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Breaking History Ep. 38: Understanding Turkey's Ottoman Revivalism and Operation Gladio part 1 (Special Guest: Col. Taner Watkins)
In this week’s episode of Breaking History, Gordon and I had the pleasure to speak with special guest Colonel Towner Watkins on the topic of Turkey, with a look to ancient history, the rise and fall of the Ottoman Empire, and the armadas of Nazi stay behinds who played driving roles in manipulating both Turkey, and the broader Middle East (and world) over the past 80 years.
Follow the Colonel on X here
Also watch for free our RTF Docu-Series “Escaping Calypso’s Island: A Journey Out of Our Green Delusion” and our CP Docu-Series “The Hidden Hand Behind UFOs”.
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By Matthew Ehret · Hundreds of paid subscribers
Historical analysis, geopolitics, cultural warfare and other studies in Conspiracy Science
Excellent and timely presentation. Would appreciate a deeper dive into the occult roots of “Synarchism”, which to my knowledge was identfied by US Army Intelligence in WWII as the control network behind both the Communist and Nazi regimes and ideology. Anton Chaitkin presented an EIR article, on “Synarchy Against America”, on Sept 2, 2003, and “Occult Network” provides evidence of Synarchy being traced to French occult networks in the 18th Century. The formulation of Operation Gladio appears to have manifest from Synarchism. https://occult-world.com/synarchy/%0A%0A https://larouchepub.com/other/2003/3034synarch_v_amer.html
Great show, history and remarkable guest with great intel. I read today that 2 US military cargo ships are now stuck at Baltimore Harbour. Would they have been involved in "deliveries"