In this X Space special address to Off-Grid Ireland, I went through a summary exposition of world events, the dangers of a Silicon Valley transhumanist dictatorship, the fallacies of green energy and climate science more generally, and a history of Canada.
Transcript of the full presentation:
Welcome everyone to another off-grid Ireland X-Space discussion.
Tonight we are joined by Matthew Ehret on our chat this evening. Matthew is a journalist, lecturer and founder of the Canadian Patriot Review.
He serves as editor-in-chief of the Canadian Patriotic Review and is a senior fellow at the American University in Moscow. Ehret has written extensively on geopolitics, history and cultural warfare, and is well known for his book series The Untold History of Canada and The Clash of Two Americas.
He is also co-founder of the Rising Tide Foundation, which focuses on humanist education and intercultural dialogue.
His work has appeared on numerous publications, including Global Times, RT, Strategic Culture Foundation, The Cradle, Asia Times, and many, many more.
Now, Matthew's socials, if anybody on the space here wishes to follow Matthew, his website is
He's also on Twitter and Substack at
And I do recommend everyone to follow him on Substack because I'm telling you, he's one of the finest contributors on the Substack platform. He's absolutely fantastic.
Matthew is joining us tonight on Off-Grid to discuss the intersection of history, politics and culture.
We'll also be taking a delve at his own country there in Canada.
We'll also be looking at things that are happening in the world today, the rise of Trump in America, the Hollywood fires. And Matthew will just give us a bit of background on the esoteric knowledge that he has as regards Ireland and Europe as well.
So there's a lot for us to talk about.
And first of all, Matthew, it's an absolute pleasure to have you on the space this evening.
It's an absolute pleasure to be with you and thank you for the generous introduction.
Yeah, so I'll kick off the conversation.
So considering the political turmoil and economic challenges facing Canada, was Trudeau's resignation strategically orchestrated to install a leader perceived as stronger or better equipped to navigate through basically the dark times ahead that all of us around the world are going to be facing and what do you think were the political motivations behind this transition and do you think there will be benefits to this as far as Canada's global positioning?
Yeah, that's a good starting point.
I think that your listeners appear to be very well aware aware already and do not need any extra convincing of the inevitable systemic meltdown of the entire transatlantic banking structure. So I'll refrain from from trying to go back to the birds and the bees.
But all that to say that is the dominant contextual dynamic that must be held in mind when analyzing any of the things happening on the game board.
And I do get the sense that the official story of certain dramas that were put into motion that resulted in Justin Trudeau announcing his resignation, which is he didn't resign. He will be resigning at the end of March to be replaced after a leadership convention with a new replacement.
And it is likely that elections will be held in October or November of this year.
It may happen sooner if there's some vote of no confidence, perhaps. But it seems I've been writing this for a number of years that Mark Carney has been the ultimate goal was to insert this much, much more intelligent, much, much more vicious Central banker technocrat into a replacement position over the Justin Trudeau, who who really is all used up.
They extracted whatever usefulness they could during the nearly one decade or nine years that he was prime minister.
Justin was simply marketed and sold to the people because of the appeal that has been baked into, especially the baby boomer generation, of the name Trudeau, which is sort of a name of royalty.
He's sort of a prince of a figure who, in my research, carried out a vast amount of destruction to Canada's culture, economy, society in the form of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, his father.
But brainwashing goes quite the distance.
And there's a romantic image of Pierre Elliott Trudeau as the great hero, Abraham Lincoln's type of figure in Canada, who “saved us from secession and kept the nation together.”
It's all fake.
He's always been a Club of Rome asset of British intelligence since his early days, working in the Privy Council after having been groomed by Jesuit handlers in Quebec and then sent to become a Fabian Society initiate at the London School of Economics, where he was then eventually sent back to be placed into a strategic nerve center that governs all of Canada's strategic policies, which is the Privy Council office.
It's the non-elected power of the crown as an institution, which is much more than the individual person sitting in the throne, but the crown as an institution, exerts its influence over the various parts of the Commonwealth through the pretty council office. So that's where Pierre Laetriot was deployed to to learn the ropes in the in the early 50s.
He was positioned to play a big role in de-Christianizing Quebec first, which was called the Quiet Revolution.
He was always handled by figures associated with David Rockefeller, such as Maurice Strong, who was a Rockefeller asset and then became a high-level privy councillor and controller of the Liberal Party back in the early 60s.
And he carried out one of the biggest coup d'etats- first provincially, which brought in a technocratic management first of Quebec that replaced the old guard of statesmen who were making decisions based upon business considerations.
They were typically not moral, but were from the old school 1950s, 60s, old school politician- the types like Maurice Duplessis or Daniel Johnson Sr- who were premiers we had here who were making decisions based on the idea that we should increase productivity you know we should uh not allow eugenics into society because there were certain moral values that were being offended the idea that human beings lives could be measured according to cost um accounting measures that was seen as reprehensible even if there were bribes and there was corruption, of course,
but there was an old paradigm that had to be replaced in the minds of those oligarchs controlling Pierre Trudeau, and it was.
After the quiet revolution that Pierre-Elliot Trudeau played a big role in orchestrating with a bunch of Rhodes scholars and Fabians that I document in my books, a new technocratic regime beholden to a death cult was brought in and that was replicated on the federal level when he was made prime minister.
For those in Quebec who didn't want to totally submit at that time in the late 60s, early 70s, there was still a resistance.
They were crushed when Pierre-Elliot Trudeau brought martial law [in October 1970]. There were tanks on the streets.
My parents were heavily traumatized psychologically as young people with curfews.
Again, federal soldiers and tanks on all the streets of Quebec because of a terrorist crisis.
Very similar to the type of Operation Gladio, an operation that was run in other parts of Europe during the 1960s and 70s, you know, the ‘Years of Lead’ as it is called in Italy or the Red Brigades of Italy or Germany, that were useful cells of terrorists, often utilizing a Maoist-Leninist front, but as has been proven conclusively, were always assets used by the CIA, by MI6, designed and deployed to carry out a state of perpetual fear within the population that would experience letter bombs going off, bombs in mailboxes and schools and, or targeted assassinations of high level people like Aldo Moro.
You know, there's, there's two kinds of usefulness for these terrorist cells that were mostly made up of useful idiots who didn't realize how they were being used by intelligence agents that were themselves tied to unreconstructed Nazis that all got new jobs after World War II. (See Operation Gladio)
So Canada was not untouched by that.
We had our own Operation Gladio that was done in the form of the Front de Libération de Quebec- the FLQ, that carried out hundreds of mailbox bombings, the murder of a cabinet minister named Pierre Laporte in 1970 who was kidnapped and then murdered.
Strangled ritually with a chain cross and found in a trunk of a car.
Similar thing happened to Aldo Moro [The Prime Minister of Italy] in Italy a few years later.
And that was what was used to justify the martial law to purge Quebec of its remaining residual patriots.
So, you know. I say all of this sort of as an aside, but just to get across that Pierre Elliot Trudeau did not merit the type of princely status that was emotional and sort of hypnotized into many of the baby boomers who thought that he was the guy who kept Canada together.
So all that to say, his son, he had three sons, one of whom died in a very mysterious... They say skiing accident in 1998, though they never found a body.
So God knows what that was all about.
Actually the family, the Trudeau family directly requested that all searches for their their son's body stop after like two seconds.
The other son was a bit smarter, but he went into documentary making, Sasha Trudeau.
And Justin was probably the most empty shell of a superficial nothing whose entire life was handled and managed by flatterers since he was a child.
Kind of an unfortunate character psychologically- a real fool who doesn't realize that people are laughing at him.
So he was brought in during a time when there was another purge of the Liberal Party in 2005 to 2007
There was sort of a coup. Because there was a configuration very different from today's Liberal Party back in 2004 that was organized by a figure who's still alive by the name of Jean Chrétien, and he was the prime minister for a number of years.
And he kept Canada out of the anti-ballistic missile shield in the Arctic.
Dick Cheney was putting a lot of pressure on Canada at that time to insert a missile shield in Canada's Arctic.
It was sort of a perversion of Star Wars.
And he was courageous enough to say no to that pressure in the wake of 9-11 and the bombing of Iraq. He kept Canada out of participating in the ritual murder of millions of Iraqis during the attack onto Iraq.
And he did other things, too.
He prevented the merger of a variety of major banks.
So he showcased that he was of that old-school political class that the technocrats don’t really like.
These are the people who think about making deals. The Donald Trump types, you know?
They want to make deals.
They're not animated by a Malthusian depopulation religion.
They recognize nuclear war is bad for business, so they would rather find ways to reach out to Russia or China to seek points of economic cooperation- which is why Jean-Catien ended up becoming a back channel for certain peace maneuvers and was awarded the Friend of Russia Award in 2014, just demonstrating that he didn't fit with the type of character that the Privy Council managers of Canada wished the Liberal Party adopt.
So when he was ousted, it was his successor, Paul Martin, who was in power for two seconds.
And they created a scandal like they always do.
They forced a resignation of Martin, an ouster of the government.
And during that time, the entire Liberal Party was reorganized once more.
And this was done under the control of a new think tank that was created that still exists.
It's very powerful.
I think it's probably one of the most underrated think tanks in Canada called Canada 2020.
They should probably change their name since it's way past 2020, but they were created in 2006.
And among those who created this were all pretty counselors to two figures were co-architects of the North American Union which, ultimately was put on the back burner when there was too much public backlash and disgust by the idea of creating a new like a euro for North America.
So they didn't act upon it, but it was always it wasn't it didn't disappear.
