I gave your response some thought. I'm not aware that use of "shill" is outright offensive. Within the overall context of the comment, it doesn't seem that any indignities are being launched.
As such, I regard your response as dodging the question. In the very week where PRChina decides to butt probe its people in search of a plague …
I gave your response some thought. I'm not aware that use of "shill" is outright offensive. Within the overall context of the comment, it doesn't seem that any indignities are being launched.
As such, I regard your response as dodging the question. In the very week where PRChina decides to butt probe its people in search of a plague through a problematic test, you're posting a piece in denial of the facts.
I like some of your work quite a bit, which is why I have fewer inhibitions about calling you to the floor when you're simply out to lunch. Your bit on the Orange Clown and now this... both curiously in ignorance of reality.
Great bit with Ellen Brown. Fantastic work on 19th-c, the banks, and the british empire.
Here, you're wayyyyyyyyyy wrong. I'm not out-and-out anti-PRChina but it's becoming ever more clear that they are lapdogs of the same forces you so clearly call out in some of your better pieces.
First off "shill" literally means "An accomplice of a swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer in order to entice or encourage others", and if you are not aware that this is offensive then you need to turn your mind on. Your comment's context was two lines long which 1) called me out for being an illusionist/deceiver and 2) and avoiding issue of China's butt swabs. In the past you have written me messages indicating how grateful you are for my analysis and that's nice. However, to then leap into a rude and beligerent stance "calling me to the floor" is not something I will reward with an answer. For those who care to know why I have the assessment that I do, despite China's wrong policy on COVID 19 need only ask me. They can even tell me they disagree, and give me their reasons and respectfully engage in a discussion. If what I am saying confuses you and you don't know how to do this, then I suggest thinking about how you would engage with someone you respect on a point of disagreement if you were in the same room with them and not speaking to an avatar over a keyboard. This happens alot when people spend too much time in twitter or social media land where the spraying of opinions and slanders is rather encouraged by the medium itself rather than engaging in normal human dialogue where relationships actually matter.
Hmm, I would have liked a comment, but maybe I wasn't clear about that, so if you have a spare movement please, Mr Ehret let me know what you know and/or assume with regards to the 1) who are the actors, the apparently two forces fighting behind the scene for world domination ? OR is it simply the Zionist Elite mafia supporting both sides through straw man. OR is there in fact TWO sides, One, the Globalist with their main Agenda of a One-World government with Atheism/eradicating Faith & Relegions, and the SECOND, supporting a decentralized world society, which works to ensures Nations sovereignty, and so Nationalism and Patriotism. Although, I've been in favor of the Two-Groups view, I've begun to think there may only be one, indicated by how fast the Zionist Adelsson/Netanyahu group swithed side to the Biden-Admin, og maybe even made him loose through organising the Voting fraud e.g. brought Mark Zuckerberg to help/sponsor the "training" of the pool counters etc. , the mysterious Voting machines, pressured the judges not let any voting fraud case be heard in court.
I don't have many free moments these days, but I did unpack a bunch of thoughts which relate to your questions in this interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSBZpwD65k0
Yeah, also true ! Important to keep a respectful tone. However, I know how it feels when someone I admired appears to have a surprising view on a subject e.g. the GOPs and the GOP supporting media e.g. FOX, Newsmax, etc. IMO unfair, unjust and totally biased support for Israel in the Palestinian conflict.
I figure we're grown-ups here and needn't walk upon eggshells. Maybe it's a britishism that I'm not apt to fully grasp, though I hold a certain fondness for Canadian politeness and sensibility.
I apologize as offending you is not my objective. I agree with the definition of shill and stand by its use, however. PRChina has progressively been on a path of technocratic totalitarianism. It's totally obvious and there's positively zero cause to mince words about it.
I lived in Beijing in the early 90s and have been there to observe the changes for the worse. Xi is horrible and your panegyric is indefensible.
I'm new to this site. I couldn't helped being impressed with Mr Ehret intensive knowledge on global politics and historical events, however his take on China was quite a bit different to the view I presently hold, which is that the Chinese government/leadership, the CCP, like many previous socialist/communist tyrannical regimes USSR, Khmer Rouge is itself controlled by/part of a Globalist cartel, whose ultimate goal is to rule the world though a One-World government. I believe that the EU can be included hereunder and maybe also the WHO. Here, I suspect the non-semitic Zionist (jews of the Khazarian origin, the AskeNazis, the Rothschilds), the Jesuits and the Masons/Illuminati to be the major central players. (I like to hear your opinion on that assumption).
