in Holland there were no concentration camps, only several so-called Durchgangsläger, temporary stops on the way to be transported eastwards (to the labour camps).
John Huston is Hollywood, Hollywood is PR and image-building, so the real question should be: how much influence did Hollywood have on its affiliated filmers and photographers …
in Holland there were no concentration camps, only several so-called Durchgangsläger, temporary stops on the way to be transported eastwards (to the labour camps).
John Huston is Hollywood, Hollywood is PR and image-building, so the real question should be: how much influence did Hollywood have on its affiliated filmers and photographers (including Alfred Hitchcock), who were set to work in post-war Germany? or why didn't they also film the destruction and despair in the Japanese camps?
finally, on the idea that "6 million J*ws" died in the H*locaust: yes many Jews died, but also many others (forced labour on an industrial scale tends to do that) and this number itself has been presented in a sophisticated information strategy dating back at least to 1915, as can be seen in pre-war, leading American and European newspaper articles -
It was also the Korda brothers who got their boost serving the Allies' propaganda machine. An astonishing number of future Hollywood 'Greats' paid their dues fabricating reality in the post-war period. And the less said about the talentless, non-entity and opportunist Marlena Dietrich, the better. She may have been the world's first 'celebrity' - famous for being famous.
You are so ignorant it is astounding...why do you use the name Franz Kafka, who was Jewish?
The Korda brothers were Hungarian Jews who emigrated to England and helped make many of the great British films of the 1930s and 1940s including "The Scarlet Pimpernel" with the great Jewish British actor Leslie Howard.
Marlene Dietrich received many honours, including from France, for the secret work she did against the Nazis, risking her life many times. You have no idea what a hero she was. And she also helped many European Jews escape to Britain or the USA, including children. On the face she was performing for the troops, but she was sent into many dangerous places all of which she did voluntarily. I knew her grandson she was the most amazing person. And a great performer.
Matt you must be shocked at the level of vitriol here against your research and articles, and how hatred of the Jewish People and anyone who is with them keeps coming up. I hope you can have a Moderator who can deal with this because these posts are not enlightening in any way, and are, in fact, spewing hatred and lies. Please do something.
How pathetic. My posts in reply do not go through and this huffing and puffing creature who clearly stands around waiting to be insulted is snitching on me to Matt Ehret. You will need the wisdom of Solomon here Matt. Good luck! The tone of the debate is lowered horribly by casually bigoted, exceptionalist Zionist scolds like the 'helene' person I am having to deal with, but with weird obstacles put in my way on your site.
The figures from the International Red Cross, postwar in 1945 I believe, were 257,000 deaths in the labor camps (there were no "Death Camps:" except in the fervid imaginations of Hollywooders) from all causes - mostly typhus. The other figures are fabrications (lies) for various political and propaganda purposes.
in Holland there were no concentration camps, only several so-called Durchgangsläger, temporary stops on the way to be transported eastwards (to the labour camps).
John Huston is Hollywood, Hollywood is PR and image-building, so the real question should be: how much influence did Hollywood have on its affiliated filmers and photographers (including Alfred Hitchcock), who were set to work in post-war Germany? or why didn't they also film the destruction and despair in the Japanese camps?
finally, on the idea that "6 million J*ws" died in the H*locaust: yes many Jews died, but also many others (forced labour on an industrial scale tends to do that) and this number itself has been presented in a sophisticated information strategy dating back at least to 1915, as can be seen in pre-war, leading American and European newspaper articles -
peace out.
It was also the Korda brothers who got their boost serving the Allies' propaganda machine. An astonishing number of future Hollywood 'Greats' paid their dues fabricating reality in the post-war period. And the less said about the talentless, non-entity and opportunist Marlena Dietrich, the better. She may have been the world's first 'celebrity' - famous for being famous.
(although I do like her rendition of the classic betrayal theme of 'Lily Marlene').
You are so ignorant it is astounding...why do you use the name Franz Kafka, who was Jewish?
The Korda brothers were Hungarian Jews who emigrated to England and helped make many of the great British films of the 1930s and 1940s including "The Scarlet Pimpernel" with the great Jewish British actor Leslie Howard.
Marlene Dietrich received many honours, including from France, for the secret work she did against the Nazis, risking her life many times. You have no idea what a hero she was. And she also helped many European Jews escape to Britain or the USA, including children. On the face she was performing for the troops, but she was sent into many dangerous places all of which she did voluntarily. I knew her grandson she was the most amazing person. And a great performer.
Matt you must be shocked at the level of vitriol here against your research and articles, and how hatred of the Jewish People and anyone who is with them keeps coming up. I hope you can have a Moderator who can deal with this because these posts are not enlightening in any way, and are, in fact, spewing hatred and lies. Please do something.
Why abuse me (Kafka) by not calling Kafka a Czech?
How pathetic. My posts in reply do not go through and this huffing and puffing creature who clearly stands around waiting to be insulted is snitching on me to Matt Ehret. You will need the wisdom of Solomon here Matt. Good luck! The tone of the debate is lowered horribly by casually bigoted, exceptionalist Zionist scolds like the 'helene' person I am having to deal with, but with weird obstacles put in my way on your site.
The figures from the International Red Cross, postwar in 1945 I believe, were 257,000 deaths in the labor camps (there were no "Death Camps:" except in the fervid imaginations of Hollywooders) from all causes - mostly typhus. The other figures are fabrications (lies) for various political and propaganda purposes.