John Manley being one North American Union architect [and Bill Graham and Thomas Axworthy being two others].
It was also in 2006 at their first summit that they shopped Justin Trudeau, who was a scandal-ridden school teacher who had paid off a few million dollars for having sexual relations with one of his underage students.
So he was just a scandal-ridden idiot living in his dad's big shadow with a lot of insecurity and a lot of self-delusion.
And he was brought in… and they realized he was a mess.
They couldn't use him.
But they did decide that they would begin to groom him and workshop him- So it took a few years of handling him, giving him a lot of instructions on how to act like a human being in public, which finally took the form of his 2012 entry into politics.
Again, he was always just a puppet- very stage managed. And in 2015, he was made prime minister.
Canada 2020, though, like I said, they brought in Barack Obama on several occasions.
They interfaced very closely with that Transhumanist agency that was then getting control of the United States under Barack Obama in the form of the the economic behaviorists of Larry Summers, Cass Sunstein, Peter Orszag and that clique.
There's a whole nest of these behavior economic behaviorists who came into power in the USA in 2008- Richard Thaler being another one.
And these behaviorists were always part and parcel of that Canada 2020 think tank.
And all of the conferences that they do, they brought in Al Gore, all these things.
They seem to be two sides of the same thing.
So also, if you look at these behaviors like Richard Thaler, they were working with the Silicon Valley mafia in 2007-2011- during this time where a less rich Elon Musk and Peter Thiel and Mark Zuckerberg were brought into these Edge conferences- which was basically a Silicon Valley transhumanist behaviors integration program that prepared the groundwork for the new priest class that was supposed to be brought increasingly into positions of influence.
That's that's sort of one of the elements that we're seeing play out right now is the culmination of some of that that began in 2007, 2008 with the Edge conferences and the Canada 2020 Behaviorist makeover. [See the ‘Third Culture Behaviorist Revolution with Johnny Vedmore for the full picture on the Edge Conferences and Behaviorist-Transhumanist merger]
So, you've got this factor at play and then, it was decided a few weeks ago that Justin be taken out because I think, as you as you alluded to, the system is going into a new phase of breakdown.
Donald Trump has a lot of problems, but I think he does represent the traditions of that old school political mentality that that does seek to make deals that recognizes nuclear war is not good for business.
So he's a very disruptive influence for those technocrats I was referring to.
And it may or may not be a good thing.
The propositions to expand the U.S.'s influence over Greenland, Canada, Central America, Mexico, it may or may not be useful.
I don't yet fully know.
It may fall into a trap because some of this could play into the North America union agenda that I mentioned never went away.
It could be that.
But either way, the financial system is going to melt down and that's going to cause some serious, serious disruptions.
It's hard to calculate what the world's going to be like and what will happen when that breakdown goes into the next phase, and it's going to be messy.
So I think that Justin is... not a sovereign personality at all.
He has no personal capability of being in an environment that is hostile, that is not highly controlled without his handlers, his scripts, his teleprompters.
But you need somebody who's more competent for the type of crisis that we're going to be going through.
So Mark Carney has been a card on the table for a long time.
In fact, Mark Carney's wife, Diane Carney, is a controller of the Canada 2020 think tank. She's in charge of science and research for Canada 2020 and has been since the very beginning.
Carney himself is a Goldman Sachs investment banker, who became known as ‘the eco warrior of central bankers’. He is the former governor of the Bank of Canada.
He went on to become with Mario Draghi, the head of the Global Derivatives Regulatory Commission called the Financial Stability Board at the Bank of International Settlements.
So he did that.
One of the most powerful positions in the world as far as control of economic warfare- which is derivatives.
And then he was simultaneously the governor of the Bank of England before being sent back to Canada in 2020.
And so the idea was always to bring this creep into a position of actual control manning the ship as it goes through the stormy waters.
And I think they're going to accelerate putting him in now to offset the danger of having a Trump USA dominance over Canada's economic destiny.
Mark Carney is ideologically committed to depopulation, Green New Deal stuff, very much antagonistic to the type of program that Trump is oriented towards, which is increasing manufacturing, increasing coal, oil, natural gas production, getting rid of getting rid of green regulations that prevent development, getting out of the World Trade Organization or World Health Organization, things of that sort.
That's antithetical to everything Mark Carney stands for.
That being said, we also have provinces that are capable of making trade deals outside of federal authority in Canada.
It's a legal ambiguity that's been used throughout history in Canada.
Whenever you've had pro-development leadership within provinces, it's unlike any other country.
All other countries, it's much more clearly defined that only the federal government can make a treaty with another government.
Within Canada, it is completely ambiguous.
It's not defined.
So, many times throughout our short history, we have had provincial governments make treaties with other governments on a variety of points, even with governments of Africa or China.
So it is possible that, Premier Daniel Smith [of Alberta] who was down at Mar-a-Lago a few weeks ago meeting with Trump, might be able to go renegade.
And I would not be against this and do a separate trade deal between Alberta and the U.S. We know that Donald Trump- who is very much open to meeting up with Putin as well as Xi Jinping- I think he's generally looking at a lot of money that could be made by building a lot of big, high-scale infrastructure, as well as avoiding very, very unprofitable wars with Russia and China, which many of the deep state operatives, influencing U.S. foreign policy would prefer.
They ideologically would be willing to go to war with Russia and China and Iran and India.
I don't think Trump wants that.
So he's made a lot of offerings.
He's even he invited Xi Jinping to come to his inauguration.
Xi Jinping said no, but obviously he's got other things to do- but you did have the vice premier of China who did go in his stead, and Trump made an announcement that he's intending to meet with both Putin and Xi soon.
He appears to be pushing for a deal to end the the war in Ukraine.
We'll see where that goes.
But also for the Canada on Canada's front, it's the Arctic- That's everything.
The Arctic Flank
So if Alberta can can strike a deal that might involve reactivating a lot of the pipelines that have been destroyed by the veto of Justin Trudeau then that would be interesting.
We know that Trump also endorsed in September of 2020, the Alaska to Alberta railway that has never been built.
There is currently no connection by rail between Canada and Alaska, let alone the lower 48 states.
So that would open up the door to a lot of constructive development, new cities, new roads, new rail, all sorts.
There's so many resources locked up in the Arctic that are untouched and unused.
It would be a great basis of cooperation with Russia and other partner Arctic countries to do that.
So this type of thing, if it were revived, I'm hopeful that it could be.
It could involve Saskatchewan, other provinces next to Alberta getting the courage to also go renegade and do the same thing.
I think that would be probably quite good.
It would activate a lot of real jobs that have been destroyed over 50 years of consumer society cultishness, globalization, which was always designed to destroy us.
So that would begin to reverse and heal that.
Protective Tariffs
Similarly, in the US, there's a discussion now underway around restoring protective tariffs, which is the way anything good ever was built in our history.
It's always been through the application of protected protectionism as a weapon in battle against the dumping of cheap goods that has been typically monopolized by throughout most of history by the British Empire, which kept its victims underdeveloped by flooding markets with cheap goods.
So protectionism was the way that America built itself up.
Most of its its great American presidents who were murdered.
While in office- and there's been eight of them, I write about them in my book series, The Clash of the Two Americas- All eight of those presidents were all very much pro-protective tariff and internal improvements.
So that's something Trump has fought to bring back when he got rid of NAFTA.
Which put the sovereign nation state for the fist time in three decades, into a legally dominant position over private bankers and coorporations.
So a serious protectionist revival could involve a reconstruction of the destroyed Rust Belt- Detroit, Philadelphia- the former steel car manufacturing zones that could also involve a healing in Canada of a similar magnitude.
So I hope that that's the orientation.
But then again, like I've also mentioned, you have this transhumanist cult that I really don't trust.
I'm very nervous about this thing represented by Peter Thiel, Elon Musk. Larry Ellison who gave a creepy speech representing Oracle, talking about how great it's going to be now to start producing mRNA products custom made to cure cancer for every American citizen.
That kind of thinking gives me the creeps.
And I'm hoping and praying that the patriotic forces that are of a different moral bent are able to keep this Silicon Valley billionaire cult at bay, but I'm weary.
I'm very weary.
That's my thought on Canada.
Yeah, that's absolutely a fantastic insight there, Matthew.
I had some questions that I wanted to ask you as regards Trudeau, but I think you've covered it pretty much in a nutshell there in that commentary. It was absolutely fantastic.
Just in regards to President Trump now, I just kind of want to go back.
You did mention it earlier in Trump's recent statements about annexing Canada as the 52nd state along with Greenland and the Panama Canal and renaming the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America.
How do these propositions align with the geopolitical strategies often associated with the Club of Rome?
Because we all know, we pretty much all know on here that while Trump is talking some of our talking points, he's not really our guy.
So I just kind of wanted your thoughts on because I did some kind of research into the Club of Rome and they have a map with America- the Panama Canal, Greenland, and it's all kind of engulfed in basically the 10th state of america if you know what i mean so i just wanted your thoughts as regards this statement and the the link to the club of rome yes per se well
Okay so there are two aspects of this that are both tied together that you're bringing up.
When I alluded to Elon Musk and the North American Union, I'm sort of touching on that same thing that was part of that 1960s Club of Rome diagram featuring what these technocrats wanted for the world.
Elon Musk's grandfather, as many of your listeners probably are aware, was Joshua Haldeman.
And he was the leader in Canada in the 1930s and early 40s of an organization called Technocracy Inc.
They were a very big, very influential organization in the 30s to solve the Great Depression and their solution was get rid of governments, create a global technate with international sub-technates ruled by scientific managers, engineers and you would bring that about as following the thesis of the actual founder of it, who was this guy named Thorsten Verblen,
He was a social engineer in World War I and afterwards in the New School of Social Research in New York.
