Since the very start of the October 7 inside job, I had been warning that the expulsion of Palestinians from Gaza into adjacent nations of Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia was a pre-condition to Israel’s invasion of those nations out of some alleged pretext of ‘self-defense’.
Thus it is very troubling to see so much effort by Trump’s administration to advance policies which play so directly into the “Greater Israel” agenda.
Of course, I am open to the possibility that a constructive long game may be in play which would involve the temporary re-settlement of Gazans under a temporary US stewardship of the Gaza while an honest reconstruction plan is undertaken.
Under this positive scenario, large scale infrastructure employing and benefiting the Palestinians would be constructed in the war-torn region and the Palestinians would be welcomed back in full to enjoy a genuine economy and positive relations with their neighbors.
So that’s one possibility that is out there, and I hope it’s true… but if you are having trouble believing it, then you’re not alone.
Whether Trump is an insightful, street savvy grand strategist, or a utilitarian short sighted patriot being influenced by bad actors, there is a very real process in play that should not be ignored and which I would like to outline in the following short article.
The Crusader Revival and New Babylon
The worst case scenario underpinning Trump’s Gaza plan (whether he understands as much or not) involvesds a fusion of the Neo-Con Crusader Order of Malta/Templar ambition to reconstruct The Kingdom of Jerusalem as the throne of a new empire that will usher in a new thousand year reich under a new superstitious religious order.
This “new order” would look something like the Luciferian vision laid out by Alice Bailey in her forecast that 2025 would be the year of the ‘Externalization of the Hierarchy’.
In this case, the program would feature a Transhumanist occult agenda to have a new master race of high priests manage the levers of evolution after a total reset of humanity which would coincide with a shock therapy cataclysm designed to make the “new humanity” become the most suggestible slave society ever.
The central command of this hive of transhumanist high priests within the USA (at least operationally) is the Silicon Valley hub and especially Esalen and Stanford Research Institute- which became the foundation of Blavatsky’s vision for the emergence of a sixth root race out of the purest, Teutonic Aryan stock, and which became the basis for both Theosophy, Ariosophy, Thule occultism and Transhumanism.
It involves alot of “religious engineering” (which is why British occult intelligence literally created Christian Zionism, Jewish dsZionism, and radical Islamism during the 19th century.
The British occult creation of Christian Zionism and Zionism more broadly was outlined in my recent essay ‘Sir Henry Kissinger: Midwife to New Babylon’.
Cynthia’s work on Britain’s control of radical Islamic fundamentalism was outlined in Nazis, The British and the Middle East:
The controlling hand ideologically above the tactical Silicon valley operation is centered in London and Venice.
This power is represented by the old Roman patrician class at the top who tend to operate through the Sovereign Order of Malta (est 1098 under the title ‘Hospitaller Knights of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem) and which worked closely with the Order of the Holy Sepulchre (est 1098) and interface closely with the Order of Assassins (est. 1090).
The Order of the Knights of Solomon’s Temple (ie: The Templars) were created as a sister order to the Knights Hospitaller in 1118 to control the new age of forever wars and all were run by what appears to be the heirs of the High Priesthood of Melchizedek, Astaroth/Ashtar, Baal, Marduk and Molech.
These were satanic priests which used Christian, Muslim and Jewish skin-suits to avert attention away from their true nature.
The system of the high priesthood of the ancient mystery cults that ran Babylon and that chose to use Persia as their marcher lord starting with Cyrus the Great, and which transmitted their operations to infiltrate Rome, transforming it from a republic into a cult-managed empire involved the principal cults of Isis, Cybele-Attis and Mithra. The gnostic cults that were created to infiltrate early Christianity were directed by this priesthood and it appeared that after (at least) 86 BC the main cult-creation center managing these synthetic religions was the corrupted School of Athens, and the always-evil Temple of Apollo at Delphi.
An anti-Platonic movement of occultists dubbing themselves ‘Neo-Platonists’ had by this time expelled the academy of genuine Platonists and would soon purge Rome of its leading Platonists from any influence exemplified by the 43 BC murder of Cicero.
After going underground post 390 AD, these gnostic mystery cults re-emerged with the ascetic Benedictine Order (set up on the Apollonian Model by two Roman patricians St Benedict of Nursia and his twin sister Scholastica in 523 AD- who created the sacred virgins known as “nuns”.
Nursia had become the seat of the Appenine Sibyl and center of the European Black Mass, and the Benedictines retrofitted the practices of the Cult of Cybele-Attis accordingly, with monks even carrying on the ritual of self-flagellation innovated by the priests (Hierophants) of Cybele-Attis.
