Feb 3, 2021Liked by Matthew Ehret

There have been comments made w.r.t. Xi weeding out fundamentalist military members from the CCP and being interested in reducing tension arising from Geopolitics and Chinese expansion, even including acceptance of Taiwan, but it does feel such a big step from his very recent attitudes and actions or are these just a screen to protect his position within the CCP?

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Feb 2, 2021Liked by Matthew Ehret

Headly, I think you have to say which economy you are referring to a) the bread and butter and happiness economy or b) the financial private money creation economy. In the London controlled, Prince Charles, feudal hierarchy, the Real economy is closed but the Financial economy is wide open among the players. In the Putin/Li version the Real economy is open to development but the control of money creation and infrastructure is a closed function of government within the Belt and Road area. I don't imagine China will open its capital account except on a government to government basis. In other words, I don't think the two systems can co-exist. Take your pick.

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Have you seen all the pictures/videos of Putin with his supposed enemies? Bush, Kissinger, Trudeau, Schwab. lol It’s a big club, and I suspect you’re in it. BTW, Pierre Trudeau was a known communist and Noahide Law advocate.


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You are a propagandist. Er, China’s one child policy, and the subsequent abortions or infanticides of millions of females? Er, MAURICE STRONG fled to CHINA to be with his aunt, who was hanging out with Mao and a host of Jewish communists & ‘deep state’ who were instrumental in China’s ‘humane’ communism that saw the death of millions. Keep up the satire! It’s excellent.

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Matheos very interesting all your analysis

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Where does the ancient Chinese trusts that the Chinese elders plan to release come into your play? AlL of these current events stem from that having asked Trump to run to cast out deep state worldwide cabal so as to not benefit from the st. Germain trust, Rodriguez trust and thousands of others, this is why over 200 countries shut down fast and got ride of their own corrupt leadership

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Because Chinese news agencies favorably report on the 'Great Global Reset' - https://news.cgtn.com/news/2020-11-06/The-Great-Reset-From-superpowers-down-to-individuals-VcFyx66Fzi/index.html

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Are you sure Russia and China are not for the World Economic Forum's "Great Global Reset" call?

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China is in support of open economic systems? I don't think so , they have a closed capital account , not an open one. They will have to keep that control in place indefinitely , as we all know to stop the outflow of capital if the account was open. It turns out that the Chinese people have no faith in the Yuan or their government. If they open the capital account the outflows would be in the trillions of dollars and break the economy completely . So as usual China asks for something from it's tradingpartners that it is not willing to do itself, typical hypocrisy from the CCP.

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You seem to play a clever tit-for-tat illusion regarding current affairs. Your analysis foregoes mention of the current lockdowns and "probes" being undertaken in PR China. Are you a shill?

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