It was an offshoot of Columbia University set up by John Dewey and a grouping of these anti-humanist Fabian Society operatives, very creepy characters. So they created this New School [in 1919].
This New School became instrumental in bringing in the Frankfurt School misanthropic Freudian Marxists around Georg Lukacs into America. There's a nexus of these influential universities that brought in what later on became known as ‘Critical Theory’, political correctness, and the woke agenda that reformed our school system starting in the 1960s.
These intellectuals who hated human beings as their fundamental sort of core principle were brought in through this network.
So Thurston Verblen was the founder of an organization called the Technical Alliance in 1921.
One of its members was this guy named Howard Scott and part of the Technical Alliance, they had an influence in Russia as well [This was actually the catalyzer for the first Moscow Trial in 1926 against the conspiracy of the Technate-Engineers conspiring for a takeover of the government].
These Frankfurt-Fabian technicians around Verblen called for a “Soviet of Engineers”, and the idea was for the engineers- who are positioned in the machinery of society- to go on a mass strike- to just consciously shut down the gears of society, to induce a crisis, so thatthose same professionals and engineers could then become the new government that would organize a world government. They became known as Technocracy Inc. under Howard Scott, and then Joshua Haldeman [Elon’s grandfather] joined as the Canadian leader soon thereafter.
And in their manual that was published in 1933, They feature a diagram of what they want for their North American technate- which involves Greenland, all of Canada, the U.S., Mexico, passed the Darien Gap into the northern parts of Brazil and Colombia.
So it's pretty expansive.
And they marketed themselves as being “anti-militarist”, but I'm sorry, these countries were never going to just keel over and let you just grow your technique.
You will need a military to enforce that.
So they were lying.
And they were also ideologically driven by the presumption, as it is outlined in their core manual [The Technocracy Study Guide], that human beings have no soul, no mind, that freedom doesn't exist, justice has no existence, because we're all just advanced machines.
That's all human beings are in their minds.
And thus, as radical behaviorists, they believed that in order to ‘scientifically manage’ society, that we just need to control the levers of what gives pleasure and what causes pain.
And if we can do that, then we- as the “higher alpha animals” will be able to control the flow of evolution.
And they were proposing certain things like energy credits would be what replaces dollars or old forms of currency.
Those energy credits that everyone would be allotted a quota would be tied to how much you... some scalar metric that would be generated around how much production and motion of goods and transformation of goods into useful goods and consumption goes on in society as a whole and how much each individual uses or contributes energy-wise to the system.
And again, it's all very dystopic.
It would be tied to behavior as well.
Again, they were all very behaviorist.
It didn't work, though.
I mean, World War II went in a different direction, and Joshua Haldeman, the grandfather of Elon ended up getting arrested for promoting the overthrow of the Canadian government in 1942.
I don't think he went to jail, but he was arrested and he had to break off of Technocracy, Inc. And then he ran another another party in Saskatchewan for a number of years
But again he failed to get political power.
It was called the Social Credit Party- and followed the economic theories of a British occultist by the name of Major C.H. Douglas. who was a writer working for New Age Magazine, which was run by the luciferian Theosophist Alfred Arage (aka: Douglas’ mentor) and Gurdjieff.
Orage and Douglas were also very closely affiliated with Aleister Crowley and the Knights of the Golden Dawn networks that were baked into all over Quebec.
I mean, Aleister Crowley, just to get across, this guy was everywhere.
And he even designed the location and the structure of the Manitoba Provincial Legislature just to get across like how everywhere this guy actually was, which doubles the Manitoba Provincial Legislature doubles as the biggest Canadian free Masonic Lodge as an interesting side note.
So this is what Joshua Haldeman was running from 1943-1949, and when that didn't work, he went off to South Africa in 1949, right when apartheid began, because he decided that was the most freedom-loving place in the world… apartheid South Africa, and he became one of the richest elite white families in Praetoria, where his daughter Maye later on met an emerald magnate named Errol, and they produced a kid named Elon.
Peter Thiel also came out of the South African elite white families during Apartheid.
They were living around the same time as children in South Africa.
But I think, you know, there are those who are pushing technocracy, Inc. today in the form that they want to have a revival of that same thing.
Now, the difference with the Club of Rome's approach to technocracy and the North American Union more generally that you outlined, is that they're ideologically, like Mark Carney, committed to shutting down the levers of industry and depopulation.
So the Club of Rome was created for the purpose of, like, you know, you had two founders of it.
One guy, Sir Alexander King, who was the scientific director of the British Empire.
Very powerful, like the most powerful scientist of the British Empire.
He oversaw the introduction of cybernetics into the OECD, into the empire as a whole in the 1950s, cybernetics being the science of controls following the thinking of Norbert Wiener and John von Neumann, which involved the idea that, you could have a technology of government that would be based upon making whatever governing structures you wish to control highly bureaucratised, highly compartmentalized, kind of following the model of what was done with the Manhattan Project, such that no highly specialized individual in any department of any government understands what the other department is doing because they're also myopically wired to only know their small little functions in the machinery.
And only in that in that structure does a small initiated electorate like nerve center, an executive, get the privilege of seeing what the whole is doing.
And that they are “the helmsman”.
So cybernetics is a reference to a Greek word “kybernētēs”, coined by Bertrand Russell’s student Norbert Wiener during WW2, which means “helmsman”. The logic was that most people working on a large ship at sea don't need to know astronomy, astro navigation, the mechanics of what makes the ship work.
They just have to do their little specialized thing.
Only the helmsman needs to see the whole.
So that was sort of where the term came from.
And that's what Alexander King did the most to apply to government institutions during the Cold War… And he did it so well that he was made the front man for the Club of Rome.
David Rockefeller's money bankrolled it.
It was at a meeting in Italy in 1968 that it was founded.
Aurelio Pecci, who was an asset of the Agnelli family in Italy- Volkswagen was one of their holdings that he also ran- The Volkswagen Institute was the other president of it.
And they were driving as high priests the Malthusian revival.
So the idea was to try to get jurisdictional control and carve up the world under these fascist jurisdictions that would then be animated by a new system of values that the Club of Rome promoted for the reduction of human activity.
That would be financially incentivized so that this became the language or the root of the language that we began to hear more and more about, like reducing our carbon footprint, not exceeding our carrying capacity.
That type of language came out of the Club of Rome.
So the idea was that the world financial system would have to be blown up, would have to self-destruct to get rid of the pro-industrial paradigm that valued increasing productivity, leaping over the limits of growth, which was historically the foundation of Western civilization was the ethos that promoted the idea that we can always have a better life for our kids and grandkids than the life we lived in.
And there was an expectation that the political and monetary system had to, in some degree, abide by that moral principle.
And that paradigm had to come undone.
So a lot of those characters who played a big role in growing the influence of the Club of Rome played also a big role in murdering John F. Kennedy, and I document that in Volume 2 of my Clash of the Two Americas, as well as bringing online new institutions like the World Economic Forum, the inter-alpha group of banks around Jacob Rothschild, also set up in 1971, the the World Wildlife Fund for Nature under Prince Bernhardt and Prince Philip Mountbatten and Julian Huxley- another eugenicist.
These became part of the new reset of our of our value code towards the idea that now we have to save nature from humanity.
Formerly, it was save humanity from empire.
And in that in that former paradigm that they wanted to erase- the idea of technology was a spiritual thing.
It was like, if we want to do good for our children, we want to discover God's creation.
The fruit of those aspirations is technological progress and the moral, cultural aspects would temper the application, the occurrence of and the application of that technological bounty in the form of things that would actually benefit people, and not simply serve as instruments of an overlord class to control and enslave.
So it's a very different paradigm… technology itself is just it's a neutral thing.
It's really the cultural value system that defines whether a knife will be used to cut bread or kill.
So, this is where I see a bit of a nuance that's needed, because it's not just the creation of jurisdictional systems within the world that is the most important thing.
That may or may not be good or bad if you have a cultural moral value system that sees human life in some way as sacred, that recognizes the need to overcome limits to growth, to always grow in a quality and quantity way, which is what the Club of Rome was always in opposition to.
And I would say in reading the writings of the leaders of Technocracy Inc. earlier, I would say they were also ideologically opposed to qualitative growth based upon, anti-imperial modes of thinking about self-interest, avoiding war, avoiding divide to conquer situations, improving the quality of minds and morals of people.
So, you got that dynamic, which also the North American Union under Canada 2020, which is wired by a bunch of Malthusians, who are very rigid, Mark Carney being just one of them. Mario Draghi, again, is another good example of that.
So you have that influence that I think wants to co-opt and use the idea of the crisis to create new organizational structures.
And there will be a new system. That's going to happen.
But the question is, is that new system going to be defined around a death cult that wants to reduce world populations to our caring capacity that their computer models have?
To numbers that are like less than a billion, which I think what the consensus was of the Club of Rome that that's been imposed on all “respectable” Western scientific institutions, that advise governments.
It's one billion people is what is the carrying capacity, according to Dennis Meadows and James Forrester, who did the, the limits to growth studies [published in 1973].
Or is it going to be based upon an idea that rejects the death cult value system and promotes abundance and cooperation in a genuine way, not the type of feudalism that I've been inferring to?
So I think that there are those who would prefer it to go in that more healthy direction that I think are active at play in the world.
To what degree Trump per se is totally captured or influenced politically or is even capable of carrying out a more positive type of policy when it comes to really building up abundance, getting rid of the arguments of the depopulation lobby, and avoiding the war scenarios that are being pushed by those who want to destroy Russia, China, India, Iran, other nations that have so far said they would prefer to survive and create a pro-industrial, pro-cooperative policy that's not based on on killing their people… I don't know.