However, Mr Ehret make some good arguments on China's anti-WEF's goal: 1) anti-degrowth, 2) anti-population reduction, 3) pro nation state/multipolarity, 4) national controls of banking and long term credit and 5) open system large scale development, 6) helping other nations develop full spectrum economies. But as Mr Ehret himself emphases: "Is this just words or has it been rsupprited by their actions ? Does China support any country without first evaluating their own economical or political benefits ? What scares me about China and make me agree with Mr "YCMGH" is exactly that, their actions, the rules/laws that CCP imposes on its own people and not least in Hongkong; the surveillance, the censorship, the forced hospital Covid-treatment, mandatory vaccinations, restriction on free speech and protest, etc.
With regard to "the Orange clown" , I have not read Mr Ehret's article on Trump, but here again I'm somewhat split. While I truly believe that Trumps was far more constitutional, respecting peoples civil rights and liberties and not least advancing measures that would help the "man win the floor" , much more that the sick political agenda the Democratic Party is pushing, favoring the Big banks, the Oligarchs, the Deep State, I am TOTALLY against the Republicans knee-jerk reflex support for Israel. The GOPs seems to be beholden to the Zionist/Israeli lobby even more than the Democrat ! However, I'm not sure if the "Orange man" would have continued the friendly politics with Israel, although Kusner appeared to have a strong influence on him. I think he was aware that the for decades have been using the US of A as their bitch, their hore as Jim Traficant [1] would have put it, but he needed their support to combat the Soros, Clinton, Gates, mafia. Yeah, I can't get around who's the actors fighting in the background for world dominance ? It seems to be there's 2 globalist mafias fighting for the power, both I believe of Zionist origin ! 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_Zhe2UUfcw
Hmm, I would have liked a comment, but maybe I wasn't clear about that, so if you have a spare movement please, Mr Ehret let me know what you know and/or assume with regards to the 1) who are the actors, the apparently two forces fighting behind the scene for world domination ? OR is it simply the Zionist Elite mafia supporting both sides through straw man. OR is there in fact TWO sides, One, the Globalist with their main Agenda of a One-World government with Atheism/eradicating Faith & Relegions, and the SECOND, supporting a decentralized world society, which works to ensures Nations sovereignty, and so Nationalism and Patriotism. Although, I've been in favor of the Two-Groups view, I've begun to think there may only be one, indicated by how fast the Zionist Adelsson/Netanyahu group swithed side to the Biden-Admin, og maybe even made him loose through organising the Voting fraud e.g. brought Mark Zuckerberg to help/sponsor the "training" of the pool counters etc. , the mysterious Voting machines, pressured the judges not let any voting fraud case be heard in court.
I gave your response some thought. I'm not aware that use of "shill" is outright offensive. Within the overall context of the comment, it doesn't seem that any indignities are being launched.
As such, I regard your response as dodging the question. In the very week where PRChina decides to butt probe its people in search of a plague through a problematic test, you're posting a piece in denial of the facts.
I like some of your work quite a bit, which is why I have fewer inhibitions about calling you to the floor when you're simply out to lunch. Your bit on the Orange Clown and now this... both curiously in ignorance of reality.
Great bit with Ellen Brown. Fantastic work on 19th-c, the banks, and the british empire.
Here, you're wayyyyyyyyyy wrong. I'm not out-and-out anti-PRChina but it's becoming ever more clear that they are lapdogs of the same forces you so clearly call out in some of your better pieces.
First off "shill" literally means "An accomplice of a swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer in order to entice or encourage others", and if you are not aware that this is offensive then you need to turn your mind on. Your comment's context was two lines long which 1) called me out for being an illusionist/deceiver and 2) and avoiding issue of China's butt swabs. In the past you have written me messages indicating how grateful you are for my analysis and that's nice. However, to then leap into a rude and beligerent stance "calling me to the floor" is not something I will reward with an answer. For those who care to know why I have the assessment that I do, despite China's wrong policy on COVID 19 need only ask me. They can even tell me they disagree, and give me their reasons and respectfully engage in a discussion. If what I am saying confuses you and you don't know how to do this, then I suggest thinking about how you would engage with someone you respect on a point of disagreement if you were in the same room with them and not speaking to an avatar over a keyboard. This happens alot when people spend too much time in twitter or social media land where the spraying of opinions and slanders is rather encouraged by the medium itself rather than engaging in normal human dialogue where relationships actually matter.
Hmm, I would have liked a comment, but maybe I wasn't clear about that, so if you have a spare movement please, Mr Ehret let me know what you know and/or assume with regards to the 1) who are the actors, the apparently two forces fighting behind the scene for world domination ? OR is it simply the Zionist Elite mafia supporting both sides through straw man. OR is there in fact TWO sides, One, the Globalist with their main Agenda of a One-World government with Atheism/eradicating Faith & Relegions, and the SECOND, supporting a decentralized world society, which works to ensures Nations sovereignty, and so Nationalism and Patriotism. Although, I've been in favor of the Two-Groups view, I've begun to think there may only be one, indicated by how fast the Zionist Adelsson/Netanyahu group swithed side to the Biden-Admin, og maybe even made him loose through organising the Voting fraud e.g. brought Mark Zuckerberg to help/sponsor the "training" of the pool counters etc. , the mysterious Voting machines, pressured the judges not let any voting fraud case be heard in court.
