I enjoy your show with GhostofBPH. You and Cynthia are brilliant and I enjoy both of your research. Ghost too is very well read and very bright. But and I have been down this road many times with people like him. When he speaks of mosaic law or Jews in general his explanations are very telling that he does not like them and is disingenuous at best. On this podcast he showed you a bible pre- 1909 and it showed the 12 tribes and stated the map was of Palestine. He and yourself both know that the 12 tribes were not placed in Palestine. There was no such thing or land or idea before 112 AD during a rebellion you both know to be the Bar Kokhba rebellion. The land for over 1000 years was known as Judea and the North was Samaria. Before the split in 800 BC it was all Judea. Ghost why do you hate the Judeans soooooo much. Did something happen in Middle School or High School.

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I too have noticed a lot of those undertones, and they are most certainly more candid about such things off screen. They are also really soft on communism and have some logical inconsistency in their holistic model of history that creates contradictions at points. They’re smart and get a lot right but they also whiff it a lot and just plain make up stuff or over exaggerate their knowledge on certain topics. For instance Matt a has a really sophomoric understanding of both Christianity and church history and that’s being generous. His take on Darby and dispensationalism in general is pretty lame and relies on supposition and logical leaps, he mixes up the timeline and acts as if certain opposing factions such as the Irvingites were united with him. He also doesn’t seem to understand the restoration movement’s beginnings nearly at the same time as the reformation and how it was the result of returning to a literal hermeneutic (as was the standard in apostolic ante-nicene Christianity) and not from some exogenous political scheme. The earliest restorationists were actually martyred for proclaiming their belief that the Jews would one day return to the land. In reality Zionism was co-opted as a useful cause by several different factions, it’s not as simple as Matt would have us believe, there was no evil Darby Rothschild conspiracy. The theology was a return to the apostolic doctrine of Chilliasm from Antioch. But Matt try’s to string along a ridiculous narrative in order to fool the simple, but it’s preposterous. So much so that it’s easily refuted by even a casual reading of basic Christian scholarship, the kind widely published in academic and seminary journals. But he’s not willing to do the work because none of his audience will fact check him on it because the vast majority don’t know anything about Christianity and have never read the Bible except perhaps one time through. There’s a ton I agree with him on, but he’s overly reductionistic in this area and way out of his depth. In his version of history everyone is a British agent and part of the mystery schools and gnostic or whatever. Just way too free and loose the facts sometimes for the sake of presenting a coherent universal theory. He’s right about the Jesuits and neo-Templars but he’s a lousy Christian historian at best and deceptive at worst. One day his lazy, slanderous, and perhaps unscrupulous approach to scripture and history will catch up with him, in this life or the next.

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But in actuality, perhaps he's not really that far off. I say this because in ther Old Covenant, there was indeed a geography promised to the nation of Hebrews through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob(israel) and Moses. But it is my conjecture that the Jews don't have an Abrahamic Covenantal right to any geography anymore; because in Christ, all the former covenantal promises were fulfilled in Him, the Person and Revelation of Jesus Christ. In other words Jesus IS the Promised Land. Even Paul would indicate that "the true Jew is you" by faith in Jesus, which he even addressed the remaining Hebrews in his epistles. Some believe there is a "pause" that once Christ "returns and leaves again" that the pause resumes and Armageddon begins, etc., which I think is rubbish and a Darby/Scofield dispensational heresy. But the utilization of that particular religious sentiment the British bankers and monarchists of the Anglo-Zionist satanists have indeed manipulated from a belief of "hastening a messianic age" for their own good, much like the Ghost Dance that led to the Trail of Tears and nearly exterminating the Native population at large and forcing them into camps, if you will, to control while they have their resources stolen. We can all be simplistic; but I think a better understanding of separating the spirit of the letter versus what traditionalists uphold as the letter of the law will help balance what Ghost and Matt "headline" for us.

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I recommend reading “discovering dispensationalism” it’s the most current scholarship on the issue, the literal grammatical historical (consistently applied) is nothing new and goes back to the ante-nicene fathers (let alone the apostles). Nearly everything we believe is represented in the early writings of the church and more are discovered every year as they are translated from the Greek and other original languages. You can disagree with dispensationalism but it didn’t start with Darby, all he did was systematize it as well as popularized it. But even then he was really mid-stream, the process of applying the hermeneutic to the text had begun with the reformers (which is why the doctrine opposed Catholicism) but they didn’t apply it to anything except soteriology and kept all the Augustinian allegorical nonsense in other areas. Now as far as the political side of Zionism goes I too believe that it was largely co-opted for nefarious means, but Satan did the same thing with the church so no marvel. Something can be simultaneously true as well as used by the wicked to advance their own cause when they realize it is prophetic and can’t be successfully taught against. “Can’t beat em join em” sort of deal. As far as the Abrahamic covenant goes there’s no scripture that says it is dis annulled and Paul’s writings actually speak to the contrary as well as the original wording of Genesis which makes it unconditional and eternal.

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the European leaders are making fools of themselves

new election free of stagnant politics is needed

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perhaps there are too few stagnant politicians.

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