I really, like I said, I'm in a learning phase right now. It's highly volatile.
So I'm still trying to map it out and build my hypotheses as we speak. I'm not settled on Trump yet.
Yeah, that's absolutely fantastic, Matthew. You've gave a really good insight there.
And I think pretty much us on here as well, we're kind of with the thought process as well, you know, like what dynamics is going to come to the fore?
Is humanity going to be... on the floor now with Trump or are we going to go with the other narrative of basically depopulation, etc.
And I was just wondering, Matthew, what were your thoughts around Trump's inauguration there? I had been kind of banging on these faces here that Trump was going to use his mother's Bible to swear in as a president and I actually didn't get a chance to watch the inauguration but a lot of people said that he didn't actually put his hand on the Bible that JD put his hand on the Bible so I was just wondering have you any thoughts on that aspect because I know when we look at everything that plays on the world stage, there seems to be a lot of occultic symbology around a lot of these events.
I do know Trump's mother comes from the Hebrides in Scotland.
It's just kind of a small area there. And she comes from an old ancient Celtic bloodline. So I was just wondering, have you any takes on around his inauguration?
Because I know a lot of people were kind of, it was kind of on social media meltdown around him not putting his hand on the Bible. And I was kind of looking into the aspect that he was going to use his mother's Bible and kind of the symbiology kind of around that.
I didn't know about his mom as part of an ancient Celtic bloodline.
I'd kind of like to know more about that, actually.
I did find it bothersome. I was confused and annoyed that he didn't do that [place his hand on the Bible].
His mother's Bible was there, it seems. There was two Bibles. One of them was his... I think one was Lincoln's Bible. The other one, I think, was his mom's, from what I understood. However, It's not unprecedented [to not place a hand on the Bible].
I looked at it online and there's a number of presidents throughout history that also didn't put their hand on the Bible.
There's nothing that says you have to do that in the Constitution or in the legal codes.
John Quincy Adams didn't- but he was a pretty good guy. I'm a fan of John Quincy Adams. There were a couple of others. I don't remember offhand the names. [Joe Biden did place their hands on the Bible and they still did Satan’s work.]
But, again, it did leave a bit of a bad taste in the mouth. I really would have preferred to see him do that.
And, I mean, my mind is immediately going to, like, is it to satisfy the Israel lobby? Is that why you're doing it? Like, what is behind that?
Are you a closet Satanist and you feel like you're going to get burned?
I'm not really thinking that, but it's a scenario.
So that particularly that's my only views of that anomaly. I didn't listen to his full speech, so I did try to follow as much as I could of the inauguration ceremony and what's it been now, 36 hours since 48 hours.
There are certain interesting things that are good and bad.
And with Trump I always kind of have, I guess like we all have to do a bit in real politic is, take what somebody says and what they do and recognize that Trump hardly ever says what he thinks.
He often will say one thing and do another.
So there were some anomalies that were good and some things that I think are worth sharing that are bad. One thing is right after the inauguratoin, you did have the sword dance.
So the really weird YMCA sword dance, which was, I think, a bit of an homage to his first term when he went to Saudi Arabia as his first foreign visit in March of 2017.
And that's exactly what he did as a sword dance that was part of what was going on at the time - MBS (Mohammed bin Sultan) had just taken power, was about to take power in a couple of monthsm and would launch the largest cleaning out of the Saudi deep state that we'd ever seen.
Saudi Arabia has historically been an appendage of Anglo-American intelligence and has been used as a proxy to fund radical jihadist groups as part of proxy militarist sects to destabilize governments that we don't like, including the operation that was done on the United States in 2001 and 9-11.
The Saudi deep state played a very nefarious role with Dick Cheney, the CIA, and MI6 at making that happen.
So Saudi Arabia, they've had this more often than not very negative role within the great game. I think a lot of it got really bad when their King Faisal was murdered in 1975.
It was a CIA organized hit that used his nephew as a disposable MKUltra type murderer who killed him after being brainwashed in America.
But, King Faisal represented the old guard of better statesmen who just saw that Saudi Saudi Arabia must to have a future and to have sovereignty had to have industry- it couldn't simply be an oil dependent exporter. It had to have a full spectrum economy.
He was very much inspired by Gamal Nasser, the president of Egypt, who also was was closely aligned with President Bashar al-Assad's father, Hafez al-Assad- And it was a difficult time, but these pan-Arab pro-industrial fighters really did some incredibly creative maneuvers.
And there was a big movement in Saudi Arabia around King Faisal and many of the princes who said, “no, we need to have authentic development. We have got to break free of this Anglo-American stranglehold or else we're always going to be this disposable tool.”
And it took up until MBS to finally rally the forces to begin to carry out that purge in a similar way that we saw that, similar purges of the deep state or the purges that were done in the early 2000s by Putin in Russia.
It was never consolidated. Russia still has a deep state, but it got much more under control after some a lot of people were put in jail who are highly, highly sociopathic, evil billionaires. tied to the world economic forum.
Some of them still exert influence, but much fewer number than 20 years ago. So Saudi Arabia also had a big purge, a little after the sword dance, and since then began working in a much more constructive manner to.
Question from audience:
Can I ask you just on the Mohammed bin Salman, there's rumors, or I don't know if it's been confirmed, that his mother was Jewish. Like, what's the connection between, say, the Saudis, like the very soft, say, on Israel, And then just to segue into what's going on in Syria there, that they're saying that the, is it Al Jolani, was trained in Israel and stuff.
Like, what's your thoughts on what is actually happening, but like, there at the moment?
Yeah, I haven't seen any proof that's persuaded me that his mom is Jewish. So I've heard it floating around as a statement, but... I have to really be shown some some evidence to convince me that that's not just a lot of gossip. But even then, that’s not a cause for saying someone is bad, or good right?
So I don't know what I can say on that point. But to get back to the point I was making, when I look at the character of like the Saudi Saudi Vision 2030 program, it's very much based on an aspiration to have a full spectrum industrial economy, to have nuclear power. UAE as well, which has joined the BRICS, also has embraced nuclear power and advanced science for the first time.
So really to escape the oil petrodollar market, which is like the key of the formula for that to work, is they made billions and billions of dollars that enriched a small class at the expense of the majority of Saudis living in poverty.
But they couldn't stand on their own two feet. They had no defense. They relied on the U.S. military, which dominates Saudi's military.
And they were never allowed to have industry or factories to refine the oil, to make finished goods. All of that was imports.
So we've seen now for the past seven years a reversal of that, and it's been through a fight. A lot of high-level Saudi intelligence operatives were put in jail.
Prince Bandar bin Sultan was one of the key figures, the worst evil representative, friend of Prince Charles, and they called him “Bandar Bush” because he was so close to the Bush family. He was taken out. As were many others.
So I've seen signs of an actual fight.
It's not like this is just something that I'm seeing happening according to Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeon Masters, just simply moving things around.
There does seem to be an actual fight, which is why I treat this more seriously.
I don't see that as theater. Like I see the ouster of Trudeau as theater, that drama around Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland going renegade and saying: “I disagree with Justin's economic policies, and I must resign”… that is all theater.
That's fake.
But this I do see as real.
The other aspect of your question on Jolani (as an Israeli agent)… Yeah, I mean, HTS is a direct outgrowth of Jabbat al-Nusra, which is itself an ISIS derivative, al-Qaeda derivative in Syria.
And he's a head chopper. And we know that these groups have, of all of the attacks of terrorism that al-Qaeda and its affiliates have carried out over the past even just 20 years, one can look at a list. Somebody once sent me a list of all of the terrorist attacks that were affiliated with al-Qaeda or associated with al-Qaeda. And how many of those actually were targeting Israeli interests?
And it's like hardly any.
Like I think they did their first anti-Israeli attack, which is very, very light… in 2019 or something after all these years.
So and also they don't they don't attack U.S. military bases, British military bases. So it's it's clearly like this is a group of proxies who are used as weapons by Anglo-Zionist CIA intelligence networks to destabilize governance we don't like.
I didn't see the evidence, but I would be very quick to believe it if it was presented to me. I see it as very plausible that he was trained whether in Israel or by Israeli defense forces. I would not be at all surprised.
We know that Turkey and the CIA and the IDF have been implicated in training and providing logistics and financial support to a lot of these groups in Libya and Syria and Iraq and into Africa- to Boko Haram, in Mali and Chad, Burkina Faso and Niger, which carry out a lot of destruction of the sovereign governments of those places, but they only benefit the mining cartels that are mostly Anglo-American or Anglo-American Zionists that are actually raping Africa.
Those are the ones who benefit by the destabilized governments who get the big contracts to then own and export the wealth under the soil of African nations.
So, yeah, Jolani's a total proxy, a cutout.
And yeah, I don't know what else I could say about him.
Does that kind of answer the question?
Yeah, no, it does.
I think Turkey had obviously had some kind of hand in that rise because it was so fast that they took over Syria, like lightning speed within a week. And then obviously, you know, Israel have moved in across the Golan Heights. They've secured, I think, strategic areas of water supply for the region and into Syria.
I think it could be for Jordan as well. And then, you know, it seems that Turkey seems to be the biggest winner. And I know you've done some work on the Muslim Brotherhood.
Can you tell us a bit about that and some of your thoughts?
Yeah. Well, the Muslim Brotherhood is the deep state of the Arab.
So all the Arab nations have their own deep state.
Every country has deep states.