I'm not certain where the Cult of Isis went during this post 390 AD period, but I hypothesize that it was mostly deep underground for the simple fact that unlike the cults of Cybele-Attis or Mithra, the Cult of Isis operated most explicitly on the Dionysian-Bachanal model which involves extreme orgiastic hedonism… which would have been very difficult to give a 'Christian flavoring' within the post-Nicean period.
The Cult of Mithra’s modus operandi was more difficult to repackage than the Cybele-Attis Cult because Mithra was an explicitly warrior cult.. and this didn’t harmonize very well with Christianity, which carried an extremely pacifist philosophy, promoting loving one’s enemies, forgiveness, and turning the other cheek. But after a few centuries, Mithra’s time came with the formation of the Orders of Chivalric Knights.
And here again, we find Benedictine Grand Strategists that seeded BOTH the Order of Knights Hospitaller and Order of Knights Templar as left hand/right hand paths of the same thing.
We must recall that the base of operations for the Templar Knights were the caves underneath the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and we must also recall that these Knights Templar worked closely with the Order of Assassins to oversee the Crusades.
Between the 4th century takedown of the Order of Mithra and the eleventh century creation of first crusader orders as a new conduit for Mithra worship, the wine skin became the cult of Archangel Michael (featuring the angel/saint Michael killing satan in the form of a snake, dragon or demon) formed in 480 AD.
This became the banner of the pseudo Christian warrior cults and was established amidst the 5th century myth of a pagan hunter failing to kill a bull that ran into a sacred cave. When the hunter shot the arrow into the cave (as the story goes), Archangel Michael magically appeared, and saved the bull by redirecting the arrow back into the pagan hunter… turning him magically into a Christian.
Weird story, but that's what created the order indicating a retiring of the Bull killed by Mithra (on behalf of Helios/Apollo).
The new imagery given to the new cult was of Michael slaying the dragon/snake which became a conduit for the new stoic, romantic warrior knighthoods that would become a vessel for launching forever wars with heretics seeking monsters to destroy.
This was the toxic romanticism that led to well-meaning Christian fools becoming weaponized into Crusader tools rushing headlong into geopolitical religious wars by agencies that happily used them both as sacrificial lambs and killing lions.
Cervantes attempted to address this folly amidst his stories of Don Quixote (featuring a romantic idiot knight chasing dragons on quests), and President John Quincy Adams warned of this sickness when he advised Americans to never allow themselves to go about ‘chasing monsters to destroy’
Amidst the centuries of Crusades, temples built to Archangel Michael were constructed along a path known as ‘The Apollo-St. Michael Axis’ featuring a direct line from the western-most point of Skellig Michael in Ireland (not coincidentally the site of Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Temple in the most recent three Star Wars films), and ending in the eastern-most tip of Mount Karmel near Megiddo.
The World Pilgrimage Guide writes of this axis:
“A fascinating matter about Skellig Michael is that it is the westernmost sacred site along a long line of ancient pilgrimage places running from western Ireland through France, Italy and Greece, and then onto Mt. Carmel in the Palestine. This line, sometimes called the Apollo/St. Michael axis [and also ‘The Sword of Michael’] was known thousands of years before the advent of Christianity and linked the venerated holy places of St. Michael’s Mount, Mont St Michel, Bourges, Perugia, Monte Gargano, Delphi, Athens and Delos.”
After the Templars were dissolved in 1314, its initiates went underground. In some cases, they integrated with the Hospitallers and began seeding end-times cults, carrying out Black Masses and organizing witch covens across Europe which was the norm during the Middle Age collapse of civilization into a prolonged Dark Age.
Later when the Renaissance was launched, this same esoteric underground set up a new strategy to subvert the new movement by infiltration from within and chaos/war from without. In 1530, the Hospitallers were re-branded as the The Sovereign Order of Malta, and in 1534, The Anglican Order and Jesuits were co-created by Venetian grand strategists which I outlined in my volume 4 of Clash of the Two Americas.
Today, the Order of Assassins exists in the form of the Aga Khan IV and his order of Nizari Isma'ilis.
The seeding of radicalizing expressions of Islam by a gnostic high priest named Jamal Al Din Al Afghani (who was managed by British Orientalist E.G. Browne and affiliated with the British Cairo Office) set the stage for the Wahabbite-Salafyyist doctrine which the British spread into the Middle East that created the Muslim Brotherhood. This is what IS the deep state (tactically) across the Arab world.
Operationally, it is not this, but rather something else, but closely tied to the Aga Khan... who is considered by his inner initiates, quite literally Allah and Vishnu. He is considered the avatar.
There are several orders of gnostic fake Islamic groups that Madame Blavatsky, E.G. Browne, and even Aleister Crowley interfaced with that also appear to be playing this ritual invocation. Many Zionist Jews have, by and large, been duped to think that they are the Chosen people and don't realize that they are just meant to be the trigger to detonate the thing that will wipe them out too.
