Max needs to be educated

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the central banksters control and orchestrate rescission and depressions. we need to remove ourselves from the city of london and the criminal cartel of central bankers n globalists

That Canada is still a colony is disgusting

as the British Empire robs us and controls the Canadian financial and legaleize systems.

we need our own currency, our own Canadian greenback, plain and simple Maxime Bernier 🎶 🇨🇦 ☮️

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Very disappointing but, as you say, not surprising. He acts as if what money does is a force of nature, "a coming storm" that gov't is just as subject to as you are. Buy some real estate, young man. Move back with your parents. To translate his advice--you're on your own, buddy. The bankers are in charge and there's nothing we can do about it. Ridiculous but shows the impotence of what pretends to be gov't.

I assume the French portion was no more enlightening although certainly more excitable on his part.

BTW, I'm not able to hear the sound on Bitchute. Probably just a setting on my end but thought I'd let you know. Rumble and YT come through fine.

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Very disappointing. I voted for him but as far as I am concerned he just did himself a lot of harm. However, like yourself Matt, the thought of voting for the red and/or orange would make me vomit. The problem with Canadian politicians, and you see the same thing with Poilievre, is that they still believe in the gold fish economy. They are very provincial and do not understand the larger picture or how countries like China and Russian actually operate. They have no true international experience and are easily manipulated by those that do. Reading your books and LaRouche would be a good start.

My father-in-law worked on the Avro Arrow and what a world class team those guys were. Some went on to work for NASA or in Europe on the SST and some retired overseas in disgust. My father -in-law moved to NZ, managed an export dairy products lab, retired and died there.

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