So there's something authentic within most of the countries of the world. There's an authentic sort of quality that that is good. And then you have this other thing in every country. So there in the Arabic countries, it's represented this force principally by the Muslim Brotherhood.
For those who may be listening and haven't done the research on it, the Muslim Brotherhood was set up as a proxy secret society/paramilitary pseudo religious order, like an Arab secret society by an initiate of the United Grand Lodge.
So there's a British Freemasonic front group operating out of the Cairo office in the 1920s. And one of their assets was a figure named Hassan al Banna. And he was initiated into British Freemasonry. He set up his own derivative called the Muslim Brotherhood in 1928.
And it operated secret paramilitary groups that would interface and receive commands by the British in various parts of the Arab world.
In Palestine, its manager was this guy named Haj Amin.
He was the British-selected Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and Palestine.
So the British selected this guy, installed him as the Grand Mufti, who they wanted to be the voice representing all of the Muslim people, which he wasn't.
When they did a vote originally for the Grand Mufti, because there's an aspect of it which was done by the Arabs living there in Palestine, he didn't even make the cut of the top three.
And if you don't make the cut of the top three votes, you are off the list. After the Arabs vote for the top three candidates, then the British overlords are supposed to select one of the top three people who are running for the position.
Haj Amin squeeked in at number four.
So the Brits had to kill one of the people who was more popular than him. And they got somebody else to resign out of fear. And then, and then the British just selected this guy that nobody liked.
And so this guy was also very much working with, al Banna to organize as much violence against Jews at different times.
And similarly, at the very same time, you had British Freemasonic groups that were interfacing with [Vladimir] Jabotinsky, who was running the Zionist paramilitary groups, which didn't represent the voice of most of the Jewish people living in Palestine. At the time, most people wanted peaceful relationships with those who had been living there for centuries and just wanted to live in harmony with a safe space.
That's that was what the majority of the Jews wanted.
But then you had these Haganah night raiders that were set up around Javotinsky, again, very much tied to British intelligence circles, very much fascist, who would carry out scorched earth campaigns against whole Arab villages.
And inversely, Jewish villages would get raided and pillaged and everybody murdered by the Muslim Brotherhood paramilitary group.
So it was a tit for tat thing.
But they were working together to create maximum revengeism!
To get that damned “eye for an eye” stuff that just transcends generations. Because that's how the British work.
As you and Ireland know, it's divide to conquer, right?
Get neighbors to just, you know, kill each other forever. So they were radicalizing all sides as much as they could.
And so at a certain point, the Muslim Brotherhood reorganizes itself in 1951 under another Freemason whose name I'm forgetting. they try to murder Gamal Nasser, the president of Egypt, who had gained control, kind of like El-Sisi did in Egypt more recently in 2013 over Morsi.
Morsi was the leader installed by the Anglo-Zionists to be the president of Egypt in 2012, and he was a Muslim Brotherhood member who immediately opened the door to all sorts of U.S. military industrial contracts and bases that were going to be owning Egypt in 2012 after the Arab Spring. He was even going to privatize the Suez Canal which would have undone Nasser’s historic battle to nationalize it 68 years ago!
[The Arab Spring] was another CIA front color revolution operation that destabilized governments across the Arab world.
And he was taken down by a military coup, which was a nationalist coup against the Deep State operation that installed Morsi as an anti-Muslim Brotherhood leader. And that the new president El Sisi was in many ways walking in the footsteps of Nasser earlier in the 50s, who fought to nationalize the Suez Canal. But he had many assassination attempts against him. His prime minister was killed by the Muslim Brotherhood.
And he finally did a full crackdown after one of these failed assassinations and just totally shut them down. And they went deeper underground.
But they never went away.
And that's what was behind the murder of President Anwar Sadat killed by the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt in the I want to say the late 70s.
And pretty much everything bad that I can see as far as the growth of the shadow governments of the Arab world is tied to the Muslim Brotherhood, including the creation of Hamas in 1988. which was a Muslim Brotherhood subproject directly affiliated with it in order to destroy the type of mature dialogue that was finally happening by Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin representing the Palestinian and Jewish coalitions, having dialogue around Oslo in 1992 to create a two-state solution based on economic cooperation.
That was the secret sauce always.
It's always about the fight for economic full-spectrum economies that are cooperating for a genuine, authentic, real benefit to each other.
So the types of things that Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin were putting on the table with Shimon Peres and some others was building roads, building water desalination, building industry that would benefit both Palestinians and Israelis.
So you could begin to have a believable... a slow, but believeable healing as you begin to build projects that are going to benefit each other's children that's the only way to do this in a durable fashion and that's what was sabotaged so they signed the peace accord in 1992 and then the world bank had a meeting and prevented all any all the requests for investing world bank money into infrastructure was was was banned from going into those proposed infrastructure programs.
And then, we all know that Yitzhak Rabin was murdered by a radical Zionist that was tied to the Likud party and the incoming Benjamin Netanyahu administration.
And similarly, Yasser Arafat saw his power collapse.
He ran this organization called the PLO which was infiltrated, destabilized and taken down by the new Hamas regime- that was much more belligerent and much more into an ideological um extermination of israel by its mandate originally in 88 and it became much very much impossible to have mature conversations and then he was murdered probably from somebody near his own entourage and a study was done when they exhumed his body and they found that it was polonium poisoning that killed him.
When I look at Hamas, I simply see a Muslim Brotherhood outfit that is more than willing to kill the majority of their own Hamas members who are not initiated into the inner club…
Just on that one, we have guys to come on and they say that it was Israel that created Hamas or they had served their purpose. I know you're looking into some of the deeper aspects of it.
There is a religious element where you've got the guys that want to destroy the mosque, they want to put up the third temple, and they want the greater Israel project.
What's your thoughts on that?
Also, It's fascinating stuff because I didn't realize there was a Muslim Brotherhood connection to that.
And the other question is, is Erdogan Muslim Brotherhood?
Erdogan's a bit of an enigma, but he's certainly very much influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood. He definitely was a full member.
I don't know if he's still a full member, but he does have a certain delusion of grandeur and sees himself as a Sultan and I do think he does want to reconstruct the Ottoman Empire to its glory days, making him dangerous.
But at the same time, he's not fully on board with the full grand design, which is why there was an effort to overthrow and kill him in 2016, which nearly was a success except for the intervention by Russian intelligence, which saved him by giving him a foreign notice of the coup plot, then following the coup plot that was run by the CIA [we saw] a massive purge of some of the worst elements of the Turkish deep state that gave Erdogan a little bit more flexibility because he realized that he was not as essential as he thought he was.
He had a lot more in common with Saddam Hussein than he realized.
So that was a bit of a humble pie moment for him.
And it seemed like for a while he was beginning- he was shifting to a bit more of a rational foreign policy.
But then what we've seen now with the backstab of Assad, I'm not too sure where he stands at the moment.
But on the issue of Israel and Hamas, yeah, Israel, this is what I'm saying, right?
The Muslim Brotherhood and the Zionist radical extremists both kind of want the same thing and thus actually have a lot more in common historically than against each other.
So, though they came out of, they were a sub-branch of the Muslim Brotherhood,
They were funded, and that's been admitted to by Benjamin Netanyahu himself, who said to his own Israeli cabinet members that if you want to maintain power over Palestine, we have to keep on giving money in support to Hamas.
Chaz Freeman (former US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia) said the same thing. There's been many, many analysts, many insiders who have all proven the case thoroughly that Israel has been desirous and has provided a lot of backing to the growth of Hamas because they want something which is more predictable which then the PLO the PLO was much more based on social economic considerations they were not principally religious in their motives of you know in terms of like what do we do how do we form a policy for the future whereas the Hamas agenda was much more driven by an ideologically religious idea which made them more dangerous and thus more useful because it created more of an excuse to to feed into the “we are the persecuted people” victim mentality that's been so baked into so many of the Jews who have been convinced to live in the desert over the years.
There's been a lot of brainwashing, just like there was done to the black Americans, to condition them over generations to take on an identity of being the victims.
As soon as you get somebody into a victim identity, you can create a little tyrant very easily, a fascist who wants revenge, who's just absorbing the inter-generational trauma- all of the injustice that their people have ever suffered forever.
It's all being ritually sort of felt.
by young people going through that kind of brainwashing- they lose their individual identities and identify only with some abstract ‘victimized group/racial identity’… and as they get old and get political power, they become like Ben Gvir, like a total off-kilter, fanatical, crazy person.
So, to the degree that you have Muslim Brotherhood dangerous operations in positions of influence around Israel, then Israel's got an excuse to basically go and invade for their own defense preemptively like we're seeing a discussion right now again of going in the IDF, there's a discussion of the IDF going into Egypt to take control of the Suez Canal with the fear that you got radical Islamist groups that want to gain power and that may gain power once again in Egypt and to preemptively save themselves, they're saying we need to go in there and the same thing for going to Syria or expanding into greater Israel, which is a territory much larger than the current borders, they can only do that if they have some apparent excuse.
So if they got some rockets coming at them from Saudi Arabia or some rockets from Jordan or some rockets coming at them from from Egypt, then they say, “OK, well, we got an excuse to go and defend ourselves”.
So we'll go and take control of the one third of Saudi territory that's part of the greater Israel map or all of Iraq or Syria.
And this is where it gets even messier because some of their view of what greater Israel is also overlaps with what greater Turkey is and the Ottoman Empire's ambitions where also the caliphate that HTS represents, they have their own idea, which is not exactly the same, but similar as that represented by Erdogan.
So it's very ungovernable and it's highly messy.
I'm thinking that it's possible that a deal was cut where Russia basically said it's possible.