I don't have many free moments these days, but I did unpack a bunch of thoughts which relate to your questions in this interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSBZpwD65k0
Yeah, also true ! Important to keep a respectful tone. However, I know how it feels when someone I admired appears to have a surprising view on a subject e.g. the GOPs and the GOP supporting media e.g. FOX, Newsmax, etc. IMO unfair, unjust and totally biased support for Israel in the Palestinian conflict.
I figure we're grown-ups here and needn't walk upon eggshells. Maybe it's a britishism that I'm not apt to fully grasp, though I hold a certain fondness for Canadian politeness and sensibility.
I apologize as offending you is not my objective. I agree with the definition of shill and stand by its use, however. PRChina has progressively been on a path of technocratic totalitarianism. It's totally obvious and there's positively zero cause to mince words about it.
I lived in Beijing in the early 90s and have been there to observe the changes for the worse. Xi is horrible and your panegyric is indefensible.
I'm new to this site. I couldn't helped being impressed with Mr Ehret intensive knowledge on global politics and historical events, however his take on China was quite a bit different to the view I presently hold, which is that the Chinese government/leadership, the CCP, like many previous socialist/communist tyrannical regimes USSR, Khmer Rouge is itself controlled by/part of a Globalist cartel, whose ultimate goal is to rule the world though a One-World government. I believe that the EU can be included hereunder and maybe also the WHO. Here, I suspect the non-semitic Zionist (jews of the Khazarian origin, the AskeNazis, the Rothschilds), the Jesuits and the Masons/Illuminati to be the major central players. (I like to hear your opinion on that assumption).
However, Mr Ehret make some good arguments on China's anti-WEF's goal: 1) anti-degrowth, 2) anti-population reduction, 3) pro nation state/multipolarity, 4) national controls of banking and long term credit and 5) open system large scale development, 6) helping other nations develop full spectrum economies. But as Mr Ehret himself emphases: "Is this just words or has it been rsupprited by their actions ? Does China support any country without first evaluating their own economical or political benefits ? What scares me about China and make me agree with Mr "YCMGH" is exactly that, their actions, the rules/laws that CCP imposes on its own people and not least in Hongkong; the surveillance, the censorship, the forced hospital Covid-treatment, mandatory vaccinations, restriction on free speech and protest, etc.
With regard to "the Orange clown" , I have not read Mr Ehret's article on Trump, but here again I'm somewhat split. While I truly believe that Trumps was far more constitutional, respecting peoples civil rights and liberties and not least advancing measures that would help the "man win the floor" , much more that the sick political agenda the Democratic Party is pushing, favoring the Big banks, the Oligarchs, the Deep State, I am TOTALLY against the Republicans knee-jerk reflex support for Israel. The GOPs seems to be beholden to the Zionist/Israeli lobby even more than the Democrat ! However, I'm not sure if the "Orange man" would have continued the friendly politics with Israel, although Kusner appeared to have a strong influence on him. I think he was aware that the for decades have been using the US of A as their bitch, their hore as Jim Traficant [1] would have put it, but he needed their support to combat the Soros, Clinton, Gates, mafia. Yeah, I can't get around who's the actors fighting in the background for world dominance ? It seems to be there's 2 globalist mafias fighting for the power, both I believe of Zionist origin ! 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_Zhe2UUfcw
Hmm, I would have liked a comment, but maybe I wasn't clear about that, so if you have a spare movement please, Mr Ehret let me know what you know and/or assume with regards to the 1) who are the actors, the apparently two forces fighting behind the scene for world domination ? OR is it simply the Zionist Elite mafia supporting both sides through straw man. OR is there in fact TWO sides, One, the Globalist with their main Agenda of a One-World government with Atheism/eradicating Faith & Relegions, and the SECOND, supporting a decentralized world society, which works to ensures Nations sovereignty, and so Nationalism and Patriotism. Although, I've been in favor of the Two-Groups view, I've begun to think there may only be one, indicated by how fast the Zionist Adelsson/Netanyahu group swithed side to the Biden-Admin, og maybe even made him loose through organising the Voting fraud e.g. brought Mark Zuckerberg to help/sponsor the "training" of the pool counters etc. , the mysterious Voting machines, pressured the judges not let any voting fraud case be heard in court.