muslims or Christians whose lives have been shaped for the worse by Satanic gnostics acting holy on the surface while collaborating to induce an armageddon purgative mass murder esoterically

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I'm sorry did you say: " Satanic gnostics acting holy on the surface while collaborating to induce an armageddon purgative mass murder esoterically". On first readingI was impressed with the breadth of knowledge in your post, but saying: " Satanic gnostics acting holy on the surface while collaborating to induce an armageddon purgative mass murder esoterically" is nuts - not intelligent.

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what's your point?....and, "...gave up a guerilla war against China...."? WTF?....

What are you saying that's at all relevant?

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Babylon - Pharasaism - Judaism - Sabbotean Frankism.

The return of the Messiah is a Sabbotean inversion. It's their Messiah that they want to return, when everything has been inverted.

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How is Walter Rothschild - a Jew an antisemitic fascist?

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I completely agree that the psychopathic global controllers are destroying the world with their endless empire-building wars, while using the hatred and division they create to distract the masses from the real enemy (them). Same old story – create victims and oppressors and force them to destroy each other while the only real winners are those pulling the strings.

However, I am disappointed that you continue to downplay the unbelievable horrors of the current Israeli genocide/holocaust in Palestine. You disparage the protesters, suggesting they are just supporting the division and hatred, but are they really? How do you know they aren’t protesting the evil of the string pullers? Does understanding who the real enemy is mean that we should stand idly by while an entire people are destroyed, thus joining the oppressors? Shouldn’t part of our resistance include resisting genocide created by the psychopaths in charge, even if we do understand that the oppressors are also victims?

I would appreciate an answer, because I value your work but your stance on the middle east makes you appear like an ivory-tower elitist who doesn’t care that millions of lives are being destroyed by the evil-doers.

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"Rabbi Kook was also a leading collaborator of the fascist Hagenah terrorist Vladimir Jabotinsky, a leading advocate of Greater Israel, and the founding father of every single Yeshiva that went on to spawn several generations of illegal settlers in the West Bank. " IS TOTAL NON-SENSE. PSEUDO INTELLECTUAL SALAD

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“worked tirelessly to support the Nazi movement’s rise to power?”

Citation needed.

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The Middle East is the seat of monotheism, the "Religions of the Book," the worshippers of a jealous God, who tolerates no other gods. The monotheist doesn't have to say, "Your God is no god at all." Just the fact that people are aware that the monotheist believes this, is reason to hate him. It is hatred of the God of the monotheist, that is the basis of antisemitism. Just as the God of monothiests is intolerant of other gods, and ways of worship,

so are his followers. This is not true of polytheists and pantheists. All gods are God to them, leading to a live and let live attitude toward other religions, except when when encountering the monotheist, who believes that the polytheists gods are no God's at all. This religious hatred is even true of the various branches of monotheism hatred for each other. This religious hatred is the key to understanding the Middle East.

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Zoroastrianism considered monotheastic predates the Hebrew bible by some thousands of years...

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Hatred is like drinking poison to kill your enemy.... try reading some Dalai Lama - Buddhism.

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hmmm... this would be after the CIA got him out and formed the exile community on the India-China border and after he gave up a guerrilla war against China and moved the refugee camp to McLeod Ganj then...

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what's your point?....and, "...gave up a guerilla war against China...."? WTF?....

What are you saying that's at all relevant?

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your quote attributed to me is from a post regarding the Dali Lama

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Check out the persecution-genocide of the monotheist Rohingya Muslims by the Buddist majority of Myanmar.

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Not even Buddhism can save Myanmar....

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And....? That only proves how evil Rohingya Muslims truly are.....

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The thing about the Brits is, once you were a colony, they never give up trying to make you one again. This is why I roll my eyes when people talk about restoring "Palestine." Palestine was a British creation, a failed state, that was at war from the moment the ink was dry on the mandate. Why anyone would want to restore this is beyond me. Now, Greater Syria, as it was known in 1910, may be worth a look.

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How was Palestine a failed state? The region was part of the Ottoman Empire for over 500 years. The British may have ruled the place after WWI and drawn up the maps, but the inhabitants had been living there peacefully for centuries before them under Ottoman Rule. I suppose you could consider a conquered state to have failed, but that was the result of external factors, not something the Palestinians brought upon themselves.

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"Palestine" and "the region in the Ottoman Empire" are 2 separate things. "Palestine" was a British confection. The Arabs living there didn't call themselves "Palestinians" before the Brits showed up. I agree that the inhabitants lived peaceably until Perfidious Albion arrived.

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Love your and Cynthia's work. I had read that Pike and Protocols of Zion may be fakes. Are you familiar with The Day Tapes, Toronto Protocols?

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To me the Day tapes feel like an ex post fabrication.

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