I don't know if this is true, but I'm open to this and I've heard other analysts whom I respect talking about this.
It's believable that a deal was made to buy between the Trump team to make a deal on Ukraine. And on the other hand, Syria would be a sort of sacrifice, given over to the HTS Caliphat group in that process.
Perhaps that may be the case.
And the gamble is that there is nothing there in terms of HTS, the Turkish, the Armenians (who also have their own Armenian state dream), the Israelis that have any ability to govern anything without it degenerating into chaos,
though they [the Russians] would prefer something much more stable in their soft underbelly.
But if you can't get that, maybe they think that this is just a viable sacrifice to make for the time being. It’s a dangerous gamble if so. But I don't know this for certain.
No, fantastic. I see the time there, conscious of time.
The other one I wanted to ask you about, I know Patricia probably has more questions there, but the other one I wanted to ask you about, it's completely different, but obviously you've done some work on this as well before.
The whole idea of the UAPs, these lights in the sky, the deep state, like I can watch, redacted Clayton Morris. I can watch Joe Rogan. I can watch all these guys that have popped up in the last five or six years that are pushing this narrative.
And then, I have read some of the externalization of the hierarchy by Alice A. Bailey, which references in 2025. They're going to, you know,
Let us all know that these ascended mass, you know yourself, there's a new age element to it. There's a lot of weird stuff going on at the moment.
It's actually intensifying.
And as I said, 2025 is referenced in the externalization, the hierarchy, and it's come up a few times in different guise that I'm watching about this UAP phenomenon.
And then, it goes into the telepathy tapes where, now they're saying, maybe it's a craft, maybe it's a physical craft, maybe they're interdimensional, maybe they're not extraterrestrial, maybe they're under the sea.
Look, as a Christian, I believe, you know, if these things exist, that they're, demonic of some description, but what's your thoughts on what's going on here? Who's pushing that?
It's obviously deep state, in my opinion, Luis Elizondo, all ex-CIA, you know, deep state actors. What is the end game here?
And are they going to try and unite the world religions on a COVID level PSYOP where we're all going to have to worship ET?
Yeah, where Scientology all of a sudden becomes like the dominant mainstream church- God forbid, of the world.
“They're vindicated! Hubbard was right!”
Yeah, that I think gets us closer to the ultimate core driving motive of the oligarchy beyond all the mechanical ins and outs that fluctuate year to year, decade to decade.
I think their ultimate ambition has always been to create a much more controlled type of world religion as Alice Bailey outlined in the Externalization of the Hierarchy documents of 1957, and that were discussed by Annie Besant and Charles Leadbeater and these Theosophists around Blavatsky earlier.
It's religious engineering, and they know that the thing which has resulted in making human beings difficult to manage over the centuries… is that at our best, we have tended to be nurtured through our relationship to our sense of God, faith, family, morality and a lot of the monotheistic Abrahamic faiths especially have given us a really strong idea of of the sacredness of life, this idea that we can't know everything about God and creation- But we can have faith, reasonable faith, that God wills the good, [that God] is reasonable, is loving, and these things are what we should try to aspire to emulate as characteristics in our lives… That then shapes considerations of policy and law.
And so whenever you have a St. Augustine or St. Patrick or you look at throughout history of these people who rose above their expectations of what they were born into to really shape history, it's often been motivated by their religious conceptions, their resistance to empire, their fight for freedoms, all these things.
So that's what they always had to extract.
But you can't just destroy religion, right?
You can't just go and do that. As much as you might corrupt a culture, it's easier said than done to just say, okay, we're going to erase all religions.
So what they do as a second best is they try to co-opt or redefine what those religions are, which is, I think, for the past century especially, the game plan that's been in place is to try to rebrand our dominant world religions that have had those anti-imperial attributes that I've alluded to and rebrand them around UFOs
So Jesus was, you know, can be we can still hold on to the belief in Jesus.
But now we have to think of him through our UFO disclosures as actually either himself an alien or a gnostic high priest, or avatar- interfacing with an alien, maybe with the help of psychedelic drugs.
So there's a lot of propaganda that these aliens are from other dimensions that we access through the “fifth, or sixth or seventh or eighth dimension” when we do LSD or psilocybin, magic mushrooms or whatever.
So the whole CIA MKUltra lobby has really put a lot of propaganda in literature, movies, videos, books, novels into promoting the idea.
Even Graham Hancock is a big sort of priest advancing this agenda.
Mohammed, they say, is actually a dude who went into an alien ship.
That's what was causing his donkey to fly.
Was he an alien?
Buddha was an alien.
And so they're trying to redefine things around a much more controlled thing which is sort of fusing the narratives of AI, aliens, “sacred drugs” and demonology all sort of into a new hybrid synthetic religion.
And the evidence that they're using to persuade us is the sort of thing I tend to see us as kind of living in a magic trick.
You know, it's a big, highly elaborate, multi-generational magic trick.
And that's the way I tend to sort of look at it.
So they'll come up with a lot of anecdotal evidence, kind of like, campfire stories where people tell stories of ghost stories and stuff. And some people might really believe they're ghost stories, and could pass a lie detector test (although most probably couldn’t).
But that's not science.
That's not the basis upon which we should form a conviction of anything is somebody's anecdotal experience alone.
We shouldn't necessarily ignore anecdotal experience in science, but that's not the basis upon which scientific judgements should be founded.
And so they've gotten us to become a people who become very susceptible to whistleblowers who may or may not be like Luis Elizondo.
Who should believe 1% of anything that guy says? His entire family is hyper deep state.
His dad was in charge of the one of the invasion groups of the Bay of Pigs that was supposed to enmesh the U.S. into a war with Russia over Cuba in 1961.
So, like, why should we believe anything this intelligence creep has to say, who seems to also be tied to weird Freemasonic occult groupings, as does, Tom Delange from the Blink-182 group, and a lot of this was funded by Lawrence Rockefeller from the top.
He's now dead, but he was a big funder and director of the whole movement for UFO disclosure, a lot of the stories around Roswell that they're that they're pushing right now again and reverse engineered alien tech um a lot of this stuff was literally created by creative spin doctors in the late 70s and throughout the 80s funded by David Rockefeller and uh other billionaires like um Robert Bigelow who uh works with a bunch of Satanists like Jacques Vallée… who I believe is a Satanist or Colonel John Alexander, who was close friends throughout his life with Colonel Michael Aquino, the Satanist, who oversaw the revolution in military affairs, and was also part of Stargate remote viewing operations from (1972-1996).
The first Stargate project run by the Stanford Research Institute and Esalen back in the 70s and Scientologists galore, like Hal Putoff, who's also part of this thing with Ingo Swann- were also overseeing Stargate, which just was what it was like the accumulation of anecdotal evidence of seeing ghosts, astral projection, remote viewing and made up data sets that when you look at how they came up with their conclusive scientific data, justifying clairvoyance and remote viewing that justified then the revolution in military affairs that drove a big chunk of military brass crazy by teaching them how to take drugs and run through walls.
But the “experts” running the tests, and many of the leading clairvoyant test subjects (such as Uri Geller) were ideological occultists, so the conclusive data proving ESP, and other paranormal crap is garbage.
That was actually a real thing they were doing in Fort Bragg that became the vanguard of the U.S. military New Guard, that oversaw Desert Storm, 9-11, the Forever Wars.
These are crazy cultists who have been brainwashed to become Mithraic super soldier Jedi wannabes living in a fantasy land.
And their entire psyche was overseen by these satanic intelligence agencies that were making fake data, around proving remote viewing is being done by their elite guinea pigs
And I'm open to the possibility that maybe there's some form of clairvoyance or telepathy- maybe. But these occultists who have penetrated our governments and military are simply illusionists faking data to make us all mushy and superstitious.
It's so very important that people properly get their heads straight and realize what this is, because they are going to be flooding [our perception] increasingly. It's already begun. There's congressional inquiries into UFOs that were formerly, you know, conspiracy theory… Fetishy interests for backroom conversations and and special interest conventions around UFOs interfacing with governments for most of the last decades is now gone completely mainstream.
They've had two congressional hearings on UFO disclosure and there's been one one in Mexico. It's reliant on a lot of whistleblowers, so called “insiders” coming out like Elizondo and David Grusch and others who were supposed to believe what they said because they're insiders.
And, you know, you're just supposed to believe what somebody says if they speak with a genuine emotional tone, then it must be true.
And, one of one of those insiders, which is covered by CNN and mainstream news, revealed how nine, not just one UFO craft crashed in 1947.
It's been nine that crashed since 2003 and there's been hundreds of crashed UFOs that we've been using because they are inferring that all of the tech, the technologies that we've had over the past decades, nuclear science and everything just comes from not human thought or human ingenuity or anything of that sort.
It's the new story.
The new narrative is that it gets all explained away, explained by our reverse engineering of these advanced UFOs. It's absurd in my mind because if these celestial beings had the power of developing a civilization to such an extent that they could transmit their craft beyond the speed of light needed to move from one star system to ours or one galaxy to ours, or even interdimensional travel, let's say there was that.
Maybe they lived in another dimension and then could develop technology so advanced that they could switch dimensions as another narrative has advanced.
In both those cases, you expect me to believe that they're so advanced, but they can't avoid crashing into windmills and basic navigation.
They're that incompetent?
Or that human-made F-16s can go and shoot them down effectively, as if we're watching a Hollywood Independence Day movie.
And that's really it.
People's ability to discern reality from fiction has been so crippled by decades of of mindless entertainment that has created a space through Star Wars movies and and other sci fi fantasy films… which is fine for entertainment.