Most of the Arabs have no clue how they have been played either.
You can prove how this satanic grouping is at the heart of America's deep state, and literally created Christian Zionism, just as it created Jewish Zionism. It seeded the Theosophists, and it created the fifth root race doctrine promoted by the Theosophists (including Leadbeater, Besant, and Alice Bailey) which is the core of transhumanism in both theory and its practical manifestation in Silicon Valley.
It created the CIA (run always by Initiates of the Order of Malta), and unreconstructed members of the Nazi SS (also run by initiates of the order of Malta) who were given new assignments after WW2 to create a global secret army and fascist international under Operation Gladio.
This Fascist International organized itself around the CIA-funded ‘Anti-Communist Leagues’ during the Cold War and serves as the throne of the global shadow government which murdered men as John F Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr, and Bobby Kennedy.
It is occult in character, it unleashed the Vietnam war, oversaw MK Ultra, and like the Cult of Babylonian Marduk priests using Cyrus the Great earlier, turned the USA into the new “Marcher lord” for the Anglo-Venetian heirs of the Babylonian priesthood.
What About China?
You may be now asking: “but how does China play into this evil agenda to destroy western civilization? Isn’t China the villain behind all of our problems? What about Iran and Russia? Aren’t they America’s enemies and thus driving forces in this infiltration to destroy freedom?”
Throughout this story, China doesn't play a causal role in anything now plaguing western civilization.
China has been victimized for centuries and has been targetted for total annihilation (since the Chinese are considered an inferior root race needing to be exterminated anyway according to Theosophical doctrine). While it is a miracle that China has managed to survive and even recover after the “century of Humiliation”, in the past few centuries, her behavior has been consistently reactive to the evil... but never causal.
The most comprehensive single essay I ever wrote outlining my position on this was WEF vs BRICS: The Clash of Two Green Paradigms, and for those who would like to dig into this even more deeply, I encourage you review the two volume study 'Breaking Free of Anti China Psyops' which is also a resource where Cynthia and I lay out our research on this point.
To restate my position:
While I am open to the possibility that Trump has a positive plan for the future and is truly intending to arrange for a peaceful outcome to our multi-faceted world crisis, the danger is that the man is in fact, simply a long-game pawn playing the role of the Apollonian/Helios figure of Emperor Octavius Augustus who had made an arrangement with the Cult of Mithra on the Isle of Capri that established the foundation for the Roman Empire in 42 BC to establish Rome (instead of Alexandria) as the new seat of power of the mystery cult ambition to take over the world.
My Revenge of the Mystery Cults goes through ALL of my thumbnail sketch in much much greater detail.
The irony in all of this is that China, Iran, Russia and other nations labelled ‘anti-American’ are actually representing the best traditions of the USA that made the republic possible in the first place, and which today offer genuine patriots across the west the best and likely last chance to put out the fires set ablaze by the occult underground managing this worldwide shadow government.
Additionally ironic is that the thing which is more dangerous to western civilization and which is directly advancing this alchemical invocation of a new age is much much much more closely tied to Falun Gong’s Master Li Hongzhi, Steve Bannon's operations, the Opus Dei Satanists embedded in Washington, Game B cohorts like Bret Weinstein yearning to ‘Phoenix the republic’, the OTO/Rosicrucian satanists running US military psyops and the Theosophist/Esalen infiltration of the Mithra Cult into the US military which had been led by such figures as Colonel Michael Aquino and Lawrence Rockefeller.
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Matthew Ehret is the editor-in-chief of The Canadian Patriot Review, Senior Fellow of the American University in Moscow and Director of the Rising Tide Foundation. He has written the four volume Untold History of Canada series, four volume Clash of the Two Americas series and Science Unshackled: Restoring Causality to a World in Chaos. He is also co-host of The Multipolar Reality on Rogue News and Breaking History on Badlands Media
"Up from the ahshes,
Up from the ahshes,
From the ahshes of dizahster
Grrow the rrozes of success..."
-song lyrics, with phonetic spelling of Brit accent, from "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang."
"If you can Phoenix it, the world order will be reborn."
-Mr. Global
Something about the Good and the Evil:
While the goodness of Love may redeem the evil of Hatred, as light embraces darkness and conquers it, darkness and hatred may not embrace light and love because, even at their very small-minded small-hearted core, "They know not what they do."
"It's All For The Best"
mark spark
Thanks for this fascinating article!
" (China, Russia etc)... today offer genuine patriots across the west the best and likely last chance to put out the fires set ablaze by the occult underground managing this worldwide shadow government."
Have you written about this is more detail anywhere? About exactly how China etc offers the west a chance to deal with the shadow government?
If so I'd appreciate some direction in finding it. Thanks!