But the problem is that we have lost any sense of what is real knowledge.
How does the world work? What is an economy?
Too many people have become so detached by consumerism. Over a couple of generations now that people have no bearing to judge truth versus fallacies.
When are you being told a lie? When is there something which is reasonable?
So, yeah, they're going to be doing a lot more in the way of UFO fakery going forward.
And we haven't even seen an advanced use of the holographic technologies yet.
They're using definitely CGI like every time we see these declassified videos from the military featuring fuzzy UAEs to be treated as empirical data points of UFO footage from a drone or a fighter jet that's been declassified now.
Whenever you look at these things, it dropped. They're the most low quality.
It's like watching one of these Sasquatch videos. It's always of the lowest, grainiest, poor quality footage and anecdotal ‘witnesses’… but you’re you're expecting me to believe that that's what I'm being told it is by my government.
When I can go to a movie and appreciate advanced CGI that makes, floating dolphins look real.
It's a magic trick.
We're being lied to. And they've already done like little little tests in in Brazil a couple of times utilizing holograms to project Jesus Christ floating on a cross in the skies of Brazil at daytime. And you can see videos that were taken of this just to see how people would react if Jesus was to return in a hologram floating over Brazil.
These are little social engineering experiments that they've been poking at.
They've done things over the skies of China as well, featuring a city in the clouds that was projected by what appears to be U.S. military craft to make Chinese civilians look up and think that some gate portal had opened or something.
So they're just trying things out right now, but we haven't seen the big reveal yet.
When they do, people are going to go nuts.
And I heard somebody who asked a question today... Are there any signs of the Trump administration having these UFO disclosure themes?
Yeah, that's a big danger.
Trump's son, Donald Trump Jr., is a big promoter of the UFO disclosure agenda.
So my fear is that as we see the declassification committees advance on, declassifying the JFK files, the RFK files
It's likely/ I'm putting this out there as a forecast… an educated forecast that it's likely that they will slip in fake transcripts that will allude to, or infer that JFK was murdered because of his desire to declassify or share the truth about aliens and government collusion with aliens since Eisenhower signed some imaginary treaty (dubbed Majestic 12 which is a 1984 forgery tied to military intelligence psyops).
That again, all of this is made up.
But they can easily slip in fake documents that look and appear on the surface as being legitimate in order to create other new sacred narratives, sacred stories that will replace ultimately our Judeo-Christian Abrahamic faiths is what they want at the end of the day.
That's absolutely brilliant, Matthew…. Just before you move on there,
Bobby had a question there and I'll ask a quick question.
It's something that's happening at the moment. So it's kind of everybody will be familiar with it.
But Bobby, do you have a question there for Matthew?
Yeah, sure. Hi, Matthew.
Listen, I came across your profile. I actually had never heard of you until a few days ago, but I was just researching some of your stuff and I saw a thumbnail that you had from Limits to Growth. I was looking for your podcast.
Well, it was an interview rather, a speech you gave. I couldn't get it on Google.
I had to go into related images to actually find a link to YouTube and then search it through YouTube. But you were in Basel, I believe, talking about open versus closed systems. Do you know the presentation I'm talking about?
Well, yeah, sure. That was a fun one.
I presume you've gone down the rabbit hole of the Club of Rome's nefarious world predictions, but specifically with respect to the Overshoot Index, which was a document that was put together by Population Matters.
They used to be called Optimum Population Trust or something. We had asked Patrick Moore from Greenpeace, he was formerly the head of Greenpeace, about the Overshoot Index, which lists the sustainable population size for every nation in the world and countries that are over the certain bar are considered in overshoot and they have to be brought down in numbers and consumption.
Have you spoke to anyone from these institutions about how that data is calculated?
Because it's been a few years now since I came across it, and it seems that there's no one else who have access, I think it's the Global Footprint Network in Switzerland.
They're like this shadowy organization to compile this data. How do we have any idea is there any oversight how they compile this data that they give these predictions for what the proper population size for every nation in the world is?
Yeah, in my research, my answer I would give you is no.
I don't see any evidence that there's any standards or reliable regulatory standards of any sort that are above those relatively arbitrary models that are generated, including the very data sets that they choose to include into their computer modeling.
It's very sloppy. I have a better sense of the sloppiness when looking or considering their climate models, and we had the case of East Anglia University in 2009, where what's his name… Phil Jones, who was the top climate scientist at East Anglia.
And East Anglia is one of the three dominant data set collection and modeling centers of the world for climate models that are adopted by the UN, think tanks, universities, governments around the world to shape their policy discussions.
And in 2009, right before COP14- some people might remember this, there was a big leak, an insider leak of emails demonstrating conclusively that Phil Jones and his clique were artificially making up data and he was even giving commands for, for other climate modelers in his organization to ignore any data sets that disrupt the outcomes that they're trying to project that tie some causal relationship between human CO2 production and warming of the earth… of which there is none, zero, zilch, nothing.
And, there's hundreds of these emails, and it was a scandal.
It had a lot to do with the collapse and the failure of COP14 to achieve its promised goals of achieving binding carbon reduction quotas for every nation and new regulatory bodies that would have the power of law to enforce the decarbonization of nations.
So that failed.
But one of the things that the Russian representative to COP14 made a point that of the 500 meteorological devices that Russia has across its vast territory accumulating climate data for the past hundred years that were given over to East Anglia, he said only like 20% of the data which Russia provided was actually used.
East Anglia ignored 80% of the climate data because they chose to ignore those 80% of the data because if they acknowledged it then it would prove that the outcome of human-made global warming would be not true.
So it's super duplicitous.
Additionally, if you look at the... I remember reading an essay some years back which featured this mapping... from 1975 to the present, featuring all the meteorological devices across the United States. And then they compared it to 2007 or 2008.
And there's like only 50% of the devices active today than there were in the 1970s.
And you're like, why?
Well, they kept the ones that were in and directly around concrete cities. Because cities are, by average, warmer than rural areas. Because a city, there's a lot of tar, concrete, it attracts heat.
So there's a significant increase of average heat your devices would gather versus those that might be on an island or, you know, in a countryside.
Similarly, the devices like near Mauna Loa in Hawaii, which is an active volcano generating tons of carbon dioxide, that's actually one of the most important meteorological centers that accumulate data.
So it's like, why are you picking a device that's right next to a volcano?
Like that seems like one of the least reliable types of data sets you could get, but that's what they use as one of the most important data collection sources so you got all of this evidence of fakery and again it's part of reality that we are living in a giant magic trick you know and people just need to be aware of the different facets of how this magic trick works to make the false appear true and the true appear false and you know like the evidence is that we're actually we've been going into a new ice age is like what the actual astro climatological data has been pointing to and all of there's thousands of so many thousands of astroclimatologists who have openly disagreed with the official consensus of man-made anthropogenic CO2 causing global warming,
But they're being ignored.
They're not the ones that are being given airtime.
But I've looked at their lines of reasoning and what data they're looking at as far as how the sun and how cosmic radiation are much more important drivers of climate than anything human beings do.
And they're all warning that we should be preparing to protect life from the consequences of a slide into another prolonged ice age.
We're at the end phase of the Halocene.
We're in the middle, technically, of the last 2 million years. It's been, by and large, an ice age for most of the time.
And every 80,000 to 90,000 years, it seems, there are these small warming periods that lasts between 8,000 and 13,000 years.
And these little blips of warming, the ice recedes. You get flooding as the ice melts.
It gets very warm, biomass increases significantly,
But then it collapses again back into like prolonged ice ages for 80 to 90,000 years.
And we're at the endpoint of what's known as the Halocene warming.
The Halocene began when the ice caps melted like 10,000 years ago and there was like records of flooding all over the world.
Different cultures have different myths that all involve the destruction of flooding. We should be really thinking about that.
But instead, we're all stupidly trained to think about global warming- which is not happening at all.
But they need it for their bigger story… which is that human beings are pollution, that there's too many of us to be accepted.
That's one of the core pieces of evidence they're bringing to the jury.
Question from audience
That's what you're saying.
With respect to the numbers, I think the Lancet had an article. I'm not sure if it was a review article, but they put it at around 10 billion, slightly over. This is what they said. The Earth can hold 10 billion people with a current wealth disparity, so like a rich West population. and developing nations comprising a large amount of the population. We can hold it for 30, 40.
This is what they've said.
But my question- it might sound kind of grug or silly, but how can I verify the population figures for any country, let alone even a city?
The public can't obtain that on the population side cities in the Philippines or India. You've no way of knowing.
This is the question I have.
Yeah, I don't do demographic analysis professionally, so I don't really know the standards that they use when they accumulate these numbers.
I don't know.
I know that they will say for their esoteric or the exoteric sort of story for public consumption, things like “the carrying capacity for earth is 10 million’.
But I've also noticed that for those making the decisions- the Alexander Kings, the Dennis Meadows, they actually, in their esoteric sort of like inner beliefs, maintain a consensus of 1 billion, maybe 2 billion at the max should actually be maintained as the carrying capacity limit.
The thing, what I can say, not being a demographer, but one thing I can say is that the fallacy of the Club of Rome and the computer modeling that they promoted with the limits to growth program at MIT in the 70s that was brought into the World Economic Forum in 1973 as well, is that they pretend that scientific and technological progress doesn't exist.
So they're operating on the assumption that human beings are the sum total of the parts, that all we do is we consume more, is we draw down resources at a greater rate than we can replenish them.
Because they don't believe in creativity. It's not something that they can put into their computer modeling.
It plays no role, even though creativity... which is the thing that distinguishes us from the animals and the machines- THAT quality of human inspiration, the love, the passion that is unchartable- It's not material.
It's tied to the love of ideas.
That's the secret sauce that allows human beings to make Eurekas and that can then translate those Eurekas that we make when we discover laws of God's creation into new technologies that allow us to transcend the former state of limits that our society in ignorance. When we were ignorant, we had certain limits, right?
Because there's only so much water. So much wood that you can burn within limits for the sake of sustaining your population at a given level of technological and carrying capacity.
So if you don't have knowledge of coal, that you can burn coal and release a greater density of heat than you could more efficiently with wood, then that scarcity will be something that you will create a Malthusian trap.
And that scarcity will induce more rivalries, more abilities to spark conflict between neighboring towns or nations over limited wood.
And then whoever monopolizes the wood can control the wars of each against all.
But then what allowed for human beings at some point, somebody tested out this thing that looks like a rock that they burned and realized: “oh, they can actually harness a lot of dense fire in the form of coal!”
That allowed for no longer a dependency on the former wood-burning economy.
And this new thing called coal, because it wasn't known to be a resource beforehand, there was no monopoly over it, so all of a sudden there was this burst of growth, of sharing of discoveries, and it took the oligarchy time to readjust itself, try to co-opt and do a lot more work to re-monopolize the new thing. which then will create more wars for coal.
And that was part of the 30 years war where we're coal, you know, battles over coal.
And unless we can find something even more efficient, like this oil that that was treated like a pollution by farmers who didn't want to see oil in the 17th, 18th, 19th centuries. In their farms, if there was black ooze, that made your farmland less useful and that would piss you off as a farmer.
So somebody discovered that there's even greater heat density organized in the molecules of petroleum that when burned are even better than coal. And suddenly that black ooze became a really amazing thing whose value exploded after the discovery.
And, you know, same thing for atomic powers.
The quality of energy that's releasable within uranium or plutonium or thorium is even greater.
But each step of the way, there's always going to be limits to our growth based on the discoveries we haven't made yet.
So the oligarchy operates on getting us to abide by the assumption that, that limits of our carrying capacity are absolute.
It is non-negotiable.
All we can do is adapt to scarcity.
To a Malthusian/mathematician/technocrat, the Human mind, soul, God, metaphysics is not scientific. It doesn't exist.
That's what I know is the key to their fraud, their magic trick.
But as soon as you introduce human creative thought, it breaks their game… which is what they're really afraid of.
And that's why they're pushing.
That's one of the useful aspects of the UFO ET government disclosure thing that they're pushing- I can already see it in the narratives of the whistleblowers is that they're going to be releasing newer technologies that have been withheld from the civilian economy during the cold war.
New technologies will be increasingly released, not because they want to,,or because they like giving us technology.
They would rather we just die. They would rather that.
That's a death cult.
But because you have certain nations representing certain civilizational processes, especially in Eurasia, that are not playing the game anymore, they're not going along with it,they're instead going for abundance creation, massive economic growth, they have to combat that.
And to combat that, they cannot be as mediocre as they've made us under 50 years of consumerism.
So now with Trump, it seems, part of the platform is to begin to unleash certain things that have been contained within the military industrial secret science programs of Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grunman and other things that are tied to the secret science things which will be released, but they don't want to allow people to be aware of what is the creative power that allows for technology to happen.
That must be remained, that must be kept in a state of ignorance.
We can't understand that quality of ourselves.
So the excuses that they're bringing online is “We've reverse engineered alien spacecraft and that's where all of this tech we're going to be seeing can be accounted for from aliens that either gave it to us because they taught us how to make the pyramids and the oligarchy is just super powerful because they're interfacing with these alien overlords or we just like reverse engineered it from Roswell and onward and don't look at human mind.”
Don't look at human nature as being something made in the image of a living, loving, reasonable creator that allows us to make discoveries and leap over the limits to growth.
That is verboten.
That's the X. The X factor is that we're not allowed to think about that.
So that's my considerations on the issue of data and population and manipulating statistics.
Yeah, thanks. That was pretty comprehensive.
Thank you.
Yeah, Matthew, we've had you on now for two hours and it's a very, very interesting discussion and I'm just going to wrap it up with this quick question.
Just this quick question.
Just how do you interpret the recent forest fires in Hollywood Hills?
There are numerous speculations ranging from hard technology to other forms of geoengineering being responsible to some Christian perspectives, viewing these events as divine retribution for Hollywood's cultural road to degeneracy. Do you have any evidence supporting or refuting the theories that I just mentioned? And how would this fit into the broader narratives of whether warfare or environmental manipulation as tools for geopolitical strategy?
Yeah, well, I recently interviewed a good friend of mine who lives in L.A. He's an investigative reporter and his name is Peter Duke.
He's active on Twitter and people could find the interview I did with him because he lost his house, him and his wife.
And he did a lot of he's done a lot of dirt digging on a few levels, geopolitical as well as mechanical, like what was on the going on on the terrain.
So I would advise people to maybe check out that podcast- the easiest way to find it probably at this moment would be to go to,
Now, Peter made the point to me that he's not persuaded of the directed energy beam weapons, as perhaps I'm more inclined to believe that was done in the case of Hawaii, the Lahaina fires.
In this case, there's not the same quality of data that would back up the directed energy beam weapons. there's a lot more evidence that he points out to showcase coordinated arsonists that were deployed at various places, perhaps using some chemicals that assisted in the fires at a given moment.
There were several- I think five or six different fires that were set off, not connected to each other that spread in a very organized way that preserved things like the Getty museum and the Getty family is a major family that's part of the California mafia [outlined by Peter Duke], which has been there for a long time and very much tied to the Newsom family, the Governor Gavin Newsom being part of the Newsom family, as well as another thing called the Berggruen Institute.
The Bergerwin Institute is a very influential, highly underrated think tank, which is a friend of the World Economic Forum. and Council on Foreign Relations, and they've put forth programs that they've advanced to reset California… especially LA and the Palisades, around a 15-minute city idea.
Similar things have been promoted in Valencia and in Spain, where a lot of destruction was done in a certain way by design through the destruction, the systematic elimination of hydroelectric dams and flood barriers under the World Economic Forum, liberate the rivers ideology of save Gaia from civilization so we've been destroying flood controls and dams now to restore nature but it's resulted in the case of Spain and total flood destruction in the case of LA also which has destroyed demolished a lot of dams hundreds of dams have been demolished just four big big ones in the last year alone to liberate the deserts uh they've emptied out the reservoirs so that hydra like fire hydrants had no water so firemen couldn't do their job fire it seems like there was orders to the fire departments from somebody i don't know who to give the orders to many fire departments to not uh send their fire trucks to care to to fight the fires so whole neighborhoods were condemned to burn that could have been saved.
Water was left empty from reservoirs, like the Ynez Reservoir was, 117 million gallons of water that it holds, but it was given Newsom had emptied it out and kept it empty, so it wasn't there to supply water when it was needed.
And arson seems to be what Peter was pushing on, and I found his arguments persuasive.
And I saw similar things in the case of Quebec, just eight, nine months ago you had, over the last summer, these big fires that were all over the province of Quebec, which is where I live.
And you could see the satellite data showcasing how all of these, like 13 of these fires or 14 of these fires all went off within like 30 minutes of each other that were totally disconnected. And it's like, that doesn't happen unless you have eco-terrorists on the ground coordinating doing this in order to then create a narrative that: “oh, anthropogenic global warming is causing these fires or, you know, extreme climate. So we have to change our behavior to save nature.”
So yeah, that's where I'm at.
As far as like righteous retribution of the Sodom and Gomorrah that is Hollywood,
I'm partial to that as well. but, you know, I don't think that that's needed to account for what happened in the Palisades.
No, that's actually a good take on the Hollywood fires.
I actually did watch that interview that you did with Peter, and it was very, very compelling because for anyone who hasn't seen it already Peter goes through his neighborhood and literally shows the devastation.
And he also goes through, as you said there, he did a deep dive on the whole semantics of that fire you know from initially starting to where other areas broke out and as you mentioned there the Getty Museum or Institute they have their own private fire service there so they were able to you know look after their own little corner there but that was absolutely fantastic, Matthew that you've been so generous with your time and you've given us some really deep thought focus now for the future.
And we'd really love to invite you back again because we didn't even touch on the occult and the influence of that in Europe and in Ireland.
You know, we have, you know, huge issues- talking points here in ireland around that and i would really love to have you back on again and i'd also like to invite your wife um cynthia on at some point as well if she wouldn't mind popping on for a chat um at some stage oh yeah no i'd be honored and i'm sure cynthia would be more than happy to to share her her research as well this is this has been fun and uh yeah i look forward to our next chats and for those who who might have been peaked as far as curiosity-wise, by what you've just said about the occult and we've been brushing on this but we didn't really go there,\so maybe could you say a word or two about that as we end?
Yeah, that could feed our future conversation.
I recently released a three-volume trilogy called Revenge of the Mystery Cults.
I'm sort of encouraging people right now to try to pick it up and to dive into it, which goes from the ancient organization of these mystery religions and their rebranding as far as I alluded to how these things went underground, created things like the Knights Templar, Hospitaller, Knights of Malta, Jesuits.
So I sort of map a lot of that stuff out in a fair degree of detail while also shaping a context so people could better understand what is Elon Musk, what is transhumanism and all of these other things.
So it's three volumes.
It's available on my website,
So that those are things that are, that are out there to be, to be read if, if people want to take a look.
Thank you so much, Matthew, for being so generous with your time and we loved having you on the space and we look forward to our next discussion and hopefully having Cynthia on as well at some point.
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